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Mindmap & Carte mentales

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Subtask. Press Space or double-click to edit. Cartes mentales, cartes conceptuelles, listes. Home. Tech Tools. Vecta: Real time collaborative diagramming for teams. Zenkit | A project management tool that grows with you. Iris. Stay Focused. iMODELER| Consideo iModeler - Consideo iModeler. Outlining, Writing, & Brainstorming using Mapping, Graphic Organizers and other Visual Thinking Techniques. For visual mapping, outlining, writing and making presentations, use Inspiration® 9, the ultimate thinking and learning tool.

Brainstorm ideas, structure your thoughts and visually communicate concepts to strengthen understanding with the Diagram and Map Views. To take notes, organize information, and structure writing for plans, papers and reports, use the integrated Outline View to focus on main and supporting ideas and to clarify thinking in written form. With Inspiration's Presentation Manager, transform your diagrams, mind maps and outlines into polished presentations that communicate ideas clearly and demonstrate understanding and knowledge. Download the Inspiration 9 Product Information Sheet Visualize & Develop Ideas. Create webs, idea maps, mind maps, concept maps, graphic organizers, process flows, and other diagrams for thinking, organizing and writing. Brainstorm or brainwrite, capturing ideas quickly with RapidFire® tool. In Diagram View: In Map View: In Outline View: HCIL - Products.

The Office of Technology Commercialization of the University of Maryland offers the following products developed at the Human-Computer Interaction Laboratory. In general, free demonstration versions are available for non-commercial purposes. Current Software Products Excentric Labeling (Java applet) Excentric Labeling is similar to the infotip (or balloon help) but simultaneously reveals all the labels in the neighborhood of the cursor, allowing users to rapidly review the labels of hundreds of objects in data visualizations or maps. Hierarchical Clustering Explorer (PC application) Four new interactive techniques enable users to explore the results of hierarchical clustering algorithms to better understand cluster and outlier patterns in multi-dimensional databases of many kinds, especially the results of DNA microarray studies. LifeLines2 (Java application) LifeLines2 allows users to manipulate multiple event sequences to understand temporal relationships across records.

Kumu. Thinkmap SDK. The Thinkmap SDK enables organizations to incorporate data-driven visualization technology into their enterprise Web applications. Thinkmap applications allow users to make sense of complex information in ways that traditional interfaces are incapable of. The Thinkmap SDK (v. 2.8) includes a set of out-of-the-box configurations for solving common visualization problems, as well as new visualization techniques for customizing data displays. We have designed Thinkmap to be lightweight, fast, easily extensible, and able to connect seamlessly to a wide variety of data sources. Thinkmap is composed of two primary components: an extremely lightweight and fast browser-based Visualization Component that renders the visualizations and allows for interactive exploration a Data Source API that enables connection to many different types of data sources Thinkmap's flexible architecture allows developers to configure applications to address a wide range of retrieval and discovery issues.

DataWall | DW. Wriget. VYM - View Your Mind. Limnu - The online whiteboard you've been looking for. Deskle - Online Whiteboards with Realtime Collaboration. 20+ Free and Open Source Graph Database - Butler Analytics. Graph databases are primarily concerned with nodes and the connections between them (usually called edges). They tend to be used for their high performance and their natural ability to model rich data (rich in relationships). Some of these are free and others open source graph database.

ArangoDB is a distributed free and open-source database with a flexible data model for documents, graphs, and key-values. Its query language AQL (ArangoDB Query Language) supports joins, graph queries, list iteration, results filtering, results projection, sorting, grouping, aggregate functions, unions and intersections. Transactions in ArangoDB are atomic, consistent, isolated, and durable (ACID). Bitsy is a small, fast, embeddable, durable in-memory graph database that implements the Blueprints API. Blazegraph is a native graph database with support for Blueprints API and RDF/SPARQL. Cayley is an open-source graph inspired by the graph database behind Freebase and Google’s Knowledge Graph.

