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Furono arresti politici: la Russia condannata a risarcire Navalny. Due arresti "illegittimi", per "soffocare il pluralismo politico", e altri cinque "non necessari in una società democratica", tra il 2012 e il 2014.

Furono arresti politici: la Russia condannata a risarcire Navalny

La Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo ha condannato la Russia a risarcire Aleksei Navalny con 50.000 euro per danni morali, 1025 per danni matreriali, e 12.653 euro per le spese sostenute. Una sentenza non appellabile. "La Corte europea ha riconosciuto che si è trattato di arresti e persecuzioni a fini politici. È una decisione importante non solo per me, ma per tutte le persone che vengono arrestate in Russia ogni giorno", ha dichiarato il grande oppositore di Vladimir Putin, presente a Strasburgo al momento della lettura del verdetto.

La sua partenza per la Francia era stata bloccata dalle autorità russe. In prima istanza la Corte aveva già condannato la Russia per violazione dei diritti di riunione e associazione, ma non aveva riconosciuto le motivazioni politiche. Lavrov says Russian-Turkish talks on Syria were useful. © Vyacheslav Prokofyev/TASS MOSCOW, December 29.

Lavrov says Russian-Turkish talks on Syria were useful

/TASS/. Ucraina-Russia: Assemblea generale Nazioni Unite adotta risoluzione su militarizzazione Crimea. Ucraina-Russia: Assemblea generale Nazioni Unite adotta risoluzione su militarizzazione Crimea Mosca, 18 dic 09:23 - (Agenzia Nova) - L'Assemblea generale delle Nazioni Unite ha adottato, a maggioranza semplice dei voti, una risoluzione promossa dall'Ucraina sulla "militarizzazione della Crimea e di Sebastopoli, così come di parti del Mar Nero e del Mar d'Azov".

Ucraina-Russia: Assemblea generale Nazioni Unite adotta risoluzione su militarizzazione Crimea

Russia-Ucraina: la crisi travolge anche la Chiesa ortodossa - Affarinternazionali. Number of Protests in Russia Spikes in 2018, Researchers Say. Russia has seen hundreds more protests across the country this year compared to previous years, according to a report published by the Center for Economic and Political Reforms (CEPR).

Number of Protests in Russia Spikes in 2018, Researchers Say

In 2017, researchers from CEPR marked an uptick in protests compared to 2016, including Alexei Navalny’s anti-corruption rallies, Moscow residents’ pickets against a City Hall plan to demolish thousands of apartment blocks and truck drivers’ protests against a controversial road tax. Meanwhile, polls by the independent Levada Center this year recorded a growing willingness among Russians to take to the streets in defense of their interests as the Kremlin pushed through a controversial plan to increase the retirement eligibility age for men and women by 5 years. With less than two months to go before the end of 2018, CEPR researchers said they have already recorded over 2,500 protests this year compared to under 1,500 nationwide last year, according to the report published Thursday.

St. Scontri tra Russia e Ucraina a largo della Crimea. Financial Times: Ukraine’s church independence increases Russia’s isolation. Wagner Group. History, organization, status[edit] The founder of the company is reported to be Dmitriy Valeryevich Utkin, who was born in Kirovohrad Oblast (then the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic of the USSR) in 1970.[25][26][27] According to the Security Service of Ukraine′s statement in September 2017, Dmitriy Utkin used to be a Ukrainian citizen.[26] Up until 2013, he was a lieutenant colonel and brigade commander of a special forces (Spetsnaz GRU) unit (the 700th Independent Spetsnaz Detachment of the 2nd Independent Brigade) of Russia's Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU).[28][1][29] He retired in 2013 and began working for the private company Moran Security Group founded by Russian military veterans; the company performed security and training missions around the world, specializing in security against piracy.

Wagner Group

Operations[edit] Bomba al Politecnico in Crimea, 10 morti. Almeno 10 persone sono morte e altre 70 sono rimaste ferite in una esplosione avvenuta questa mattina nella mensa del Politecnico di Kerch, in Crimea.

