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Carnettistes Helvétiques – Promouvoir des activités en lien avec l’art du carnet. Eight marvelous and melancholy things I've learned about creativity. Ralph Ammer. James Oses. Dongore. Atelier Novotny – Paintings by Daniel Novotny. Clean blue sketch traditional line-art to color it digital with in Krita - David Revoy. Intro This is a tutorial about the "traditional to digital" topic.

Clean blue sketch traditional line-art to color it digital with in Krita - David Revoy

You'll see all the step I use for drawing, scanning and cleaning my traditional line-art when I use this technique on my webcomic Pepper&Carrot. In the first part of the tutorial, I'll show you my workflow for sketching, and 'inking' with pencil. In the second part, we will scan the lines, and clean them in Krita to keep only the pencil artwork. In the last part, I'll show how to tint the lines, and make them transparent to be ready to receive a full color work later. 1.

I start with a sheet of A4 random tiny sketches. 2. I take my reference on the side of my desk [1] and with a new sheet of paper I start drawing guidelines [2] . 3. I keep drawing with my blue pencil, and add details. 4. With my kneaded eraser, I soft erase my blue sketch. 5. I 'ink' my drawing with Stabilo lead pencil 0.5mm B , it's soft on my Bristol paper ; and allow me dark and light grey variations. it's also very precise. How to Scan Your Artwork for Reproduction on Society6 Products.

But I thought scanning is just clicking a button?

How to Scan Your Artwork for Reproduction on Society6 Products

It is! But that is if your artwork is in a size that fits the scanner, is completely flat and that everything is set to the correct settings. There are a lot of other important considerations when scanning something for art reproduction. 10 Activities To Generate Better Ideas – IDEO U. Brendan Boyle, IDEO partner and founder of the IDEO Play Lab, joined us on the Creative Confidence Podcast to share how to bring more playfulness into your work.

10 Activities To Generate Better Ideas – IDEO U

Get into a creative mindset and generate an abundance of new ideas with his favorite creative warm ups and group activities. This is the first in a series of articles about our conversation with Brendan. What’s for dinner? That’s a question we ask almost every day. Yet, most people only come up with two or three ideas before making a decision. We’re so good at converging because we practice decision making at work and in life all the time. Brendan is an IDEO partner and founder of the IDEO Play Lab, a toy invention studio that has designed and licensed over 200 consumer products, including the new board games Plumber Pants and Pictionary Air. Pencil Questions Divide your group up into pairs. This activity is a lesson in curiosity. Collections – The Henry Moore Foundation.

Lotus and Birds by Zhu Da - Zhu Da. Découvrez "L'Original" — StablO. Creative Confidence by Tom & David Kelley. Design Kit. Musée Unterlinden. Cathy Beauvallet. Yu Zhao – artiste peintre. Verde al natural, de Santi Sallés - Editorial GG. Métodos de pago Puedes pagar tus compras con tarjetas de crédito y débito: Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard, American Express.

Verde al natural, de Santi Sallés - Editorial GG

También puedes pagar con PayPal. Elizabeth Alley - Sketchwork. I heard somewhere that Amsterdam has the highest number of museums per capita in Europe?

Elizabeth Alley - Sketchwork

The world? It is the reason I've always wanted to go there. Cecilia Simonyi – Cecilia Simonyi illustrator. Jean-Claude Götting - Illustration. Visage – Sérigraphie – Jean-Claude Götting. Dessiner au musée? Un stage au musée des beaux-arts de Lyon le week end dernier m'a inspiré l'article qui suit.

Dessiner au musée?

On me demande parfois quel intérêt dessiner dans un musée présente-t-il. J'ai passé, et je passe encore, de longues heures à dessiner dans les musées, pour y observer, copier et étudier les œuvres qui y sont exposées. Copier une oeuvre peut simplement être un prétexte pour s'accorder un moment de contemplation.

En quoi, et de quelle façon, la pratique du dessin dans le musée peut-elle nous être profitable et nous faire avancer dans notre expérience personnelle? Things to know before you arrive in Amsterdam. Urban Sketchers Netherlands are proud to host the 10th International Urban Sketchers Symposium in cooperation with the international Urban Sketchers organisation.

Things to know before you arrive in Amsterdam

The local symposium team would like to give you some ideas on how to prepare for the symposium. Welcome to USk Amsterdam 2019! Here are a few things that you need to know before you start packing for the 10th International Urban Sketchers Symposium in Amsterdam. The Frequently Asked Questions article is also a good must-read if you haven’t yet. We update it often so be sure to check it in case you have some questions. We are looking forward to seeing you at check-in on Wednesday July 24th 2019 between 15:00 and 18:00 hr in the Zuiderkerk, Zuiderkerkhof 72 in Amsterdam.


