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Worm-like Robot Built From Modular Mesh - Robotic Gizmos. Report says automation will displace up to 375M workers by 2030. The latest robot report has bad news for laborers and office support staff, good news for techies and healthcare workers.

Report says automation will displace up to 375M workers by 2030

India looks bright, while Japan could face the toughest stretch. Those are just some of the takeaways from McKinsey Global Institute’s data-packed analysis of the effects of automation on employment between now and 2030. The bottom line? Hundreds of millions of workers around the world will be displaced due to the revolutions in robotics and artificial intelligence. “Displaced” is the key term: Many of those workers will adjust to the new conditions. “Our key finding is that while there may be enough work to maintain full employment to 2030 under most scenarios, the transitions will be very challenging — matching or even exceeding the scale of shifts out of agriculture and manufacturing we have seen in the past,” the analysts write. The outlook is only slightly less grim for office support workers, including IT workers.

H28全日本ロボット相撲 中国大会. What's new, Atlas? A human-robot dance duet. How Many Robots Does It Take to Fill a Grocery Order? The U.K.'s biggest online grocer hit a milestone this year: Ocado Group Plc put together an order of 50 items, including produce, meat and dairy, in five minutes.

How Many Robots Does It Take to Fill a Grocery Order?

Fulfilling a similar order at one of the company’s older facilities takes an average of about two hours. The secret: a fleet of 1,000 robots that scurry about a warehouse snatching up products and delivering them to human packers. The breakthrough and ones like it could help propel the grocery business into the modern era. The industry wants to make buying food online as simple and commonplace as purchasing clothes or consumer electronics. Ocado, founded 17 years ago in the London exurb of Hatfield, says automation is the only way to handle individualized grocery orders in large volumes. Ocado Smart Platform robots at Andover CFC. Slaughterbots. Mashable. Northrop Grumman's X-47B Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. Industrial Dual-Armed Robot for Mining, Welding & More - Guardian™ GT.

Honda Unveils Prototype E2-DR Disaster Response Robot - IEEE Spectrum. Two years ago at IROS 2015 in Germany, Honda R&D presented a paper on an experimental new humanoid robot designed for disaster response.

Honda Unveils Prototype E2-DR Disaster Response Robot - IEEE Spectrum

This wasn’t entirely surprising, since we’d guessed that Honda had started working on a humanoid designed to be more robust, and practical, than Asimo after the Fukushima disaster. But as with most large Japanese companies, Honda does an excellent job of (almost) never communicating about the projects that it has under development. Pretty much the only sneak peeks we ever get come from research papers, and last week at IROS 2017 in Vancouver, we got the biggest look inside Honda’s humanoid robotics research and development program that we’ve had in years. Wandercraft robotic exoskeleton for the disabled first look.

Modern Science: Incredible Self-Folding Robots Work Without Batteries or Wires. Folding robots based on origami have emerged as an exciting new frontier of robotic design, but generally require onboard batteries or a wired connection to a power source, limiting their functionality.

Modern Science: Incredible Self-Folding Robots Work Without Batteries or Wires

Scientist have now created battery-free folding robots that are capable of complex, repeatable movements powered and controlled through a wireless magnetic field. The research team's robots are flat and thin (resembling the paper on which they're based) plastic tetrahedrons, with the three outer triangles connected to the central triangle by hinges, and a small circuit on the central triangle. Attached to the hinges are coils made of a type of metal called shape-memory alloy (SMA) that can recover its original shape after deformation by being heated to a certain temperature.

When the current stops, the SMA coils are stretched back out due to the stiffness of the flexure hinge, thus lowering the outer triangles back down. Meet RAMBOW: Israel's latest unmanned ground vehicle. The Rambow.

Meet RAMBOW: Israel's latest unmanned ground vehicle

(photo credit: METEOR AEROSPACE) Israel’s Meteor Aerospace Ltd. unveiled RAMBOW, its latest unmanned ground vehicle, at the Autonomous Unmanned Systems and Robotics (AUS&R) 2017 Air Show in Rishon Lezion on Monday. The air show was organized by iHLS, an enterprise dealing with Israeli homeland security. Designed with a low silhouette for a range of defense and homeland security missions, RAMBOW can participate in a variety of missions such as ground warfare, intelligence gathering and logistical supply, as well as strategic facilities and border defense, with no risk to personnel.

