Femmes noires et viol. Anna Gueye m'a fait passer ce lien : "Black Women, Sexual Assault and the Art of Resistance" 60% des femmes noires américaines auraient été agressées sexuellement avant l'âge de 18 ans (il y a 7 ans, le pourcentage était de 40%).
Pour une femme blanche qui porte plainte, 5 ne le font pas. Pour les femmes noires, on monte à 15. Il faut étudier l'histoire des noirs aux Etats-Unis pour comprendre cette différence. Sur les 455 homme exécutés pour viol entre 1930 et 1967 aux Etats-unis, 405 étaient noirs, nous rapporte Angela Davis. Gerda Lerner écrivit au début des années 70 "le mythe du Noir violeur des femmes blanches est parallèle à celui de la mauvaise femme noire. Car, comprenons le, l'idée du noir violeur a légitimé le lynchage. L'esclavage reposait autant sur les violences physiques que sexuelles. Entre 1882 et 1968, 4742 hommes noirs ont été lynchés dont la moitié dans le Mississippi, la Géorgie, le Texas, l’Alabama et la Louisiane. Comment dans ces cas là porter plainte ? Femmes poursuivies pour dénonciation calomnieuse pour avoir dénoncé des violences sexuelles : des sorcières modernes.
En Suisse, les violeurs invités à consommer des prostituées. Le 31 janvier 2014, la presse suisse révélait que des violeurs d’une extrême dangerosité incarcérés dans des unités thérapeutiques sont autorisés à faire des sorties non-officielles pour aller voir des prostituées en ville de Genève et ceci en étant accompagnés uniquement par un-e sociothérapeute (presque toujours des jeunes femmes, évidemment), donc sans gardien.
En Suisse : internement de luxe pour les criminels dangereux grâce à des diagnostics de maladie mentale. The Myth of the Teenage Temptress: Or Why A Young Girl Can Not Consent to Sex With An Adult Man. I started having sex with adult men when I was 13 years old.
Neglected at home and ostracized at school, I found comfort in the sexual attentions of older men. Unlike boys my own age, who cruelly taunted me, older men were nice to me. Unlike my emotionally distant father, older men paid attention to me. They were grooming me, but to that chubby, attention-starved teenage girl, their attentions felt a lot like love. And so I created Prodigy chat rooms with names like "13yo girl home alone" and spent hours chatting and having phone sex with the men who would find me there.
I was not coerced. And yet, on Monday, Stacey Rambold, a Senior High teacher convicted of raping 14-year-old Cherice Morales, who later committed suicide, was sentenced to spend just 30 days in jail. "R. Kelly est un monstre et personne n'ose le dire" Porno : pourquoi il fallait dénoncer le réalisateur Pierre Woodman et ses méthodes. Capture d'écran du site Le Tag Parfait, réalisée le 18 décembre 2013.
Il y a une petite dizaine d'années, quand j'ai croisé pour la première fois un clip de Pierre Woodman, je n'y ai pas cru – coucou la dissonance cognitive. Tout sonnait faux. Pédophilie : le «comportement aguicheur de la victime» vaut du sursis à un Britannique. Unseat Judge Who Let Rapist Off With 30-Day Sentence. Name not displayed, United Kingdom Apr 21, 09:12 Ms. s canon, United Kingdom Apr 20, 15:28 absolutely disgusting...
SACK HER FORTHWITH... Italie : un pédophile libéré, la fillette était "amoureuse" La Suède a brisé le tabou du viol. Machisme sans frontières. In Texas, Traffic Stops For Women Regularly Include Searches Of Their Vaginas. Texas state police regularly perform full body cavity searches of women during routine highway traffic stops for minor infractions, like tossing a cigarette out the window, or speeding.