Calendrier de l'avent - Lewis Trondheim. Gabriel Campanario – Urban Sketcher. EDUARDO BAJZEK. Veronica Lawlor. Nina Johansson. L'éloquence du dessin. Jérémy Soheylian, dessinateur et illustrateur sur Lyon et Paris. Sketch Away: Travels with my sketchbook. MOSTLY MONTREAL, MOST OF THE TIME. Róisín Curé Online Art Magazine - Life through art. Renato Palmuti. Storysketching by Pedro Loureiro – A sketch is worth a thousand stories. Homepage. Home - Ian Fennelly. W14_marc-taro-holmes.pdf. Slate Satchel – Etchr Lab. Matériel Beaux Arts, boutique en ligne spécialisée dans le matériel de beaux arts - ARTECH - Matériel Beaux Arts.

Art Deco Mumbai: Discover the city's heritage via an online map. Œuvres – Hom Nguyen. Ecole de dessin, peinture et sculpture - La Petite Académie - Avignon Lyon Montpellier Nantes Nancy Tassin Paris Toulouse - Miscellania. A blog about drawing, painting, illustration, comics, concept art and other visual arts. James Richards Sketchbook. Lively Alphabet.


Alain Lecarpentier. Expositions. UTCPBooklet16_02_Sato.pdf. Livre Photo Large paysage - smartphoto. Le livre photo idéal pour les photos panoramiques !

Livre Photo Large paysage - smartphoto

Vous êtes un amoureux de la photo et votre collection de paysages n'attend qu'à être exposée ? Faites découvrir à vos proches vos prises de vues avec ce livre photo spécialement conçu pour ces formats uniques. Il trônera avec fierté dans votre salon, pour le plus grand bonheur de votre famille et de vos amis ! Ce livre photo est disponible en 3 modèles : couverture rigide, couverture souple ou reliure avec spirales. Choisissez celui que vous souhaitez, vous pourrez toujours changer d'avis pendant la phase de création. CHF 19.90* FormatPaysage – 21 x 29,7 cm PapierImprimé sur papier de 200 g Reliure Spirales Couverture papier de 300 g Prix CHF 19.90 – 20 pages Jusqu'à 100 pages CHF 0.65 – Chaque page supplémentaire En savoir plus Je choisis ce Livre Emballage & Livraison Livraison Si vous commandez votre Livre Photo Large paysage aujourd'hui, nous vous l'enverrons entre le 03.06.2014 et le 04.06.2014.

Developpement photo, tirage photo et livre photo - Photoweb. Doodles in the sky: the city drawings of Thomas Lamadieu - in pictures.


Brown Academic Hoodie. The Academic Hoodie Do you sometimes yearn to be more thoughtful and erudite — or at least appear so to others?

Brown Academic Hoodie

For those occasions, we proudly present our brand-new Brown Academic Hoodie, the latest addition to our West Coast Workwear Collection. Consider this the more contemplative cousin of our hard-charging Executive Hoodies. In place of pinstriped suit wool, we crafted the Academic Hoodie from a wonderful brown herringbone tweed and professorial-grade leather elbow patches. Not surprisingly, it feels right at home around fragrant pipe smoke and a hot cup of Darjeeling tea. But rest assured it can handle martinis and cigars — or a Pabst Tall Boy and a family-size bag of Fritos, for that matter — with equal aplomb.

The Academic Hoodie: manufactured using the Socratic Method of Sewing. We made just a small batch of Academic Hoodies in our little San Francisco sew shop, so they won't stick around for long! Codex Sinaiticus - Home.


Design industriel. Graphisme. Co.Design: business + innovation + design. Information design. Télécharger gratuitement 35 000 chefs d’œuvre de la peinture en toute légalité, c’est possible ! Certes, rien n’égale le face à face avec un tableau pour en appréhender la beauté et tenter d’en percer les mystères.

Télécharger gratuitement 35 000 chefs d’œuvre de la peinture en toute légalité, c’est possible !

Mais se rendre au pied levé dans les différents musées du monde où les chefs d’œuvre sont conservés est rarement possible. L’un d’eux propose pourtant d’accéder gratuitement depuis chez soi à plus de 35 000 tableaux de grands maîtres, de pouvoir les contempler dans les moindres détails, de jour comme de nuit, et d’en conserver une copie numérique de haute définition : rapporte en effet que des milliers de tableaux de grands maîtres tels Cézanne, Rembrandt, Renoir ou encore Van Gogh ou Gauguin sont consultables, téléchargeables et utilisables gratuitement et légalement sur le site internet de la National Gallery of Art de Washington DC. Le site web de l’institution précise que l’initiative a pour but de "faciliter l’apprentissage, l’enrichissement, la jouissance et l’exploration".