“The RAMBOW is powered by a unique electrical drive system, integrating innovative power and autonomous driving technologies,” the company said. Nanotechnologyworld. DARPA Squad-x program for integration of robots, drones and sensors with infantry. Lockheed Martin has received a $12.9 million U.S.

DARPA Squad-x program for integration of robots, drones and sensors with infantry

Defense Department contract for the Squad X Experimentation program for dismounted infantry combat systems. The contract will go toward design and testing for prototypes of equipment for combined-arms squads. Work will be conducted in Grand Prairie, Texas and other locations throughout the U.S. and should finish by Aug. 14, 2019. The DARPA squad-x would provide mechanized and airborne units access to real-time surveillance feeds and other technology. Currently this technology is too bulky, heavy and complex for a small unit on foot to leverage. In 2016, DARPA had awarded Lockheed Martin a $10.6 million contract to start work on Phase II of the Squad X Core Technologies program, which is intended to deliver the kind of situational awareness available to command posts to smaller deployed units. Omni-Crawler Tracked Robot Drives In All Directions 11076 - Robotpark ACADEMY. Summary A new technology in Tracked Robots, by Osaka University A simple Robotic Mechanism which can easily move towards all directions At Innovation Japan 2011, a research group from Osaka University presented Omni-Crawler, a crawler that can be driven in all directions.

Omni-Crawler Tracked Robot Drives In All Directions 11076 - Robotpark ACADEMY

The group also presented the Omni-Ball, a ball-shaped, omni-directional wheel the principals of which are implemented in the crawler. “Our current crawler mechanism is designed to move sideways as well. With a conventional crawler, if you position it to enter a narrow space, the crawler has to turn round repeatedly. Filming with drones: spectacular images thanks to a new algorithm. Bouncing Around with Salto-1P. Triped Walking Robot “Martian” for Analysis of Autonomous Gait Generation. Fully automatic loading of a Lego train, by Sioux.NET on Track.

Robot sculptors are hijacking galleries all around the world. Giant robots and 3D printers are building a futuristic house in Switzerland. Modern Science: Meet the DrunkBots: Watch Google's AI learning to get around obstacles. A hilarious new video reveals the clumsy progress of AI 'parkour,' as scientists work to teach computer systems how to navigate ‘challenging terrains and obstacles.’

Modern Science: Meet the DrunkBots: Watch Google's AI learning to get around obstacles

DeepMind researchers have trained a number of simulated bodies, including a headless ‘walker,’ a four-legged ‘ant,’ and a 3D humanoid, to learn more complex behaviours as they carry out different locomotion tasks. The results, while comical, show how these systems can learn to improve their own techniques as they interact with the different environments, eventually allowing them to run, jump, crouch and turn as needed. In a new paper published to arXiv, researchers from Google's DeepMind explain how simple reward functions can lead to ‘rich and robust behaviours,’ given a complex environment to learn in. The researchers set their simulations up against several obstacles, from hurdles to wall slalom, to help the AI characters teach themselves the best ways to get from one point to another. This adorable tiny robot is insanely good at jumping. Measuring hardness of fruits with GelSight sensor. These Drones Can Scan Inside Buildings in 3D Using Only Wi-Fi Signals.

Researchers at the University of California, Santa Barbara have developed a system that allows drones to map the interior of a closed structure.

These Drones Can Scan Inside Buildings in 3D Using Only Wi-Fi Signals

In essence, the team has created a way for drones to see through walls! While we are some way away from superhero type ‘x-ray vision’ the developments are pretty exciting. Drones utilize Wi-Fi to ‘see’ The system works as one drone fires Wi-Fi through the targeted structure and the another picks up the signal. Then, working together, the two drones fly around the structure mapping the wave strength in different areas. ロボット相撲. THORMANG3 Humanoid Robot Goes Shopping. The THORMANG3 robot is an open humanoid platform with 7DOF arms and a 2DOF head that can manipulate objects and perform a wide variety of tasks.