Bomba al Politecnico in Crimea, 10 morti

Vladimir Putin’s plan to divide Europe is backfiring. The former Russian prime minister Viktor Chernomyrdin once famously quipped: “We wanted the best, but it turned out as always.”

Vladimir Putin’s plan to divide Europe is backfiring

When Dutch, British and US officials last week issued coordinated denunciations of Russia’s cyber-operations – whose targets ranged from sports anti-doping bodies to the international chemical weapon watchdog – it felt like Chernomyrdin’s saying had been given new meaning. For all the efforts the Kremlin put into staging the World Cup earlier this year as a demonstration of Russia’s openness, news seems to keep pouring in about the blunders of its not-so-secret services.

In the latest instalment yesterday, Bellingcat, an investigative website, published the name of the second Russian agent involved in the Skripal poisoning. Official Russian reactions have ranged from denouncing a “stage-managed propaganda campaign” to sneering at “western hysteria about all-mighty Russian cyber-spies”. Defense chief vows response to Israel’s actions that caused fatal crash of Il-20 aircraft. MOSCOW, September 18.

Defense chief vows response to Israel’s actions that caused fatal crash of Il-20 aircraft

/TASS/. Russia will respond to actions on behalf of the Israeli Air Force that led to a fatal crash of Russia’s Il-20 aircraft on Monday late night in Syria, Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu said on Tuesday. "We have informed today our Israeli colleagues, and I have also informed personally the Israeli Defense Minister [Avigdor Lieberman], that such actions will not be left unanswered by us," Shoigu said.

The Russian Il-20 that was shot down by Syrian air defense systems had been conducting reconnaissance activity in the Idlib de-escalation zone before the crash, he said. Israeli F-16 jets delivered strikes on Syria using the Russian Ilyushin-20 reconnaissance plane as cover, since the Israelis believed that Syria's air defenses would not counteract against that trajectory, Shoigu said. When is a dance not a dance? When it’s a geopolitical move by Putin. When Vladimir Putin took to the dancefloor to waltz with Austria’s foreign minister, Karin Kneissl, at her wedding last weekend, perhaps he wanted to send a signal that it was Europe he wanted to dance with.

When is a dance not a dance? When it’s a geopolitical move by Putin

But which Europe? Surely not the Europe of the Enlightenment, embodied today by liberal democrats struggling to counter the populist wave. Rather a darker, more sinister side of Europe’s history and current politics. En Russie, une réforme des retraites fait chuter la popularité de Vladimir Poutine. En plein Mondial, des milliers de Russes se sont rassemblés dimanche pour protester contre l’allongement de l’âge du départ à la retraite tandis qu’une pétition a déjà réuni plus de 2,5 millions de signatures.

En Russie, une réforme des retraites fait chuter la popularité de Vladimir Poutine

La liesse des supporteurs de foot avait quelque peu éclipsé la colère sourde qui s’est emparée d’une bonne partie des Russes depuis l’annonce le 14 juin, jour du coup d’envoi de la Coupe du monde 2018 en Russie, de l’allongement de l’âge de départ en retraite. Cette colère a ressurgi dimanche 1er juillet, en plein Mondial, lorsque des milliers de protestataires sont descendus dans la rue dans une vingtaine de villes. Parfois autorisées, parfois non, ces manifestations ont épargné les villes-hôtes du tournoi sportif où tout rassemblement est strictement prohibé durant la compétition. A Moscou, cependant, un archéologue de 28 ans a eu le temps de s’afficher tout nu sur la place Rouge, sans être interpellé, avec juste cette pancarte : « Dépouillé jusqu’au slip ». Russia 2018, le palle di Putin / Aumentano i militari e pure l'Iva. Ma bando alle brutte notizie.

