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Award-winning learning management system for teachers and school administrators

Award-winning learning management system for teachers and school administrators

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The Complete Guide To Twitter Hashtags For Education What is a hashtag? A word or phrase preceded by a “#.” How do hashtags work? Twitter can be a busy place with lots of tweets–and thus lots of “noise.” A #hashtag is a way to aggregate tweets that are appended with a hashtag. Picture it like a magnet that attracts all messages categorized by that topical word or phrase. Kanban Tool Support Get important email alerts on your board! Stay on top of new notifications and visualize the alerts on your project boards. You can integrate email alerts from any software you are using. Follow this sample MOZ guide to activate your board alerts You can integrate MOZ alerts with Kanban Tool and stay up to date with all important notifications. Our Marketing board template is designed for the alerts to be stored in the very first column.

Detail New European Schoolnet Academy courses will start this spring, after the incredible success of last year's courses. Almost 10,000 participants enjoyed the Academy courses in 2014, with a hugely positive feedback. Develop your teaching skills in just 30 minutes per day, join us on two exciting MOOCs this April, designed by teachers for teachers.

Building Literacy Every Day By Pearson Early Learning Every time you read a book, write a note, sort the laundry, check the TV listings, or recount the day’s happenings, you are using skills young children need to have to be ready to learn to read and write. Here are some simple activities you and your child can do together. Learning New Words Name Games Play simple naming games with your child. You can ask, “What is This?” Learning Disability Help: Children with Learning Disabilities « – your guide to disability rights and disability truths. Children with learning disabilities may have certain disabled children rights but they can still have a very tough childhood. They have to try extra hard to cope up with the others and may still fall behind if they lack proper learning disability services. A child with learning disability may never be cured but there are a number of learning disability resources available which makes their lives easier. Understanding a leaning disability student and providing them with appropriate help ensures a very prospective future for them. Understand a Child with Leaning Disability What is a learning disability?

Education ThingLink for teachers and schools Create visual experiences for student-centered learning Start now Building Responsive Layouts presentation at Responsive Web Design Summit Today I spoke at the online conference Responsive Web Design Summit 2012 on Building Responsive Layouts. I talked about two of the core components of responsive web design: fluid/liquid layouts and media queries. Much of the talk was focused on fluid layout techniques and tips: how to build a basic two- or three-column all-fluid layout, how to create fluid grids with fixed-width margin and padding, how to create a hybrid fixed-fluid layout, and how to calculate nested width, margin, and padding values. I then walked through adding media queries onto the fictional Little Pea Bakery site from my book Stunning CSS3 to demonstrate how to make a layout responsive to a variety of screen sizes and devices. Finally, I covered how to fix media query issues in iOS and IE 8 and earlier. You can view the slides on SlideShare, or download the slides here: by Jamie Keddie Uncle Sam - From Wikipedia: “Uncle Sam (initials U.S.) is a common national personification of the American government that, according to legend, came into use during the War of 1812 and was supposedly named for Samuel Wilson.” In the last few years, the original poster has become a bit of a meme. Instead of enlisting recruits for the US Army, Uncle Sam says, “I want you to tidy your room!” or “I want you to give up smoking!” Recently, I used this online poster generator to try to remind some naughty teens about the class rules that we had set up the week before. It worked (for a day).

English for Everyone "Your reading comprehension materials are the best I've found on the web. They are so thorough and comprehensive! My students and I have learned a lot from them. Thanks so much!" -- Susan B., Carter, KY. 03/21/12

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