Summer Schools. 28th July - 21rst August 2014 Head Instructors: Ann Andersen & François Lallier Objectives Biodiversity of Marine Fauna is a Master’s-level course in Marine Biology that primarily aims to teach taxonomy of marine animals for the identification of the typical coastal habitat species in their natural environment.
This course naturally includes the biology and ecology of marine animal species in relationship to their habitat. The course revolves around a number of field outings to various types of coastal habitat, accessible at low tide, and during which in situ observations, surveys and sampling are carried out. Biodiversity: The Diversity of Ecosystems, Genes and Species - Osnabrück University. Course I. Module I: Discovering the open sea - The challenges of studying a 3-dimensional environment Contents of the course This course gives an insight into various aspects of marine biology, the challenge of studying highly mobile species in the open seas, the means available and the application of science to conservation frameworks.
Related topics such as oceanography, marine spatial management and ecology will be studied in the context of the Mediterranean Sea. Main topics Basics of oceanography, and open ocean ecosystems.Understanding the movements of top pelagic species, mainly cetaceans and sea turtles.Combining in-situ data sampling with telemetry data.Special aspects of the Mediterranean Sea.Environmental problems and conservation.
Methods Credits. Frankfurt Summer School. Cost © Goethe-Universität Frankfurt/Uwe Dettmar What you need for living The programme fee for participants is 1,800 €.
The fee covers all tuition fees, accommodation, the cultural programme and health insurance. Students registered at one of our partner universities will receive an attractive discount. Please note that all participants have to take care of the visa application including covering the visa application fees themselves if they need a visa for Germany. Ecological Data Analysis 2014.
Genetics Society Website > Funding > Genes and Development summer studentships. SRP at a glance. The Lab Each student will be matched with a specific laboratory based on the student's interest and background.
The student will be working as as member of the research group for a period of eight weeks under supervision of the lab head or a member of his/her research group (graduate student or postdoctoral fellow) on a specific project related to the laboratory's research programs. The lab assignments are decided within a week or two after the selection process is completed. Friday Seminars The participants will attend a series of weekly seminars and workshops given by faculty and researchers from the EPFL.
The seminars will cover a variety of topics ranging from research by EPFL faculty, scientific writing and presentation, as well as preparing for graduate school and a career in science. Studium Biologie - International Biology Undergraduate Summer School. Application-form summer 2014 (time for applications: January 13 - March 1, 2014) Objective of the summer school:The Zurich Biology Undergraduate Summer School (BUSS) gives under - graduate students in the life sciences the chance to perform a significant research project in one of the participating laboratories of University of Zurich or the ETH Zurich.
Thanks to the intense curriculum of the BUSS, participating students not only become familiar with laboratory methods and theoretical principles, but also gain skills in scientific reasoning and scientific communication. The BUSS is taught in English. Participation is open to all students during their Bachelor (BA or BSc) studies. Welcome to the VBC Summer School - Vienna Biocenter PhD Programme. The Vienna Biocenter Summer School provides a unique opportunity for approx. 20 undergraduate students to work side by side with leading researchers in a dynamic scientific environment.
Our programme aims to attract talented students from around the world, creating a vibrant and diverse atmosphere. It is the perfect preparation for those students who are interested in graduate study in the life sciences arena. Applicants who are successful are provided with accommodation, a travel allowance and a stipend for the duration of the scholarship. The school is a collaboration between four of Europe's leading research institutes: Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Institute of Molecular Biotechnology (IMBA), Max F. Biology education in Stockholm. This information is primarily intended for students who are considering carrying out a traineeship (workplace experience) as part of their education.
It describes the structure and organisation of the course. The course aims The principal aim of the traineeship is that you obtain both experience in general of working life, and experience in particular of a workplace in which biological knowledge can be used. You will have the opportunity of applying in practice the knowledge and skills that you have acquired during your education. It is also an aim that you will find out how work with a biological aspect is organised and carried out at, for example, a company or an authority.
