Memes: Nuevas micro narrativas audiovisuales. El término meme apareció por primera vez en 1976 en el libro El gen egoísta, del científico británico Richard Dawkins.
El autor lo definió en su obra como "la unidad teórica de información cultural, transmisible de un individuo a otro o de una mente a otra o de una generación a la siguiente". Actualmente es un término utilizado en el mundo de Internet para describir un formato audiovisual que permite expresar y transmitir de forma viral una idea a través de las redes sociales, noticias, blogs y otros servicios. Los memes son fuente de interesantes actividades micro narrativas . Por la variedad de recursos que ofrecen merece la pena dedicar algún tiempo a aprender su lenguaje y conocer sus posibilidades de aplicación en el aula. Aunque los memes más populares en Internet son humorísticos, también son utilizados para transmitir cualquier otro tipo de mensaje.
Desde leer.es te mostramos algunas herramientas y páginas web para que puedas crear tus propios memes.
Proyectos colaborativos
Fase de maestría herramientas técnicas y comunidad by aitorbarbosa91 on Genially. Free social media monitoring tools Archives - DreamGrow. Social Analytics. 48 Free Social Media Monitoring Tools _ DreamGrow Social Media. Free Instagram Analytics. 45 Free Social Media Monitoring Tools [UPDATE April 2016]
Last Updated on December 8th, 2019.
A Guide to using Social Media Monitoring Tools. Does my business really need Social Media Monitoring Tools?
Marketing guru and consumer behaviourist, Steuart Henderson Britt, was once quoted as saying, “Doing business without advertising is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you’re doing but nobody else does”. Fast forward to 2017 and businesses are presented with a whole new dilemma – not that of being seen by the metaphorical girl, but rather, listening to what she has to say. Like most things however, the social media monitoring tools leveraged in the pursuit of comprehensive online listening aren’t created equal. What’s more, the volume of content being shared online continues to increase rapidly. Moore’s law, a theory conceived of in the 1960s that has successfully predicted the exponential growth of computer hardware, has been referenced by Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg in forecasting the monumental future of social sharing.
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: 6 of The Best Tools for Creating Digital Learning Portfolios.
November 22 , 2016 Over the last few years we have reviewed several educational web tools and mobile apps that allow students to create and share digital portfolios.
In today’s post we are featuring some of our favourite titles and the ones we would recommend the most to teachers. Although the selection is subjective but is, nonetheless, based on an insider knowledge of the multiple advantages of each of these tools and well as on their growing popularity among educators and teachers. Have a look and share with us your feedback. Enjoy. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: An Excellent Tool to Help You Stay Focused.
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Over 40 iPad Math Apps for Elementary Students. 2017, Mobile Learning and Trends. Today, the world is changing at a faster pace than ever before.
Rapid change in technology, a significant surge in the number of smartphone users, and constantly evolving social media have changed the way people learn new things. Learning and development strategies of companies must change with time to address the emerging challenges. Organizations need to adopt modern tools and techniques that enable the people to learn in a most efficient manner.
Adopting traditional strategies such as “one size fit all” will neither help employees nor organizations in overcoming contemporary challenges.
La narrativa digital y sus posibilidades.
Flipped Learning
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Teacher Recommended: 50 Favorite Classroom Apps. Educators and students are quickly becoming more comfortable with classroom technology, allowing them to shift from thinking about the technical side of integrating a new tool to focusing on how it improves learning.
While the sheer number of education apps is still overwhelming, increasingly teachers have found what works for them and are sticking to them. “The conversations I had were radically different than they were a year ago,” said Michelle Luhtala, the librarian for New Canaan High School and host of an Emerging Tech webinar on edWeb. She tapped her professional learning network of educators, teaching all grades and located all over the country, to share their favorite tech tools.
English teaching apps
BYOD. Instructional Design. 67-open-source-replacements-for-really-expensive-applications-3. 38.Inkscape Replaces Illustrator ($599), CorelDraw($399) Another tool for graphics professionals, Inkscape is a vector graphics drawing program with many advanced features.
The Inkscape website also includes links to a library of open source clip art that you can use freely in your illustrations. Operating System: Windows, Linux, OS X 39.
Educational Technology and Mobile Learning. Digital games: interesting!
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