Cronache da Putingrad in festa, dopo il 5-0 inflitto all’Arabia Saudita. Addirittura il Burj Khalifa di Dubai, il grattacielo più alto del mondo, è stato illuminato dai colori della bandiera russa per celebrare il trionfo di Golovin e compagni. Mentre il Paese si abbandonava a comprensibili manifestazioni d’orgoglio nazional-calcistico, il premier Dmitri Medvedev annunciava l’impopolare aumento dell’età pensionabile, contrariamente alle promesse di Putin (“Fin quando sarò io presidente non ci sarà mai un aumento dei termini dell’età pensionabile”) e quello ancor più osteggiato dell’Iva, la cui aliquota passerà dal 18 al 20 per cento, giustificato dal calo dell’export petrolifero verso l’Europa (-16%).

Carota e bastone… casuale coincidenza? La versione del Cremlino - Andrea Pipino. Sergei Skripal Russian message intercepted on day of poisonings. Descriptions off, selected undefined settings, opens undefined settings dialogcaptions and subtitles off, selected Beginning of dialog window. Escape will cancel and close the window. End of dialog window. The Once and Future Tsar – Member Feature Stories. History has proven that all dictatorships, all authoritarian forms of government, are transient. — Vladimir Putin (1999) Over two decades ago, in the post-Soviet chaos of the mid-1990s, the deputy mayor of St. Petersburg gave a cautionary TV interview. “It sometimes seems to us,” he said, speaking of his fellow Russians, “that if we had a firm hand to bring about order, then we would all live better, more comfortably, and in safety.”

He paused, seeming to consider his next words before continuing. Within three years, that careful, calculating man would become the Russian President — and after almost two decades in power, his relentless grip on Russia has never felt more strangling. Vladimir Putin’s fourth presidential inauguration was staged last week in a grand, gilded Kremlin hall that had once crowned three tsars: Alexander II, Alexander III, and Nicholas II.

Whatever the title, few living leaders have maintained a stranglehold on power for so long. Putin’s stock rises as 'go-to' mediator between Israel, Iran. Summary: Democratic National Committee v. Russian Federation et. al. Erdogan, Putin break ground for nuclear plant. Will Putin follow in Brezhnev's footsteps? On Friday, Russia's Central Electoral Commission released the final results of this week's presidential elections, making Vladimir Putin's landslide victory official. The Russian president, who won 76.69 percent of the vote, will be inaugurated for a fourth term in May. "In the coming six years, will we see a new Putin or an old one? " Kremlin correspondent Andrei Kolesnikov asked the president at the end of his first press conference after the elections.

"Everything flows, everything changes," Putin retorted tersely before walking off stage. Searching for Memory of the Gulags in Putin’s Russia. Here are some of the things that you will not find if you go looking for traces of the Soviet Gulags: memorials at every known execution site, museums on the ruins of camps, accurate documentation of what happened to the still uncounted numbers of people who disappeared, a widely accepted story of the terror. Most of all, what’s missing is a reckoning, an attempt to comprehend the incomprehensible. How do you locate what’s not there? Putin, a Little Man Still Trying to Prove His Bigness. I bumped into Vladimir Putin in Chile, in 2004, when we were both in Santiago for the annual conference of leaders from twenty-one nations on both sides of the Pacific. Putin was strutting across the hotel lobby in that distinctly quick duck-footed waddle that twists his upper torso and makes him look like a mechanical toy.

His gaggle of security guards elbowed me aside to let him pass. What struck me—a small female—was how small he was, too. In a brief exchange of glances, we were at eye level. “He walks like someone who thinks, How do I walk like a cool guy?” Dopo elezioni - Mosca, chiese ortodosse e periferie le roccaforti di Putin: voto in massa per lo Zar. Legami. Dalla riappacificazione tra Stato e Chiesa voluta da Putin il legame tra ortodossi e potere politico non ha fatto che aumentare. Nella foto il prete ortodosso Sergei Ryzhov e suo figlio Luka nel villaggio siberiano di Bolshaya Murta. Russia: Putin vince elezioni con il 76,6%, è record - Asia. Il presidente Vladimir Putin ha vinto le elezioni con il 76,6% dei voti. Lo fa sapere la Commissione Elettorale Centrale diffondendo i dati preliminari al termine dello scrutinio.

