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QR Code Generator. Conversor online - convertir gratis vídeos, imágenes, audio y textos. Free Technology for Teachers: gClassFolders Helps You Organize Google Drive Files Shared by Your Students.

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Vídeos. Audio. Rúbricas. RubiStar Home. Home of free rubric tools. Welcome to iRubric iRubric is a comprehensive rubric development, assessment, and sharing tool.

Home of free rubric tools

Designed from the ground up, iRubric supports a variety of applications in an easy-to-use package. Free Screen Sharing and Online Meeting Software. Mighty Meeting - Support iPhone / iPad. TodaysMeet. Collaborative Screen Sharing. Software de conferencia Bridgit. Create strong connections Bring guest lecturers or experts from anywhere in the world by setting up virtual presentations for your students.

Software de conferencia Bridgit

They can collaborate with these experts and gain a deeper understanding of a concept or research.

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Revistas y cuadernos. Control de la clase. GoClass by LearingMate. Award-winning LMS for teachers and school administrators. Pizarras digitales. Imágenes. Presentaciones. Generate Your Own Twitter Logo. Le générateur de certificats BRAVO.

Guardar recursos. Comunicacion con padres.