THORMANG3 Humanoid Robot Goes Shopping

It has various sensors, LIDAR, and camera to perceive and interact with its environment. The robot fully supports ROS and has a modular full metal body. Korea Future Technology - Method V2 Piloted Mechanized Robot Testing [720p] Robot Tries to Escape from Children's Abuse. Stan: Outdoor Valet Parking Robot - Robotic Gizmos. 3D-printed soft four legged robot can walk on sand and stone. Full photo gallery. San Diego, Calif., May 16, 2017 -- Engineers at the University of California San Diego have developed the first soft robot that is capable of walking on rough surfaces, such as sand and pebbles.

The 3D-printed, four-legged robot can climb over obstacles and walk on different terrains. Researchers led by Michael Tolley, a mechanical engineering professor at the University of California San Diego, will present the robot at the IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation from May 29 to June 3 in Singapore. The robot could be used to capture sensor readings in dangerous environments or for search and rescue. The breakthrough was possible thanks to a high-end printer that allowed researchers to print soft and rigid materials together within the same components. Autonomous Drifting using Machine Learning. Skeletonics Mechanical Exoskeleton Suit Turns You Into a Giant Robot.

Motion Control of Anthropomorphic Schunk 5-Finger-Hand on Robotic Arm LWA 4P. Minitaur explores the outdoors. ROVéo 250 first steps in Shenzhen. Don't worry, we've got this... □️ @tomgauld. See NASA's origami robot in action. What is FreaksWar? It's a robotics combat system. - Lunar Lander. Make it work (detail for the techies!) I started thinking about Lunar Lander and acquiring parts in spring 2008, and started making things in early winter. To have something that was portable and easy to test with, I started out with just the mechanism and landscape as a unit. This would just about fit in my study so I could do the software indoors over the winter. The working prototype was ready in time for Maker Faire UK in March 2009.

Final construction of the arcade version went on until summer 2009. The electronics for Lunar Lander are based around ATMEL AVR microcontrollers. Infrared sensors are used to detect the limits for the system. The intelligence for the game and overall control is done on a PC. The mechanical parts came from various DIY stores, online shops and car boot sales. 巨大ヒューマノイドの前進歩行 Walk Forward of a Giant Humanoid Robot. Fastest robot to solve a Rubik's Cube - Guinness World Records. Introducing Handle. TITAN-XIII : Sprawling-type Quadruped Robot. Cassie - See you soon.

Meet Cassie. Boston Dynamics "nightmare inducing" wheeled robot, presentation video close-up. Bat Robot Offers Safety and Maneuverability in Bioinspired Design. With a few exceptions, quadrotors are the go-to aerial robot when you need something small, fast, and maneuverable. This is because quadrotors are relatively cheap and easy to fly, and not because they’re the best aerial platform. In fact, you may have noticed that there aren’t a lot of rotary fliers in the animal kingdom—this is because (among other reasons) flapping wings offer high efficiency and incredible maneuverability as long as you’re able to manufacture and control them.

NABiRoS: Non Anthropomorphic Bipedal Robotic System. BALLU: Buoyancy Assisted Lightweight Legged Unit. High-Power Hydraulic Artificial Muscle for Tough Robots. How Stanford Built a Humanoid Submarine Robot to Explore a 17th-Century Shipwreck. Back in April, Stanford University professor Oussama Khatib led a team of researchers on an underwater archaeological expedition, 30 kilometers off the southern coast of France, to La Lune, King Louis XIV’s sunken 17th-century flagship. Rather than dive to the site of the wreck 100 meters below the surface, which is a very bad idea for almost everyone, Khatib’s team brought along a custom-made humanoid submarine robot called Ocean One. In this month’s issue of IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, the Stanford researchers describe in detail how they designed and built the robot, a hybrid between a humanoid and an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV), and also how they managed to send it down to the resting place of La Lune, where it used its three-fingered hands to retrieve a vase.

DFKI's Space Rovers and Hexapods Will Team Up on Other Planets. Why send just one robot into space when you could send two robots into space instead? We did it with Spirit and Opportunity, and that worked out great is mostly still working out great. It would have been working out even better, though, if we'd let Spirit and Oppy get each other's backs and team up to do some extra exploring. That's the idea that DFKI Bremen has been testing with its pair of space robots: a four wheeled rover named SHERPA and a hexapod named CREX. Here's an overview animation that should give you a good idea of how these two robots are intended to work together, with CREX stowed safely away under SHERPA's belly until it's ready to come out and play.

