Resources for young learners
ESL Kids Worksheets, for Teaching English to Children. About Me: Worksheets These worksheets relate to vocabulary, grammar and sentences related to self-introduction and giving information about oneself. You will find worksheets on telling someone about your name and age.Printable worksheets for teaching About Me: WorksheetsDownload and Print Actions Verbs: Simple Present Worksheets These worksheets relate to vocabulary of action verbs in the present simple tense. You will find tracing worksheets, crossword puzzles, word search puzzles, matching exercises and more.Printable worksheets for teaching Actions Verbs: Simple Present WorksheetsDownload and Print Actions Verbs: Present Progressive Worksheets These worksheets relate to vocabulary of action verbs used in the present progressive or continuous tense.
Animals on the Farm Worksheets These worksheets relate to vocabulary, grammar and sentences related to animals on the farm.
Sheppard Software: Fun free online learning games and activities for kids.
Preschool Learning Games For Kids. Preschool Games.
Activities for 3 Year Olds – Free Online Activities for Three Year Olds. Plant the seed of a lifelong love for learning in your three-year-old with interesting activities.
Simple, easy and fun, JumpStart's activities for three year olds set the foundation for better learning and also help in building their confidence. Check out our fun, free and printable activities to teach the little ones important skills and concepts! How Activities for 3 Year Olds are Beneficial Activities for three year olds are educational, fun and beneficial for their growth.
Most of them are simple and improve motor skills. Simple reading activities for three year olds help and encourage them to identify letters of the alphabet, numbers, etc.
Thank you for Signing up. Kiz Phonics - Membership Plans With the following membership plans, you get full access to our online materials.
Don't see your plan? No Problem. Contact us for customized plans. 1 Year Single MembershipUnlimited Access to All Materials in the Members Area for 1 Year: at $ 56 Sign Up NowMaterials include:Phonics Worksheets,Phonics Videos,Phonics Games,Phonics Listening,Phonics Flashcards, Short StoriesBoard Games & Card Games 6 month Single MembershipUnlimited Access to All Materials in the Members Area for 6 months : at $39Sign Up Now Materials include:Phonics Worksheets,Phonics Videos,Phonics Games,Phonics Listening,Phonics Flashcards, Short StoriesBoard Games & Card Games 6 month 2-10 MembershipUnlimited Access to All Materials in the Members Area : $69Sign Up NowMaterials include:Phonics Worksheets,Phonics Videos,Phonics Games,Phonics Listening,Phonics Flashcards, Short StoriesBoard Games & Card Games Have a larger group?
Speech Therapy Worksheets and Forms. Letter Sounds - Free Worksheets and Resources. Primary Resources - FREE for Early Years (EYFS) KS1 & KS2. Classroom corner. Infants.
Play to Learn Preschool: Spelling our Names. Recently we posted some of the ways that we help our preschool students practice writing their names.
Writing is not the only thing we do with names, though! Another important activity is learning to spell our names. We sing lots of songs and rhymes with our names, and these are 10 of our favorite ways to practice them during centers: Name Puzzles Write the child's name on a piece of cardstock. Sentence Strip Matching Program sentence strips with each child's name.
21 Handpicked fun activities for 3 year olds. 20 Science Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers. I’ve been sharing a lot of simple science experiments for kids on my facebook page lately, and the response from you guys has been terrific!
Wow! You really love your science, don’t you?
Rainbow Dyed Daisies. I love daisies.
Their sweet summer faces always delight me as they freckle the fields. I thought it might be fun to use that daisy white as a palette for a rainbow of colors. My littlest and I really enjoyed watching them change color over time.
Ocean in a Bottle with 3 Simple Ingredients. Make an ocean in a bottle with 3 easy ingredients.
One of the fastest and easiest-ever science activities for preschoolers. I love to make homemade toys for the hooligans. Discovery bottles are always a favourite here.
Easy Puffy Paint recipe. 3-Ingredient, homemade Puffy Paint an easy art technique for kids using microwave and a few basic kitchen ingredients.
If you know me, you know we LOVE homemade paint recipes and easy science activities. This homemade puffy paint fits the bill perfectly! This paint is super-easy and inexpensive to make. It’s fun to create with, but the best part is watching your artwork puff right up when you place it in the microwave!