The searches are performed in full view of other drivers on the highway, include penetration of the vagina and anus, and the officer performing the search does not always change gloves when searching more than one woman, according to a lawsuit. Police car dash cam videos posted to YouTube show both black and white women being assaulted by the female officers, who are not always the officer initially involved in the traffic stop — forcing the accused to wait until a woman officer arrives. Texas state police say these searches are not regular procedure — nor should they be, as they are almost certainly unconstitutional. After Lawmaker Discloses Her Own Sexual Assault, Michigan Approves 'Rape Insurance' Bill Anyway.
By Tara Culp-Ressler "After Lawmaker Discloses Her Own Sexual Assault, Michigan Approves ‘Rape Insurance’ Bill Anyway" CREDIT: AP Photo/Joel Page On Wednesday evening, both chambers of the Michigan legislature approved a measure that will require women to purchase an additional insurance rider if they want abortion coverage, even in cases when the pregnancy resulted from rape or incest.
It will take effect 90 days after lawmakers adjourn, making Michigan the ninth state to restrict coverage of abortion on the private insurance market — an increasingly popular method of imposing barriers to the procedure. Opponents decried the legislation as a “rape insurance” bill, pointing out that victims of sexual assault would be forced to pay out-of-pocket for an abortion procedure unless they had thought ahead and purchased a separate rider.
Judge Blames 10-Year-Old Victim for Her Own Rape. The New York Times Puts Another Alleged Rape Victim on Trial. How Colleges' Lenient Sexual Assault Policies Allow Serial Rapists To Escape Punishment. By Tara Culp-Ressler "How Colleges’ Lenient Sexual Assault Policies Allow Serial Rapists To Escape Punishment"
Las Vegas woman sexually assaulted by court officer, then arrested for reporting it. By David FergusonSunday, July 28, 2013 18:53 EDT Several managers and employees of the Clark County Family Court in Las Vegas are under investigation in the wake of an alleged sexual assault on a woman in court and a subsequent cover-up.
According to Las Vegas CBS Channel 8, a court marshal assaulted the woman, then arrested her in front of her two-year-old daughter for creating a disturbance in court as a judge looked on and did nothing. The incident took place in August of 2011. Monica Contreras and her daughter went to family court as part of a routine divorce case. Contreras was approached by Court Marshal Ron Fox, who ordered her into a side room for a random drug search.
On courtroom video, a confrontation can be seen in which Marshal James Kenyon arrests Contreras on charges of making false accusations against a police officer. One Of The Steubenville Rapists Has Been Freed After 9 Months. By Annie-Rose Strasser on January 6, 2014 at 10:06 am "One Of The Steubenville Rapists Has Been Freed After 9 Months" Ma’lik Richmond, one of the two young football players who was found “delinquent” of having raped a young girl in Steubenville, OH, last year, has been freed from his sentence at a juvenile detention facility.
Alabama Looked The Other Way As Prison Staff Habitually Raped Women, Demanded Sexual Favors, DOJ Finds. By Carimah Townes "Alabama Looked The Other Way As Prison Staff Habitually Raped Women, Demanded Sexual Favors, DOJ Finds" Harvard accusé d’inaction face aux viols d’étudiantes sur son campus. États-Unis : l'IVG après un viol, bientôt un délit ? President Obama on Leno Tonight: 'Rape Is Rape. It Is a Crime.' Few of us remember the days before Roe v. Wade, the days that Romney and Ryan want to take us back to. It seems quaint, a fantasy, a Mad Men vision. Teenager Raped, Then Jailed and Refused Medical Treatment. Facebook : un groupe d'adolescents violeurs met la Nouvelle-Zélande en émoi. Un groupe de jeunes hommes d'une vingtaine d'années se vantait sur Facebook d'avoir couché avec des filles qu'ils avaient fait boire. When the Perpetrator Goes Free and the Victim Is Imprisoned.
Feminism | Posted by Rosamund C on 01/17/2011 the punishment for being raped? It seems impossible but it’s true: although her sentence has just been overturned, in Britain recently, a woman was sent to jail for accusing her husband of rape, then retracting the accusation. Although this story has received little coverage except in The Guardian, a left-wing daily national, it caught my eye at once. The story goes like this: the woman, ‘Sarah’, was being repeatedly abused by her husband. One night, after brutally raping her, she summoned up the courage to dial 999 and her husband, ‘Ray’, was arrested.