DragonflEye Project Wants to Turn Insects Into Cyborg Drones. Robot beats "I am not a Robot" Captcha. SALTO - Berkeley's leaping robot. Hidden Bookshelf Door Shows Incredible Motion. Who didn’t dream of a hidden door or secret passage in the house when they were kids? AxiDraw Gets a Speedy Update. Ever wanted a robot that can draw pictures, forge signatures, and take care of all those handwritten wedding invitations you’ve been meaning to finish?

Robot Overlord. DoD Announces Successful Perdix Micro-Drone Demonstration. Watch Korea's mech take its first steps with a pilot on board. How to make a six legged wheg all terrain robot at home. 20m Super Long Robot Arm - Giacometti Arm with Balloon Body - Ghost in the Shell's Tachikoma Robots Under Development for Use in Customer Service. Half-size models on display in Shibuya I.G. Store Two years ago, the Ghost in the Shell Realize Project launched with the aim of recreating aspects of the futuristic, technologically advanced world of Ghost in the Shell. "METHOD-1" manned robot project by "Korea Future Technology" (주)한국미래기술 & Vitaly Bulgarov - 3. Researchers taught Boston Dynamics’ Atlas humanoid robot to walk gingerly over rubble. There’s something strangely comforting in watching Boston Dynamics’ 330-pound bipedal humanoid robot cautiously attempt to navigate a field of uneven surfaces.

Something…humanizing, if that’s the right world, as the faceless ‘bot gingerly tests its footholds, slowly and with an abundance of caution, before shifting its full weight to the next block. MIT builds low-cost synthetic muscles out of nylon cord. User-friendly drone flies like a copter and like a plane. Fixed-wing drones are more energy-efficient than quadcopters, and can cover long distances more quickly. Quadcopters, however, require less space to take off and land. That's why some groups have developed drones that take and land vertically, yet transition to horizontal flight while airborne.

Mr. Runner. Robot flying taxi takes its first autonomous flight. Nine years ago, the Air Mule was an almost-believable concept: a flying robot taxi that could get people out of dangerous battlefields without endangering a pilot or crew. It was the exact sort of gizmo one expects from Popular Science: an amazing machine of the future, almost like a flying car, that seemed plausible but just out of reach. Not anymore. In January of this year, the Air Mule took its first flight: a short, wobbly hop from the side of a parking lot to a space a modest distance away. On Tuesday, Air Mule makers Urban Aeronautics announced two major feats for the Air Mule program.

The first is a new name: Cormorant, after the family of coastal birds. The complete flight, which lasted roughly two minutes, was not without errors. Multi-Contact Balancing for Humanoid Robots - Robotic Gizmos. ANYmal for Search & Rescue. Robot engineered in Bristol EATS organic matter and could clean contaminated water. It may not be a living, breathing robot, but UK researchers have created something pretty close.

Computational Design of Mechanical Characters. Rovables: Miniature On-Body Robots as Mobile Wearables. Home built autonomous Ford Focus for under $1,000. Self-driving vehicles trialled in UK public space for the first time. Find Your Own Way: Weakly-Supervised Segmentation of Path Proposals for Urban Autonomy. Stanford's New Spiny Grippers Will Help RoboSimian Go Rock Climbing. Over a decade ago, Stanford roboticists started experimenting with ways of using arrays of very small spines to help climbing robots grip rough surfaces. These microspine grippers have been used on all kinds of research robots since then, and recently, NASA has decided that microspines are the best way for spacecraft to grab onto asteroids.

These Soft Robots Mimic Human Muscles. Робот Фёдор - помощник космонавта. Research Blog: How Robots Can Acquire New Skills from Their Shared Experience. Robot Sewing Demonstration from Sewbo, Inc. VTOL Hybrid - AimDroix Xray Quad. Carolo-Cup2016_Finale. Charlie Rose interviews…a robot? Martian rover made on 3d Printer (Mars rover) Playing Catch and Juggling with a Humanoid Robot. This “wearable robot” helps restore people’s hand functions. NASA's 'Blue Collar Robot' Is an Unstoppable Miner. RoboMasters 2016: inside DJI's robot deathmatch. Rise of the RoboMasters.

Wevolver site. Arduino and Lego Technic. KOMATSU : Komatsu Develops Innovative Autonomous Haulage Vehicle and Will Unveil It at MINExpo INTERNATIONAL 2016. Uk.businessinsider.