Formgraph. Online Brainstorming and Planning. Add a sticky note and post it online with dot voting. | Stormboard. Mural Alternatives for Mac OS X. Mural. Ideaflip | Realtime brainstorming and collaboration. Online Whiteboard and Collaboration - Getting Work Done Visually. GoVisually | Online Visual Collaboration & Proofing Tool for Designers & Agencies. RAWGraphs. Protovis. Protovis composes custom views of data with simple marks such as bars and dots.

Unlike low-level graphics libraries that quickly become tedious for visualization, Protovis defines marks through dynamic properties that encode data, allowing inheritance, scales and layouts to simplify construction. Protovis is free and open-source, provided under the BSD License. It uses JavaScript and SVG for web-native visualizations; no plugin required (though you will need a modern web browser)! Although programming experience is helpful, Protovis is mostly declarative and designed to be learned by example.

Protovis is no longer under active development.The final release of Protovis was v3.3.1 (4.7 MB). This project was led by Mike Bostock and Jeff Heer of the Stanford Visualization Group, with significant help from Vadim Ogievetsky. Updates June 28, 2011 - Protovis is no longer under active development. September 17, 2010 - Release 3.3 is available on GitHub. May 28, 2010 - ZOMG! Getting Started. The Media Computing Group : Code Gestalt is an software visualization tool that lets programmers illustrate themes and concepts based on the vocabulary used by the source code. We implemented Code Gestalt as plug-in for Eclipse and built upon the JDT and Cultivate (2). The user interface is inspired by Relo (1), but focuses more on developer communication and semantics.

The user can create diagrams with a simple drag-and-drop interface and edit it using contextual UI elements. The process of building class diagram can be completed without touching a tool-bar or menu. Of course, the interface provides default context, menu and keyboard commands, if the user prefers this. Unlike traditional class diagrams Code Gestalt visualizes a lot of extra information, like the presence of warnings and errors. Double-clicking any Java-related entity of the diagram will open the corresponding source code in a text editor. When a user identifies a key term, that term can be pinned to the diagram to highlight an area of interest.

GZoltar. Visual Thinking Center. SpatialNote: spatial note taking, Evernote alternative, think in 3D. Outlining, Writing, & Brainstorming using Mapping, Graphic Organizers and other Visual Thinking Techniques. For visual mapping, outlining, writing and making presentations, use Inspiration® 9, the ultimate thinking and learning tool.

Brainstorm ideas, structure your thoughts and visually communicate concepts to strengthen understanding with the Diagram and Map Views. To take notes, organize information, and structure writing for plans, papers and reports, use the integrated Outline View to focus on main and supporting ideas and to clarify thinking in written form.

With Inspiration's Presentation Manager, transform your diagrams, mind maps and outlines into polished presentations that communicate ideas clearly and demonstrate understanding and knowledge. Download the Inspiration 9 Product Information Sheet Visualize & Develop Ideas. Understand & Retain ConceptsPlan & Organize Written WorkCommunicate & Present KnowledgeUse Inspiration for All of Your School Projects Brainstorm or brainwrite, capturing ideas quickly with RapidFire® tool. In Diagram View: Add symbols and images in multiple ways. Structr Docs. Windows Manual Installation About this document If you want to run Structr on Windows, follow these instructions for a full manual installation and start.

For evaluating a Windows-based installation, you can use a virtual machine provided by Microsoft: Prerequisites Make sure you have Java JDK 7 installed on your machine. The standard JRE package which is installed by default on most computers is not sufficient because it doesn’t contain the Java Compiler (javac.exe). Check Java version You can check the Java version with C:\>where java Download and install JDK 7 If you get C:\Windows\System32\java.exe as response, go to and download the JDK version for your operating system (32 or 64 bit). Follow the installation instructions from here: Install and configure JDK Change %PATH% variable and. LLC. BayesFusion, LLC. Complexity. 40 Useful and Creative Infographics. Six Revisions Menu Main Categories CSS HTML JavaScript Web Design WordPress Web Development Design Inspiration UX Design UI Design Freebies Tutorials Tools Links About Contact Advertise RSS Twitter Facebook 40 Useful and Creative Infographics By Jacob Gube Information graphics (or infographics) are graphical depictions of data and information.

