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The Human Face of Big Data - Home. 4 Big Data Trends That Change Everything. Best Supercomputers Still Not Best for Big Data. This week, China reclaimed the distinction of running the world’s fastest supercomputer; it last held that first-place ranking for eight months starting in October 2010 with its Tianhe-1A machine.

Best Supercomputers Still Not Best for Big Data

Its new Tianhe-2 (“Milky Way–2”) computer is putting its competition to shame, however, performing calculations about as fast as the most recent No. 2 and No. 3 machines combined, according to Jack Dongarra, one of the curators of the list of 500 most powerful supercomputers and professor of computer science at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. Murphy chairs the executive committee of an alternative supercomputer benchmark called Graph 500. Named for the mathematical theory behind the study of networks and numbered like its long-established competitor, Top500, Graph 500 quantifies a supercomputer’s speed when running needle-in-a-haystack search problems.

It’s no mark against the Tianhe-2’s architects that a No. 1 ranking in Top500 doesn’t yield the highest Graph 500 score too. Lies, Damned Lies and Big Data. This is a guest post by David Hales, a fellow associate of the new complexity think-tank, Synthesis.

Lies, Damned Lies and Big Data

David specialises in computational social science and here he provides a thought-provoking response to the rise in big data, and some of the more outlandish claims made about it. For a good example of the latter, see Chris Anderson’s piece ‘The Data Deluge Makes the Scientific Method Obsolete‘. Big data: Two truths and five myths. Along with the hype, the concept of big data comes with its own collection of misconceptions and half-truths that one CTO is keen to dispel.

Big data: Two truths and five myths

Mention big-data analytics to Bob Harris, CTO at UK broadcaster Channel 4, and he immediately produces a list of pet hates. Top of the bugbears are IT people moaning about the technology's inherent difficulties. "All the time I come across people who tell me why they cannot do things. I don't know about you but my job is to do things, not can't do things. In reality, people hide behind the complexity," Harris said. "If you use the communities, you can meet people who are doing the same stuff.

Big Data — Calepin Spundge. Public OpineBoard for Big Data by OpineIT. Big Data, Cloud and Social everything. Data Science: Information Overload, Big Data. Technology Research. Are you trying to figure out how your enterprise can benefit from big data and why it's important?

Technology Research

Don't get left behind. Uncover the business opportunities you can derive from big data. You need to make the strategic decisions that will transform your business. Big Data. Big data. Big Data Explorer Web App - Learn About Big Data. Big Data. Big Data is the new Artificial Intelligence. This is the first of a couple columns about a growing trend in Artificial Intelligence (AI) and how it is likely to be integrated in our culture.

Big Data is the new Artificial Intelligence

Computerworld ran an interesting overview article on the subject yesterday that got me thinking not only about where this technology is going but how it is likely to affect us not just as a people. but as individuals. How is AI likely to affect me? The answer is scary. Today we consider the general case and tomorrow the very specific. The failure of Artificial Intelligence. It didn’t work. Artificial Intelligence or AI, as it was called, absorbed hundreds of millions of Silicon Valley VC dollars before being declared a failure. The human speed bump.

You see in today’s version of Artificial Intelligence we don’t need to teach our computers to perform human tasks: they teach themselves. Google Translate, for example, can be used online for free by anyone to translate text back and forth between more than 70 languages. Google Brain. 4) rinse repeat. Israel, Gaza, War & Data — i ❤ data.

Social networks and the art of personalizing propaganda It’s hard to shake away the utterly depressing feeling that comes with news coverage these days.

Israel, Gaza, War & Data — i ❤ data

IDF and Hamas are at it again, a vicious cycle of violence, but this time it feels much more intense. While war rages on the ground in Gaza and across Israeli skies, there’s an all-out information war unraveling in social networked spaces. Not only is there much more media produced, but it is coming at us at a faster pace, from many more sources. As we construct our online profiles based on what we already know, what we’re interested in, and what we’re recommended, social networks are perfectly designed to reinforce our existing beliefs. “In a broadcast society, there were gatekeepers, the editors, and they controlled the flows of information.

We’re not seeing different viewpoints, but rather more of the same. A healthy democracy is contingent on having a healthy media ecosystem. The Rise of Big Data. Everyone knows that the Internet has changed how businesses operate, governments function, and people live.

The Rise of Big Data

But a new, less visible technological trend is just as transformative: “big data.” Big data starts with the fact that there is a lot more information floating around these days than ever before, and it is being put to extraordinary new uses. Big data is distinct from the Internet, although the Web makes it much easier to collect and share data. Big data is about more than just communication: the idea is that we can learn from a large body of information things that we could not comprehend when we used only smaller amounts. In the third century BC, the Library of Alexandria was believed to house the sum of human knowledge. The Coming Era of Big Data for the Little Guy. Big data is big news these days.