False allegations of rape and domestic violence are few and far between. The Crown Prosecution Service has come a long way in dealing with cases involving violence against women and girls. In the last year (2011-12) we have seen the conviction rate rise to 73%, delivering the lowest attrition rates ever recorded. The Enliven Project – The truth about false accusation. The fear of getting falsely accused of rape just doesn’t compare to the fear of an actual rapist getting away with his or her crime. Statistics from Justice Department, National Crime Victimization Survey: 2006-2010 and FBI reports. NOTE (2/6/13): As so many people continue to visit this site and share this convo-graphic, we’ve updated this post to include the context from this post.
As a wife, mom, survivor, and regular person until Monday morning, I am overwhelmed and astounded by the reaction and response to the “Truth About False Accusation” infographic, and encouraged by the dialogue that has emerged as a result of it. Thank you to each and every person who shared it, debated it, loved it, and hated it. 5 Things More Likely To Happen To You Than Being Falsely Accused Of Rape.
Victims’ Advocates “Schooled in Man-Hating” Sexual assault, sexual harassment and domestic abuse are pervasive problems in the U.S. military. Commendably, the Pentagon is taking action by requesting policy recommendations from Wellesley College’s Centers for Women. The Pentagon awarded the grant earlier this year to come up with ways to implement a central Office of the Victim’s Advocate. It would augment similar programs in the different service branches to assist women who face the type of abuse that took place at the Air Force Academy last year, and has been alleged in other branches through the years.
Seems reasonable enough to me, especially considering that 28 percent of female veterans reported sexual assault during their military careers. HerbsandHags: What's wrong with consent? “There’s a problem with consent? En Chine, révélations en série sur des viols d'enfants par des officiels. La Chine découvre avec horreur que les viols d’enfants de 10 à 14 ans par des professeurs d’écoles primaires ou des officiels du gouvernement sont un phénomène assez ordinaire. Au moins huit affaires de ce type ont été dévoilées au cours des trois dernières semaines, entre autre par des parents qui se sont exprimés via l’internet.
Le test de virginité, un passeport pour le lycée. Contre le viol, des étudiantes indiennes inventent le soutien-gorge électrique. As More Anti-Rape Protests Erupt In India, Police Arrest Activists. Le débat sur les violences sexuelles agite la société indienne. Condamnation pour un viol collectif : colère de la presse indienne. Calcutta : violée deux fois, puis brûlée vive. En Inde, une femme « condamnée » à un viol collectif. Maldives: Le gouvernement s'engage à protéger une jeune ressortissante. Dilma Rousseff promulgue une loi sur les violences sexuelles très critiquée par l'Eglise. Au Maroc, une avancée vers la reconnaissance du viol conjugal. Maroc : une femme condamnée à 10 ans de prison pour avoir tué son violeur. Living Legacy of Machismo: Rape Victim Charged for Self-Defense. Un Saoudien qui a violé, torturé et tué sa fille libéré après avoir payé le «prix du sang»
Irak: Polémique autour d'un projet qui pourrait légaliser le mariage dès 9 ans. Mariage des enfants en Irak. La loi qui transforme les fillettes en esclaves. Save 26 year old Rayhaneh Jabbari from being hanged in Iran. Iran rape victim bound for gallows unless she changes story. Fury in Morocco after king pardons Spanish paedophile who raped 11 local children. Maroc : le roi annule la grâce accordée au pédophile espagnol. Des manifs prévues au Maroc après la grâce d’un pédophile espagnol. La Norvégienne condamnée, après avoir été violée à Dubai, a été graciée. Kenya : un viol collectif banalisé. #JusticeforLiz march in Nairobi delivers 1.3 million-strong petition.
Les violeurs d'une ado condamnés à tondre la pelouse - monde.