Fun Online Games for Kids. Gingerbread Boy or Girl. Shapes. Shapes book (4-th form) Урок 5. Английский для детей. Геометрические фигуры. BabyTV - Free Baby Games - Tulli's World of Shapes. Match the pictures. Find the Shapes. Learning Shapes & Colors Game by Fisher Price Little People. Shapes Counting and Clapping Song for Children. Spot the Shapes (4-th form) Bubble & Pebble - Shapes Game. Colours, shapes, small/large. Mr. Shapey. Shapes animation. Learn Shapes for Children: Little Flyers.
Shapes. Shapes Vocabulary ESL Memory Game. Learn Shapes Vocabulary with this ESL Memory Game (star, rectangle, square, circle etc.) .
This game is also excellent for Vocabulary Teaching and Practice. ESL Learners and Teachers can use it to review English vocabulary or simply practice these words. This memory games has audio, images and text which makes it possible to practice spelling, reading, listening and word recognition. It is great for beginner and elementary ESL Lesson Plans. Please play this game at least twice to practice all words - The first time you play, only 6 words will be used, second time, other words will show up.
Games are great for motivating students to learn. More Games. Shapes Vocabulary Crossword. Shapes, Colors and Sizes ESL Vocabulary Game. Shapes - Listen and paint. Shapes Slider Puzzles. Basic shapes. Shapes English - Match. Teach English ESL EFL Shapes. Page in Japanese Target Language: Shapes Target Grade: Kindergarten to Elem 5 This song is on vol. 11 (Thanks to Frank in China for the video!)
This is one of those themes that kids can sometimes find a little boring, but not with this song! WARNING: It will stick in your head all day! How to teach .... The actions are simple, just mime each shape as you sing it. The words are introduced in a specific order to make it easier to teach some of the more complicated shapes really easily. Top 5 Classroom Shapes Games I put a shout out over on the blog the other day for everyone's favourite shapes games. 1. 1. 2. Give the kids pieces of string (or rope). 3. (Can you see which one is missing ?) 4. Use the Let's make a monster song but this time add in shapes as well as colours and body parts. e.g. 5. Put the minicards in a bag. 6.
Get some pictures of Christmas trees from magazines or google images. Enjoy! Readers Comments: Home Lessons Games Help Shop Phonics Learn Curriculum CD Owners Club Forum CD Order Blog. Colorful Shape Making game. Learning basic shapes. Learning Shapes With Krog. Shapes picture book. Click here to download a printable pdf Shapes Click here to read Shapes online.
Click here to download the audio narration mp3 of Shapes Additional Free Resources: Use these free resources together with the I Like Shoes book to make an even better learning experience: Dream English has a great free mp3 download of a shapes song for kids!