The Coming Era of Big Data for the Little Guy

Yet much of the discussion has been about how big data will help big business. At Intuit, we believe the biggest opportunity is giving consumers and small businesses the power of data. The Real World of Big Data [Infographic] Big Data & Society. United Nations Global Pulse. Big Data. Big Decisions. A Reality Check on Big Data. A Reality Check on Big Data By Peter Sweeney (@petersweeney) The fervor around big data continues to grow.

A Reality Check on Big Data

The World Economic Forum and The New York Times are jumping on the bandwagon. While we share their enthusiasm for the potential, big data needs a reality check. Here are just a few of the how-do-you-get-there-from-here questions for anyone considering big data projects. Big Data : vers l’ingénierie sociale. “La physique sociale, c’est ce qui arrive quand le Big Data rencontre la science sociale”, expliquait récemment Sandy Pentland à l’IdeaCast, le podcast de la Harvard Business Review, en évoquant son dernier livre Social Physics, comment les bonnes idées se diffusent.

Big Data : vers l’ingénierie sociale

Pour Pentland, “l’extraction de la réalité” (reality mining) va rendre possible la modélisation mathématique de la société… Et c’est là une révolution scientifique qui s’annonce. Nous avons souvent évoqué les travaux de Sandy Pentland sur Il faut dire qu’il n’est pas n’importe qui. Il est l’un des chercheurs clef du Massachusetts Institute of Technology, comme le souligne le récent portrait que dressait de lui The Verge. Directeur du Laboratoire de dynamique humaine du MIT, il est l’un des 26 directeurs d’un groupe de recherche du Media Lab.

7 formas en las que el Big Data revolucionará la vida en 2020 #infografia. Top Big Data Executives and Experts to Follow on Twitter. NEW: Big Data vs Open Data - Mapping It Out - Open Data Now. Follow this site on Twitter and subscribe to biweekly Open Data Now Insights As I’ve worked on my upcoming book, Open Data Now – to be published by McGraw-Hill on January 10 – I’ve had to think through and explain how Open Data, Big Data, and Open Government are related to each other.

Lately I’ve seen a number of others, like the authors of the new McKinsey Open Data report (see page 4), try to map the territory in similar ways. The Open Data community is producing a lot of Venn diagrams these days, with a lot of colorful overlapping circles. (Some also deal with the use of Personal Data, but that’s one circle too many for me.) For my own contribution to the discussion, I’m proposing the model shown here. Big Data Needs a Big Theory to Go with It. As the world becomes increasingly complex and interconnected, some of our biggest challenges have begun to seem intractable. What should we do about uncertainty in the financial markets? How can we predict energy supply and demand? How will climate change play out? How do we cope with rapid urbanization? Our traditional approaches to these problems are often qualitative and disjointed and lead to unintended consequences. What does this mean? What makes a “complex system” so vexing is that its collective characteristics cannot easily be predicted from underlying components: the whole is greater than, and often significantly different from, the sum of its parts.

The digital revolution is driving much of the increasing complexity and pace of life we are now seeing, but this technology also presents an opportunity. Trends and Information on New Data Management Technologies. 17 short tutorials all data scientists should read (and practice) Run Big Data on SSD, Raw Disk, High RAM, or Dedicated Servers. News & Analysis on Big Data, the Cloud, Business Intelligence & Analytics. PIP_Future_of_Internet_2012_Big_Data_7_20_12.pdf. Big Data on the Web – What We Will Do. Big Data. Big Decisions. Big Data, Big Data Analytics. Why Big Data Will Never Beat Human Intuition. Big Data is big business. Sensors, GPS tracking, math modeling, and artificial intelligence offer companies real-time market insights at massive scale and open the door to unprecedented ways of monitoring, targeting, and measuring employees and customers.

Analyst firm Gartner predicts that enterprises adopting Big Data technologies will “outperform competitors by 20 percent in every available financial metric.” Big Data might well be “the new oil,” but I would caution us not to worship it as the new religion. I’m afraid that amidst all the data frenzy we are not only losing a more holistic view of business but also an important part of our humanity. 2 – Big data / Data mining. BigData/Dataviz artists/projects. BIGData. Category:Data collection. A chart of the big data ecosystem.

Big data. Visualization of daily Wikipedia edits created by IBM. Transform your business with data. Why Big Data Will Change the World. Big Data is THE biggest buzzword around at the moment, and I guess it makes sense to start my new ‘The Big Data Guru’ column with a post that goes back to basics and establishes what big data really is, what is isn’t and why it matters to everyone. One thing is certain: big data will impact everyone's life. Having said that, I also think that the term 'big data' is not very well defined and is, in fact, not well chosen. I also think the term is completely over-hyped but this just comes with the territory (software vendors and consulting companies need these buzzwords to generate interest and sell new products and services). Let me use this article to explain what's behind the massive 'big data' buzz and hopefully demystify some of the hype.

The Future of Big Data. Planet big data. The data store: on big data. Big Data News.