Ora la Commissione ha 10 giorni di tempo per presentare i dati definitivi. L'affluenza è stata invece del 67,49%. Pierluigi Fagan - PUTIN E IL PROBLEMA DEI TRE CORPI. Oggi... The Latest: Russian employees come under pressure to vote. The Latest on Russia's presidential election (all times local): 5:30 p.m. Voters in Russia's Perm region say they are coming under pressure from their employers to vote in Sunday's presidential election — and to prove it. The Associated Press viewed messages sent Friday to multiple regional employees, urging them to fulfill their civic duty and report on when and where they voted. One message said employers would keep a running tally of the information and submit it to management. An employee in Perm's regional administration says similar messages were sent to staff members in regional education, sports and administrative institutions. Russia: Navalny trying to undermine the election's legitimacy.

Elezioni Russia 2018. Elezioni Russia 18 marzo 2018 | Tutte le ultime notizie in tempo reale | Le previsioni e le anticipazioni (Aggiornare continuamente la pagina) Il 18 marzo 2018 si tengono le elezioni presidenziali in Russia. Il presidente Vladimir Putin correrà per un quarto mandato e la sua rielezione sembra scontata, con i sondaggi che lo danno sopra il 70 per cento. L’obiettivo del Cremlino, infatti, è quello di raggiungere la quota del “70+70”, ossia del 70 per cento dei voti a Putin e il 70 per cento di affluenza. Suitcase spy poisoning plot: nerve agent 'was planted in luggage of Sergei Skripal's daughter' Moscow seeking truth in Skripal case no less than London - OPCW envoy. Lavrov warns that Moscow won't tolerate Western ultimatums. © Alexander Shcherbak/TASS MOSCOW, March 14.

/TASS/. Russia’s comeback to the world scene as an equitable partner that defies dictating and ultimatums causes a nervous reaction from the West, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told the forum Russia - A Country of Opportunities on Thursday. "There has been a very nervous reaction to Russia’s comeback as an equitable partner who does not impose anything on others but does not tolerate dictating or ultimatums. Our western partners’ reaction to this is very painful," he said. Russia's Ksenia Sobchak announces new party before election. Moscow, Russia - Ksenia Sobchak, a Russian presidential candidate, has announced the creation of a new party called the Party of Changes. The announcement was made during a pre-election rally, attended by a few thousand supporters, at the Adrenaline Stadium here in the Russian capital on Thursday evening. Sobchak is one of seven candidates running in the March 18 poll against President Vladimir Putin, who is seeking re-election for a fourth term.

She announced that she is founding the party together with Dmitry Gudkov, an opposition ex-Duma member and son of former KGB officer and politician Gennady Gudkov. "We want a normal life. We won't allow our future to be stolen. Russia’s retaliation to Britain’s actions must be tough, proportionate — senate speaker. © AP Photo/Matt Dunham MOSCOW, March 14. /TASS/. Russia’s response to Britain’s charges must be prompt, tough and proportionate, Federation Council Speaker Valentina Matviyenko told the media on Wednesday.

"Britain has blamed Russia without putting forward any charges. Putin denies 'new Cold War' but says new nukes are on 'combat duty' Putin says arms race between US, Russia followed Washington’s withdrawal from ABM Treaty. Russia's retaliation for downed jet has just begun. Russia police raid Navalny's office amid protests. Untitled. Quando un Sovchoz sfida Putin. Pavel Grudinin candidato dei Comunisti russi alle elezioni presidenziali – CòmInfo. Così Paolo Mieli e il prof Parsi fanno luce in Italia sulla guerra ibrida della Russia. Russia: Explosion injures 10 at St. Petersburg supermarket. Russia’s election commission accepts Putin’s documents for nomination.

