Tidbits: What is Being Held Back from You. (Before It's News) Paulson of Treasury, Bush of Turkeyland, The Men Who Looted America Let’s start this out with an attention grabber. Out there, somewhere is a photograph of Osama bin Laden and George H. W. Bush, shaking hands in the White House. The actual trained journalists around me beat this into my head. The cover story is that their son, Osama, went a bit off and began blowing things up. I had discussed bin Laden with General Hamid Gul, with Susan Lindauer and with his CIA handlers. Let’s take a second about the hijackers. Well over a year ago, Fox News “outed” this operation, partially at least, with proof that the US government knew about 9/11 in advance.
What we have since learned is that the evidence brought forward about the attacks was a deception plan for the real attack, which was staged by the US government along with help from Israel. I have met other CIA and FBI employees including one former member of congress who knew also. It goes further. He died on 9/11. ‘Mossad, Bush planned, executed 9/11’ A woman takes a moment to mourn lost relatives at the memorial site of the now destroyed World Trade Center, New York, the US, September 11, 2013.
Recent revelations published on the Press TV website, the New York Post and Veterans Today have changed history. The story was simple, two American congressional representatives were allowed to read the Congressional 9/11 Investigation Report, this time including the areas President Bush had ordered removed. US counter-terrorism abroad: Fighting terrorism or encouraging it? In his recent foreign-policy speech at West Point, President Obama insisted that the most direct threat to the US remains terrorism.
However, noting that invading every country that harbours terrorist networks was "naive and unsustainable", he announced that the United States needed to "shift our counter-terrorism strategy - drawing on the successes and shortcomings of our experience in Iraq and Afghanistan - to more effectively partner with countries where terrorist networks seek a foothold. " Our Planet's Future Is in the Hands of 58 People. Climate Change, Democracy, Development & Aid, Environment, Featured, Global Governance, Headlines, Human Rights, Poverty & MDGs, Regional Categories, TerraViva United Nations, World | Columnist Service - In case you missed it, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released the third and final part of a report on Apr. 13 in which it says bluntly that we only have 15 years left to avoid exceeding the “safe” threshold of a 2°C increase in global temperatures, beyond which the consequences will be dramatic.
And only the most myopic are unaware of what these are – from an increase in sea level, through more frequent hurricanes and storms (increasingly in previously unaffected areas), to an adverse impact on food production. Roberto Savio, founder and president emeritus of the Inter Press Service (IPS) news agency. Credit: IPS U.S. The key to any agreement is in the hands of the United States. And this brings us to a very simple reality. Antagonising Iran: A strategic miscalculation? - Opinion.
Even though it was a major exporter of crude oil and held some of the world's largest natural gas reserves, Iran made a compelling case over half-a-century ago that it needed, almost immediately, to produce an additional 20,000 megawatts of electricity by constructing 23 nuclear power plants.
Secret justice inside the EU courts - Opinion. The courts of the European Union are usually seen as protectors of fundamental rights and guardians against the abuse of power in the global war against terror.
But there is another process unfolding that is taking the EU courts in a rather different and more troubling direction. In March it was revealed that the European General Court (EGC) is seeking to rewrite its own rules to allow the use of intelligence as evidence in legal proceedings. While the executive and judiciary will be able to see secret material, people targeted by intelligence who bring legal challenges will not. Rules about evidence are usually of little interest outside of the circle of lawyers who use them everyday.
But these reform proposals contain a story of profound political significance that starts with Saddam Hussein and concludes with al-Qaeda and the threat of Iranian nuclear proliferation. US Court dismisses Yemen drone strike lawsuit - Americas. A US court has dismissed a lawsuit against President Barack Obama’s administration for drone-strike killings of three US citizens in Yemen in 2011.
Who Put Thermite In The World Trade Center? American Airlines Flight 77—The Key to the 9/11 Enigma? Sophisticated and elaborate plots are often plagued with one or more serious flaws or oversights, which if followed up doggedly would expose them as malicious frauds.
More often than not, such flaws are discounted or massaged by the architects and their abettors and although the explanations may not be generally accepted by astute observers they do contribute to the convoluted and tortuous pattern of evidence that keep researchers running in circles and chasing rainbows. To solve the entire 9/11 puzzle—to connect all the dots—would certainly be desirable. But to dilute one’s efforts by taking in all the broad aspects of the entire series of events at the outset would be unproductive. Seven years have elapsed since the attacks took place at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon and many of the pieces to the 9/11 puzzle still remain scattered and disconnected.
That is indeed a strange story. Did Olson contact his superiors about his wife’s calls? Ted Olson was a team player.