How to make your own giant bubbles - bubble recipe. Make the biggest bubbles ever with this homemade giant bubble recipe.
Homemade giant bubbles have been on our to-do list for a while, but we were waiting for optimum weather conditions: humid and overcast, with very little wind. Well, yesterday was perfect, so I whipped up this Giant Bubble Mix in the morning and we tried it this afternoon. I am thrilled to report that this bubble recipe really does make the biggest bubbles ever! And, if you’re looking for cool backyard science activities to do with the kids, you can put this at the top of your list! Check out the size of these bubbles! I have to admit, I was not altogether convinced that this bubble recipe would work.
Melting ice with salt and watercolours - happy hooligans. Melting Ice with Salt and Watercolours – a colourful science experiment for kids.
One of the hooligans favourite science activities is melting a block of ice salt and water. Today we’re doing this experiment as a Valentine’s activity so we’ve used a heart-shaped ice block. We’ve done plenty of melting ice experiments before, but this was the first time we’ve included liquid watercolours in the experiment. I’m so glad we did! The effects were gorgeous! For your convenience, I’ve included Affiliate links in this post.
Salt, glue and watercolour art - happy hooligans - name recognition. A name recognition activity with salt, glue and watercolour art! This was our first time doing salt, glue and watercolour art, and the hooligans and I had so much fun with the process!
I used the technique as a tool to help work on letter and name recognition, but it can be used purely as an art project or simple science activity as well.
Playing with Coloured Water - Free, Easy, Educational Fun for Kids. Is there a child who doesn’t love playing with coloured water? This backyard water activity is a super way for kids to learn about colour-mixing, to strengthen fine and gross motor skills, and it’s a terrific way for children to keep cool on a hot, summer day! This water activity is one of our favourites from our collection of simple science activities for toddlers and preschoolers. Ah, good-old water play! What child isn’t happy when they’re playing with water? The hooligans love it when I set up a water bin in the backyard.
We called this the “colour laboratory” because the children work away like little chemists throughout the morning, pouring and mixing and measuring with a variety of containers and instruments.
Show - Teach Your Monster To Read. Preschool games. Online games for toddlers: Geometric Shapes!
What is the best way to teach mixed age groups?
Teaching a group of mixed age students can be challenging. But there are many ways that you can work with this situation and have a fun and successful time for all of the students involved.
Here are some ideas to get you started. Communicate clearly with parents Let parents know what the goals for the class are and what assistance you will need from them. With mixed age classes, students may be working with different materials, such as textbooks or worksheets. If that’s the case, you as the teacher won’t have as much time to spend helping students as you normally would, so you’ll need the parents to help out.
Allow the older students to lead If the lessons are created around activities that appeal more towards the younger learners, there is a good chance the older learners will start to tune out, even if they are helping out a lot.
ESL Kids phonics,Sounds Word Building, Reading through Phonics. Main/ Courses / Worksheets / Teaching Tips/ Songs/ Phonics / Flashcards/ Shop / Contact/Partners Phonics Materials for All Games In this section you will find a generous collection of the best phonics resources. There are flashcards, Video slides, Worksheets and more for teachers. offers the best Phonics Printables and more. Kiz Phonics is an excellent progressive program for teaching kids to read using a systematic phonics approach.The Kiz Phonics program is carefully arranged by levels from Preschool Ages 3-4, Kindergarten Ages 4 -6, 1st Grade Ages 6-7 & 2nd Grade Ages 7-8.
ESL Kids -Teaching English To Children. HOME: house and furniture Roof, chimney, wall, window, door.
Kindergarten Education Games Songs Stories. PBS KIDS!
Ict games. Machine. KS1 Bitesize Literacy - Deep Sea Phonics.
Phonics games. Phonics games will help your child to practise sounding out words, which will help them to read. Initially, children will learn basic letter sounds, such as "c-a-t" for "cat". Later they will move on to sounds such as "th", "sh" and "ch", then "oo", "oa" and so on. Once they recognise a few basic letter sounds, they will be able to work out what a written word says for themselves, a skill which they will be very proud to show off!
Follow the links below to the free phonics games. Your child will have lots of fun while developing their phonic knowledge and skills.
Jolly Phonics
3-4 Year Olds.