Il sipario del potere russo: Putin oltre Putin - Jailed Russian hacker says the FSB coordinated his cyber-attacks on Hillary Clinton and the DNC. The Return of Global Russia: An Analytical Framework. What Putin Really Wants. Elisa Campioni - #Putin Il discorso sullo stato della... Elezioni Russia 2018: data, candidati e sondaggi con Putin ancora in campo. Navalny ha pubblicato il programma elettorale. Erdogan, Putin say U.S. decision on Jerusalem will have negative impact on region: sources. US president to recognize Jerusalem as capital of Israel on Wednesday. Putin in Siria La trappola del dopoguerra. Russian Private Military Company 'Wagner' and their operation in Syria : syriancivilwar. Come funzionano i servizi segreti russi - Lookout News.

Kremlin rumored to be ready to replace its leaders in Donbas - Sep. 13, 2017. How A Russian Troll Fooled America – DFRLab. Trump and the Kremlin are telling 2 different stories about their meeting and Russia's election interference. La trama rusa empleó redes chavistas para agravar la crisis catalana. Russia non raccontata: Putin e le milizie del Patriarca – MAKTUB. Questions and Answers about the East StratCom Task Force. What Russia’s Syria Intervention Tells Us About Its Interference in the US Election. Who Benefits From Russia's New Anti-Terror Laws? (Op-Ed) Twitter, With Accounts Linked to Russia, to Face Congress Over Role in Election.

El nacimiento del KGB. Perché Putin fino ad ora non ne ha sbagliata una (e sarà al centro dei giochi per un bel po’) - Druzhinniki' brigades - youth movement of NASHI. Nashi Brigades to Enforce Public Order. A Past That Divides: Russia’s New Official History. Russia flies 2,000 mercenary troops into Syria. PressTV-No one would survive US-Russia nuclear war: Putin.

Cookies are Not Accepted - New York Times. Log In - New York Times. ‘Low efficiency’: Only 23 Tomahawk missiles out of 59 reached Syrian airfield, Russian MoD says. Foreign Ministry statement regarding Palestinian-Israeli settlement - News - The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation. US strike on Syria is widely hailed, but angers Russia.

Moscow’s support for Damscus ‘not unconditional,' Assad doesn’t follow Russia’s orders - Peskov. St. Petersburg Metro bomber, identified as 22yo Dzhalilov, planted another bomb. St Petersburg metro bomb blast kills 10, wounds dozens. In Russia cortei contro i corrotti. Fermato Navalny. Sicurezza internazionale Cecenia: 12 morti in un attacco alla Guardia Nazionale. Ex-Russia MP Denis Voronenkov killed in Ukraine: police. State Media Giant Rossiya Segodnya to Launch New Agency in 45 Languages – Report. Litvinenko Inquiry Report web version. Federal Security Service (FSB) - Russia / Soviet Intelligence Agencies. Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) Sluzhba Vneshney Razvedki - Russia / Soviet Intelligence. Trump and Russia. Why did Russia offer autonomy for Syria’s Kurds?

Syria withdrawal: Russian aircraft carrier to leave country. La "vendetta" di Obama: espulsi 35 diplomatici russi. E Putin: "Ci saranno ritorsioni" Putin says Muslim refugees should go to Saudi Arabia or Iran “Where their radical beliefs are considered the norm” - Fresh News. TASS: Russian Politics & Diplomacy - Russia not to support France initiative to send monitoring mission to Aleppo. La nuova Duma: la continuità di Putin e il fattore astensione. U.S. formally accuses Russia of using cyberattacks to subvert elections - U.S. Election 2016 - Haaretz - Israel News. Europa-Russia, bombardieri di Mosca nei cieli europei. Ma anche la Russia si sente aggredita. Islam: 100 Ulema a Grozny per servire Putin.

Parliamentary Elections, 18 September 2016. Turkish FM says Moscow, Ankara have similar views on Syrian settlement. Exciting countdown for Turkey and Russia. Erdogan says his talks with Putin will open new page in bilateral relations.