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PaaS. SaaS. Devops. Expert Magazine Qualité et industrialisation des développements mobiles - IT-expert magazine. Rachat de la division mobile de Nokia par Microsoft, avenir incertain pour BlackBerry… Le marché de la mobilité est hyperactif et en train de revivre une petite révolution.

expert Magazine Qualité et industrialisation des développements mobiles - IT-expert magazine

Il faut y voir le signe de son arrivée à maturité : réduction du nombre d’acteurs, rationalisation des plateformes, concurrence accrue. Le canal mobile a fait ses preuves et représente déjà pour certains un relais de croissance incontournable. Après l’euphorie des débuts, place aux services et produits mobiles durables. Dans le même temps, le nombre et la qualité des outils mis à disposition des développeurs mobiles ou produits par la communauté progressent significativement. Ils permettent de mettre en place une réelle politique de qualité dans les développements mobiles (tests unitaires et fonctionnels par exemple) et aident à l’industrialisation de ces derniers (intégration continue, voire déploiement continu). Évolution de la boîte à outils du développeur mobile Android Studio AppCode Extras Qualité sans compromis. [Private Cloud]: Configuring anti-affinity between VMs on Hyper-V 2008 R2 SP1 and VMM 2012.

Sometimes, virtual machines that should not reside on the same virtualization host.

[Private Cloud]: Configuring anti-affinity between VMs on Hyper-V 2008 R2 SP1 and VMM 2012

This comes into play with virtualized Exchange server roles, VMs that are part of a failover cluster, virtualized Active Directory domain controllers or sometimes a VMs in a web farm. In a private cloud environment, this is likely to come up occasionally, it helps to know how it works and how to configure this behavior. In VMware, you would configure this in their management UI. Hyper-V works differently, as you don’t configure this setting in VMM 2012. Highly available VMs in Hyper-V are based in failover clustering, this is where anti-affinity would be configured, using the AntiAffinityClassNames property. Modeling and Placement of Structured Cloud Services - structure-tnsm.pdf. Consortium - What is ow2stack?

Consortium -

Ow2stack is the cloud testbed for the OW2 community projects. Ow2stack runs OpenStack Grizzly, we will open it gradually as we explore the technical and governance challenges of running a testbed. Who has access to ow2stack? All OW2 project can use ow2stack for test and demonstration purposes. Access will be granted in priority to projects that want to test and demonstrate interoperability with other cloud platforms.

As ow2stack is in its launch phase a lot of fine-tuning is still required as you can imagine and five projects will be testing the waters for us during the first three months: CHOReOS, CompatibleOne, OpenCloudware, XLcloud and OW2 Proactive. Ow2stack will be fully open to all OW2 projects in October 2013. 99cloud. Partnerships, Expansion, Appointments, and Product Availability - Research Report on Microsoft, Amdocs, ADP, CA Technologies, and Citrix. NEW YORK, October 7, 2013 /PRNewswire/ -- Editor Note: For more information about this release, please scroll to bottom.

Partnerships, Expansion, Appointments, and Product Availability - Research Report on Microsoft, Amdocs, ADP, CA Technologies, and Citrix

Today, Analysts' Corner announced new research reports highlighting Microsoft Corporation (NASDAQ: MSFT), Amdocs Limited (NYSE: DOX), Automatic Data Processing, Inc. (NASDAQ: ADP), CA Technologies (NASDAQ: CA), and Citrix Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: CTXS). Today's readers may access these reports free of charge - including full price targets, industry analysis and analyst ratings - via the links below. Microsoft Corporation Research Report On September 30, 2013, Microsoft Corporation (Microsoft) announced that Delta Air Lines (Delta) will equip its 11,000 pilots with electronic flight bags using the Microsoft Surface 2 tablets, which will replace the traditional 38-pound flight bags maintained on board aircraft for each pilot.

Amdocs Limited Research Report Automatic Data Processing, Inc. Cloud Orchestrator Demonstration. Cloud Orchestrator Demonstration. Cloud & Big Data. Metaframeworks in practice, Part 3: Five Elements. What frameworks do we need to make sense of relationships, interdependencies and dynamics across the the whole of an enterprise?

Metaframeworks in practice, Part 3: Five Elements

This is the third of five worked-examples of metaframeworks in practice - on how to hack and ‘smoosh-together’ existing frameworks to create a tool that will help people make sense of a specific business-context: Metaframeworks in practice, Part 1: Extended-Zachman. Continuous Delivery in the Cloud - Part 1: Overview. This article is part of a series to demonstrate what a continuous delivery pipeline in the cloud can look like.

Continuous Delivery in the Cloud - Part 1: Overview

My colleagues Alexandra Klimova, Ronald Hötschl and I have worked on this demo and want to give you a brief overview of continuous delivery, its advantages and how it can be put to action. You will not need any hardware to setup your own delivery pipeline – “It’s all in the Cloud”. Everything you get to see is running on Amazon EC2 WebServices and open source tools. All you need is time for the articles and a credit card & phonenumber to get yourself registered for the Amazon Cloud Services. If you do not want to use Amazon WebServices you can also use your own servers or other virtualization software like VMWare.

Here is a list of upcoming articles in this series on continuous delivery. Let’s go! Introduction Continuous Delivery is about automation of the software development process. Continuous integration has become part of the software development process in most companies. (17) Amazon S3: How is Dropbox implemented using AWS S3.
