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Technorati. Top Blogs on Twitter - Huffington Post, TechCrunch, Engadget, and more - Twittorati. 50 Best Websites 2012. Red de bloggers. Social Media Report 2012. Huge number of Web sites barely visited, report finds. Editor's Note: The following article is reprinted from TechWorld.

Huge number of Web sites barely visited, report finds

The Internet, famously, has a long tail, but a new analysis has revealed another characteristic of this vast slew of obscure Web sites. Huge numbers of them are never visited. Analyzing visits to several million Web sites during the last quarter of 2009 for its State of the Web report (registration required), cloud security startup Zscaler created a Hilbert curve-generated "heatmap" of active and inactive IPv4 sites from real customer data. As expected, the grid that emerged from this showed clusters of active sites as white dots, a large volume of reserved or non-routed addresses in gray, but it was the sea of dark that loomed largest of all.

"It's a fascinating view which exposes just how vast the Internet truly is. Part of the explanation for what does not get visited in Zscaler's report might also be explained in relation to what does. Internet et médias sociaux : les grands chiffres 2012 - 2013. Quantcast. Top Ranking International Websites. Website rank tracking in real time - Rankinity.

Rank Directory - Websites Directory and Rank Aggregator. Compare Alexa,, Quantcast and CrunchBase Data - AttentionMeter. Majestic Million - BETA. The 100 Best, Most Interesting Blogs and Websites of 2013. Editor’s note: 2015’s list of the best, most interesting websites has arrived!

The 100 Best, Most Interesting Blogs and Websites of 2013

Welcome to one of the web’s most anticipated lists of the year: The 100 Best, Most Interesting Blogs and Websites of 2013. This is the second such list I have made since founding DailyTekk and it’s very special. A website can only be featured ONCE in this annual series, so make sure to check out last year’s list so you don’t miss 100 other amazing sites and blogs.

I’ve broken this monster list down into 19 categories and limited myself to five links per category (except for the last category) to ensure I whittled away all but what I thought were the most deserving candidates of right here and right now in 2013. This post kicks off a whole new year of incredible top 100 lists (see a summary of the best curated content from last year in The Ultimate Lifehack for 2013: 200+ Incredible Sites and Services). Cool DailyTekk – The best tech site you’ve never heard of. Viral Culture News Design Humor Men Women Photo Video. Alexa the Web Information Company. Tangled Web: The Most Linked to Pages on the Internet. Internet - What's Hot. All the Devices on the Internet Pinged. By World Wide Web Foundation. Compete.

The top 100 sites on the internet. Explore this interactive graphic to find out which are the biggest sites on the internet, as measured by the Nielsen company.

The top 100 sites on the internet

This feature is part of SuperPower, a season of programmes exploring the power of the internet. About this data The data used to generate the interactive treemap visualisation were collected by the Nielsen company and covers the UK, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Switzerland, Brazil, US and Australia. The figures represent unique users for the month of January 2010. The categories - such as retail, social networks, search/portal - were defined by the BBC. The maps were produced using the Prefuse Flare software, developed by the University of California Berkeley. Did you find this graphic useful? The 100 Best, Most Interesting Blogs and Websites of 2012 (Categorized)

Editor’s note: 2015’s list of the best, most interesting websites has arrived!

The 100 Best, Most Interesting Blogs and Websites of 2012 (Categorized)

I don’t know about you, but I’m constantly running into so many cool websites I want to remember or recommend to people but I don’t always have time to make a note of them, add them to Evernote, bookmark them in Delicious, etc. So this is a good example of a post I created as a personal (and completely unscientific) resource that other people will probably benefit from as well. Some of these sites are pretty new while others have been around for a while now, but they are all awesome right now in 2012.