In this collection, you’ll find forty beautiful and educational infographics, displaying the uncommon spectacle of "art meets science". 1. The proportion of ingredients for popular coffee drinks and their pronunciation keys. 2. This infographic showcases the history of the Swine Flu, starting from 1976. 3. 4. 5. The top breweries and beers in the U.S. 6. 7. 389 Years Ago A rundown of the historic events in African-American culture. 8. 9. 10. 11.

An illustrated guide at how the Global Warming phenomenon works. 13. A packed visual piece on tobacco chemicals and tobacco trade worldwide. 14. 15. 16. A graphical representation of consumer spending across the globe. 17. Data Visualization Software | Tulip. Best Infographics Ideas and Free Tools. Look at pretty much every blog, professional site and presentation these days, and you will notice that most of them have infographics, which are charts that display a visual image in order to supply data to the user. They are highly functional and often work more effectively than graphs and charts alone. They are also more pleasing to the eye and can break down concepts for easier understanding. But for every good one, there is a bad one that looks cluttered and doesn’t manage to get the point across. That is why people seek out both inspiration and tools to help them make the most out of this valuable resource.

Here are some of the best examples and tools to assist you in creating your own. Inspiration Online Piracy With new legislation being argued right now in the Senate to curb piracy, there is a lot of misunderstanding about the topic itself. It illustrates that popular movies are not affected in profit by illegal downloading. Calorie Intake & Outtake The Brutal Decline of Yahoo Tools. Enterprise Software Doesn't Have to Suck: Social Network Analysis using R and Gephis. After learning the basics of R, I decided to learn something harder last week. I picked Social Network Analysis (SNA) to learn the concepts of SNA and R. My primary interest in SNA is visual exploration of networks, so I needed to find a tool first. Which tool to use for visual SNA? Features needed: 1) graphical representation of network 2) visually navigate the graph (zoom in/out, drag) to explore large graphs 3) manipulate the graph (filter nodes, edit/delete/group nodes and same for edges) 4) free, preferably open source.

I found out that R has good libraries like SNA (checkout Drew Conway's tutorial) and iGraph (see this tutorial) for social network analysis. So I continued my hunt for a good tool for visual SNA and discovered Gephis, an open source app for visual exploration. WARNING: SNA with Gephis is addictive. After you download Gephi, checkout Gephi quick start guide to get your bearings.

Gephi Features Tour from gephi on Vimeo. Web rendition of these graphs is also possible. Graphs. Visualization tools. Créer une carte | BatchGeo. MODELESPACE. Circles - Carrot search. iLogos. Theory - TruthMapping. §. Version 2.6. A simple and versatile visual brainstorming software supporting a variety of visual templates and methods (incl. mind mapping). The Headcase Mind Mapper is a reasonably priced mind mapping program that - according to some reviews- is still quite buggy. A comprehensive, high-quality mapping suite enabling concept and mind maps, as well as a variety of other formats, such as network diagrams or technical drawings. Supports a whole range of mapping methods, incl. Based on the cognitive mapping approach, Banxia's decision explorer helps group clarify their rationale and reach consensus-based decisions. Powersim is a commercial, full scale simulation and network diagramming software. Used mostly in the military and law enforcement community. Contains coordinated multiple views including similarity maps, paralleld coordinates and geographic maps. Stormboard - Online Brainstorming and Planning. Add a sticky note and post it online with dot voting. DEON - Visual collaboration for the future workplace. BeeCanvas - Intuitif & Beautiful interactive Whiteboard pour la collaboration Web. capture ideas, brainstorm and turn them into actionable project plans.