Extent, eligibility and application The traineeship in biology is a course at Master/Second level, and may correspond to either 7.5 or 15 ECTS credits. In order to be eligible for the course, you must have a Bachelor degree together with at least 15 ECTS credits in biology at Master/Second level. Who decides what? Summer Schools. Studium Biologie - International Biology Undergraduate Summer School. COURSES@CRG: Practical Summer Course: Modeling for Systems Biology. We would like to invite you to the fourth Practical Summer Course: Modeling for Systems Biology.
The 2014 edition of this successful course is again a joint initiative between the CRG and and will take place from Sunday June 29th till Friday July 4th, 2014 at the PRBB in Barcelona. The Systems Biology Summer Course aims to provide a broad introduction to systems biology, with a focus on dynamical modeling of networks, to an audience of PhD students and post-docs with a background in biology or bioinformatics. In addition to introducing researchers to new techniques and know-how, this course aims at fostering interactions between students and established figures in the field of systems biology. Sunday: optional introductory session on elementary calculus and algebra (ordinary differential equations, linear algebra) and an introduction to Matlab. Greek summer school - Home. Greek Summer School in Conservation Biology GSS-2014: Biodiversity Theory and Practice Zagori, Greece, 23 June to 4 July, 2014 Aim To equip participants with an understanding of the principles of modern biodiversity theory.
They will learn practical skills for biodiversity fieldwork including sampling design and monitoring. Principal instructors John M Halley, University of Ioannina, Greece Gabor Lövei, Aarhus University, Denmark Alessandro Chiarucci, University of Siena, Italy Vassiliki Kati, University of Patras, Greece Stefanos Sgardelis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece Athansios S. Course Contents The course will involve lectures, fieldwork, computer labs and an individual project in roughly equal proportions. Notes: Each participant will work on a project (this might include data that they have already collected).
Location: Zagori, Epirus, Greece (Ano Pedina village) Duration: 12 days Eligibility: IMCC 2014. To conserve the world’s oceans we must go beyond science, and use it to inform policy and management, and ultimately to catalyze change.
The Society for Conservation Biology's International Marine Conservation Congress (IMCC) brings together conservation professionals and students to develop new and powerful tools to further marine conservation science and policy. Late-Breaking News & Headlines: Second Call for Abstracts Have you just uncovered interesting marine study results? Has a conservation issue recently taken the foreground?
Does a new marine policy need discussion? Due to more meeting space becoming available, IMCC 2014 is opening a second Call for Abstracts in our effort to showcase the most up-to-date marine conservation science, policy and communications. Summer School in Integrated Structural Biology - From molecules to cells and organisms: thinking out of the box. Corsi - ISSD2. Introduction to Marine Biology. Beginners and advanced students appreciate the wide array of contents of this course to approach the largest ecosystem on earth, the sea.
Course directors are the biologists Miriam Weber and Matthias Schneider. Miriam received her PhD from the University of Bremen with a thesis on sediment effects on coral, in collaboration with the Australian Institute of Marine Science and the Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology, Bremen. She is a diving instructor and underwater photographer. Miriam has taken part in several scientific expeditions to Antarctica, the tropics, the Mediterranean Sea and to high-alpine lakes. Malta Summer School 8th-13th July 2013. The JERICO Malta Summer School Operational Oceanography in the 21st Century The Coastal Seas 8th to 13th July 2013 University of Malta, MALTA. Summer Course on Microbial Oceanography. The Center for Microbial Oceanography: Research and Education (C-MORE) in the School of Ocean and Earth Science and Technology (SOEST) at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa (UHM) is pleased to offer an international summer course “Microbial Oceanography: Genomes to Biomes.”
The course is sponsored by the Agouron Institute, the National Science Foundation (NSF), SOEST, and C-MORE. It is offered to graduate students and post-doctoral researchers, and will explore the dynamic and fundamental role marine microbes play in shaping ocean ecology and global biogeochemistry. The 2014 summer course will be held May 27 to June 27, 2014 The application deadline is has passed. For more information, download the flyer PDF. Summer programmes - Ecole de biologie UNIL. | UNIL Accueil | UNIL Actualités | UNIL Interne | Faculté de biologie et de médecine School of biology You are here: UNIL > School of biology > For students > Summer programmes Français | English MyUNIL. Homepage -Tropical Biology Association - Jobs - EURAXESS.