So whether you are looking for a way to catch up on the latest Internet trends, want to find some exciting new content to load into your favorite news aggregating app or are just bored and need to waste some time online, this list represents hours of potential discovery. You might also like: Cool Curators. Most popular websites. Compete Pulse — Online Marketing Insights. Real-time Web Monitor. Observatoire du web et monitoring gratuit - Homepage. Internet Usage World Stats - Internet and Population Statistics.

Top 1000 sites - DoubleClick Ad Planner. eBizMBA - The eBusiness Knowledgebase. Top Websites - Most Visited Websites - Website Ranking - Top Sites: The 500 Most Important Websites on the Internet. Rankopedia - Rankings and discussions on sports, music, movies, TV, celebrities and more. Web 2.0 sites, rankings, traffics and logos - Web2List. Quickly check your site's Google PageRank, Alexa Rank and more! The Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis. Majestic SEO : Backlink Checker & Site Explorer. Internet Research, Anti-Phishing and PCI Security Services.

Web Statistics and Analysis. Trends. The Cooperative Association for Internet Data Analysis. Classement des meilleurs blogs (ex top blog wikio) The Internet: Then and Now [Infographic] - Who Is Hosting This: The Blog. Dynamic of ranking in complex systems. Trends Watch. Top 10 Media Trends. Internet Statistics & Social Media Usage. Data-Never-Sleeps-60-seconds-on-social-media-infographic.jpg (Image JPEG, 1288 × 2048 pixels) - Redimensionnée (39%)

Top blogs ranking (previously Wikio top blogs) Ebuzzing Our top rankings Ranking Top Blogs - All - May 2014 Blog ranking based on the score calculated by Ebuzzing which considers various numerous parameters including the number of backlinks, the number of shares of its articles on Facebook and Twitter MashableTechnology (1) Mashable covers the top social media news on topics like Facebook, YouTube, Gmail, Twitter, Amazon, Pinterest and More.

Top blogs ranking (previously Wikio top blogs)

Fast Company NowBusiness (1) Fast Company inspires a new breed of innovative and creative thought leaders who are actively inventing the future of business. Co.DesignGeneralist (1) Inspiring stories about innovation and business, seen through the lens of design. Just Jared Jr.Celebrity (1) Kevin DrumPolitics (1) MoJo Blogs TechCrunchTechnology (2) TechCrunch is a group-edited blog that profiles the companies, products and events defining and transforming the new web.

GawkerCulture (1) Today's gossip is tomorrow's news. Site analitycs. Hedonometer. Market share for mobile, browsers, operating systems and search engines. BuiltWith Technology Lookup. Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project.

Soti_slides_q1_2012.pdf (Objet application/pdf) State of the Internet - Official Akamai Internet Traffic Report. Infographic: The Incredible Growth of Web Usage [1984-2013] - Who Is Hosting This: The Blog. Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research. We study the structure and dynamics of Web traffic networks based on data from HTTP requests made by users at Indiana University.

Center for Complex Networks and Systems Research

Gathering anonymized requests directly from the network rather than relying on server logs and browser instrumentation allows us to examine large volumes of traffic data while minimizing biases associated with other data sources. It also gives us valuable referrer information that we can use to reconstruct the subset of the Web graph actually traversed by users.

Our Web traffic (click) dataset is available! Our goal is to develop a better understanding of user behavior online and creating more realistic models of Web traffic. The potential applications of this analysis include improved designs for networks, sites, and server software; more accurate forecasting of traffic trends; classification of sites based on the patterns of activity they inspire; and improved ranking algorithms for search results. Project Participants Mark Meiss Bruno Gonçalves Fil Menczer. Statsaholic: Website Statistics and Website Traffic Graphs. The size of the World Wide Web (The Internet) Ascore-2009-jan-ipv4v6-poster-1600x1068.png (Image PNG, 1600x1068 pixels) - Redimensionnée (76%) - Universe of rankings, rank it all! PageRank Research - PageRank Checker, Scanner and Display. Vote, create and share rankings about music, film, television, restaurants, sports...