Dear Mark Zuckerberg, Facebook is not, and should not be the internet. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg began his piece defending by talking about his visit to Chandauli, a small north Indian village newly connected to the Internet.
“In a classroom in the village, I had the chance to talk to a group of students who were learning to use the internet. It was an incredible experience to think that right there in that room might be a student with a big idea that could change the world - and now they could actually make that happen through the internet” he says. To understand why Mr. Zuckerberg was so thrilled, substitute the word “Facebook” for “Internet” in the above quote, because that is the objective of Facebook’s loftily (and dare we say, maliciously) named “”. Ask Helani Galpaya, a researcher with policy think tank LIRNEasia, who in 2012 came across a curious anomaly while researching “bottom of pyramid” telephone users in Indonesia.
The reason you’re reading Mr. These decisions didn’t happen in a vacuum though. Izel's Weblog. Hagamos una analogía para entrar en contexto.
Imagine que usted vive en un pueblo muy pequeño, muy lejos de una ciudad, que además es muy pobre, no tiene instalación eléctrica en su casa y por lo tanto no puede acceder fácilmente a las noticias, avances tecnológicos e información, en pocas palabras, usted tiene poco conocimiento de lo que sucede en el mundo. Imagine que una empresa privada va hasta su pueblo e instala el servicio de energía en todas las casas pero con la condición de que solo pueden conectar la cafetera. ¿Considera usted que tiene un servicio de conexión a la red eléctrica? ¿Considera que poder conectar una cafetera lo va a poner en igualdad de condiciones conmigo que tengo Televisor, refrigerador, rádio, y demás? ¿Una cafetera le va a dar acceso al conocimiento y a abrirle las puertas al mundo?. es esa empresa privada que quiere instalar la red eléctrica en tu pueblo pero solo permite conectar una cafetera. En cuanto a derechos humanos es más grave aún. Is standing up for #NetNeutrality. Over the past couple of weeks, a heated debate on Net Neutrality has come to the forefront, not just amongst India’s digerati, but in mainstream media as well, with national dailies carrying front page articles about it.
There’s even a parody video on YouTube, that quintessential event that lets one know that something has arrived with a bang. At various points in time, we have been questioned about our stance on Net Neutrality is. We’d like to take the opportunity today to clarify our stance and take a stand. Cleartrip has stood for the freedom of the Internet and voiced our support for Net Neutrality.
If Cleartrip supports Net Neutrality, then one might legitimately ask why Cleartrip chose to participate in the Indian launch of Here’s why: a few weeks back, Facebook reached out and asked us to participate in the initiative with the intention of helping us deliver one of our most affordable products to the more underserved parts of the country.
Ataques a Internet en Europa por parte del gobierno español. will finish internet the way we know it, hurt India’s growth potential. HUB BRASIL - AO VIVO - Arena. Devido à Legislação Eleitoral o nosso Portal da Participação Social ficará congelado até outubro.
Nossos perfis nas redes sociais (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Flickr e Google Plus) também ficarão ocultos pelo mesmo motivo. Retomaremos a atividades normais em 27/outubro com novidades e muita interação \o/\o/\o/ O congelamento se deve ao entendimento do TSE de que a responsabilidade pelo zelo do conteúdo dos sítios geridos pelas instituições públicas é das próprias e de seus agentes, esses últimos podendo ser responsabilizados pessoalmente. Como todos sabem, o é um ambiente interativo de rede social que permite a publicação de conteúdos pelos próprios usuários, sem moderação prévia.
Em outras palavras, o vai muito além de um espaço de publicação de conteúdos pelos seus gestores, se constituindo como uma plataforma de interação. A equipe do continuará organizando a plataforma para oferecer mais estrutura aos cidadãos após outubro. Root Server Technical Operations Assn. Zina is not Andromeda. Zina is a graphical interface to your MP3 collection, a personal jukebox, an MP3 streamer.
It can run on its own, embeded into an existing website, or as a Drupal module, Wordpress plug-in and Joomla component. It is released under the GNU General Public License v2. News 2010 Nov: Zina is on hiatus. Author got married and bought a house.2010 May: Finally, Zina includes a Tag Editor.2009 June: Use Drupal?
Features MP3 / OGG / WAV / WMA /M4A streamingPlaylists: Custom, "session", random, genre and moreCan run by itself, embedded into a website or as a Drupal module, Wordpress plugin, Joomla component.