Client Communication and Approvals - ClientFlow. RowShare. Des tableaux pour s'organiser ou travailler en équipe. Les tableaux de RowShare ressemblent à des feuilles de calcul classiques de n’importe quel tableur et plus particulièrement d’Excel. Sauf qu’ici tout est extrêmement simple et à la portée de tous. Créer un nouveau tableau est rapide. Une des grandes forces du service c’est de proposer plus d’une cinquantaine de modèles prêts à être utilisés qui répondent à de nombreux besoins de la vie quotidienne ou professionnelle. Impossible de les citer tous ici. Les tableaux sont tous organisés un peu de la même manière pour faciliter le travail collaboratif. RowShare propose un système de notifications efficace indispensable au travail en équipe. Vous pouvez créer autant de tableaux que vous le souhaitez et les ranger pour une meilleure organisation dans des dossiers.

Lien : RowShare. Le tableau collaboratif pour les méthodologies visuelles- TUZZit. Online Whiteboard & Online Collaboration Tool | RealtimeBoard. Cnverg. Un autre tableau blanc collaboratif. Cnverg est le dernier venu dans le marché déjà bien encombré des tableaux blancs en ligne pour le travail collaboratif. Cnverg tire bien son épingle du jeu avec une mise en oeuvre excessivement simple et une compatibilité totale avec tous les dispositifs fixes ou mobiles. Cnverg fonctionne sur votre ordinateur mais aussi sur votre tablette ou sur votre smartphone sans avoir besoin d’installer ni application, ni plugin ni quoi que ce soit.

Après une rapide inscription, vous pouvez créer un premier tableau blanc et inviter d’autres personnes à le consulter ou l’éditer. Il s’agit bien d’un tableau blanc ou vous pourrez épingler des notes, des vidéos, des images de fond, des tâches, des listes… Tout est modifiable et adaptable du bout de la souris avec une réelle simplicité. Cnverg est une solution gratuite pour des groupes jusqu’à cinq collaborateurs pouvant partager et travailler sur cinq tableaux blancs virtuels et avec un espace de stockage limité à cinq gigas. Lien: Cnverg. KomuniD - Sharing Ideas.

Scrumblr. Un tableau blanc collaboratif. Scrumblr est un site qui vous offre la possibilité de créer un tableau blanc collaboratif. Scrumblr permet d’afficher sur un tableau blanc virtuel des notes sous la forme de Post-it de toutes les couleurs. Les créateurs de ce service ont joué la simplicité au moment de choisir un environnement graphique pour leur Webapplication. L’interface de Scrumblr ressemble à un tableau blanc. Un veritable tableau blanc avec son crayon veleda posé sur un rebord et son effaceur juste à côté. Scrumblr vous demande de donner un nom à votre tableau. Une liste des participants s’affiche en bas à droite du tableau. Vous pouvez tester Scrumblr ici sur le web. Ziteboard | Online Whiteboard with Realtime Collaboration.

Mind mapping softwares. Liste des softs de mind mapping. XMind. FreeMind. Software | iMindMap. Genuine Mind Mapping Software. ToketaWare. Survey of Requirements Tools Lists | The Making of Software. Lucidchart (web) MindMaple. Mindmapping, concept mapping and information organisation software. Treemaps for space-constrained visualization of hierarchies.

Concept "Carte mentale". yEd - Graph Editor. Visual Understanding Environment. Gliffy | Online Diagram and Flowchart Software. Flowchart Maker & Online Diagram Software. Diagram Examples Drawn Using Creately. Free Flowchart Software & Flowchart Examples. Tools for creating ideas. Knowledge Base. Set, Track & Achieve Goals with Crystal Mapping. Dapulse: Project management is better when it's visual. Flying Logic. Aepryus Software. Rationale - online argument mapping.

BPM Tools (essential in ITSM projects) Top Ten BPM tools you cannot ignore! | Process-Symphony. Free tools for business analysts – Business Process Management – Software, Methods and Practical Tips.