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Understanding Color in Photography. The appropriate use of color in photography adds a dynamic element to your images that is very pleasing to the eye.

Understanding Color in Photography

The correct use of it will allow you to create photographs to be proud of. Bold colors and bright composition in your photos result in images that sell. So use color to your advantage. I have always used strong colors in my images to good effect, allowing the image to speak to the viewer. We think and feel in color, which makes it obvious that well utilized color draws the eye of the viewer. 1. At one stage I thought that filling the frame with lots of bold colors would make a dramatic image. 2. My Fujifilm X Journal (X100F, X-Pro2, etc.) Photography Lessons - Learn Photography with Light Stalking. Capture One: The best RAW processor. 10 Capture One Quick Tips — Thomas Fitzgerald Photography. However, both of these curves produce different results, and you can also produce interesting results by using both together, in different ways.

10 Capture One Quick Tips — Thomas Fitzgerald Photography

For example, you can use an s-curve in the RGB curve and offset it by an opposite curve in the Luma curve. If this all sounds a bit technical, as I said, it’s something that you need to play with to get a feel for what it does. Try different Clarity Modes The clarity control in Capture One has a number of different modes. These produce different results. If you’re coming from Lightroom, the clarity controls in Capture One behave differently from Lightroom. Edit your image in Capture One like your Lightroom Preset. I recently noticed that a lot of my peers and fellow photographer friends are looking into Capture One. Since Adobe released their newest update to their photo editing software Lightroom. People seem to be very upset about the direction Adobe is going with their subscription based approach. So there is where Capture One comes into play. Post Tips: The Unsung Tool That Saves Colors. We're continuing the Alpha Universe department about post-production workflow with Phase One Capture One with a primer on Luma Curves.

Post Tips: The Unsung Tool That Saves Colors

As a Sony camera owner you get Capture One Express (for Sony) with your purchase. This series of articles will show you how to get more out of the software. Of course, you don’t have to be a Sony shooter to make use of these tips. FUJIFILM Digital Camera X Series & GFX – USA. The Curve tool.

FUJIFILM Digital Camera X Series & GFX – USA

The Curve tool in Capture One Pro is unique for two reasons, the Luma Curve and the floating option. Being able to size up to fullscreen the Curve tool is a valuable feature. We can work in a more precise way. But what is the Luma Curve ? The Curve tool, in the combined RGB mode, allows us to change the tonal distribution of an image, but it is linked to the saturation. So, we have two modes in one tool so precise and powerful that I use it to replace the Contrast and Brightness sliders in the Exposure tool.

Because Brightness is equivalent to work on Curve, in the combined RGB mode, with one additional point and Contrast, same but with two additional points. However, in the Curve tool, we can place these points where we want, working with them in a symmetric or an asymmetric way and choose to use them in the combined RGB mode, linked to the saturation, or in the Luma mode, not linked to. Moreover, we have to understand something important. Capture One Image Workflow - A travel photography blog. Fstoppers - Photography News and Community for Creative Professionals. Фотоблог 365. MegaPixel – אתר התוכן הגדול בישראל לצילום – אתר התוכן הגדול בישראל לצילום.

Мир цифровой фотографии. Уроки фотографии - Alik Griffin - Photography Blog. All About Capture One. Learn photography and storytelling. Photography Lessons - Learn Photography with Light Stalking. Breakfastographer – Discuss photo news. Capture One tutorials, articles, video and styles. Scott Williams Photography. 20 Best Photography Cheat Sheets & Infographics » ExpertPhotography. We all need help from time to time with our photography.

20 Best Photography Cheat Sheets & Infographics » ExpertPhotography

Whether it is trying to understand a specific process, or how to obtain a specific shot. Luckily, we are here to help. One of the ways we can do this is with photography cheat sheets. They are great as you can come back to them when you need to. Or just print them off and take them with you. 20. Memberships / 500px.

Max Tikhomirov (maxtikhomirov) Photos. The Digital Story. This Cheat Sheet Will Help You Learn Manual Photography Better. If you’ve decided to take the manual photography route, Skylum has a cheat sheet to help you get started.

This Cheat Sheet Will Help You Learn Manual Photography Better

Another day, another photography cheat sheet. There’s a lot of them out there, especially for those who want to break away from the auto mode and take full control of their camera settings. But we can never stress enough how important it is to learn how to shoot in manual mode to maximize your creative potential. With this cheat sheet from Skylum, you won’t have to dive blindly into manual photography. Manual photography cheat sheets like this show the practical applications of the exposure triangle — the three variables that make up the exposure of a photograph.

Digital Photo Secrets. Night Photography: 12 Essential Techniques, with Fuji X cameras - FUJI X PASSION. I often discuss with my friends about the tips and tricks in all kind of photography fields.

Night Photography: 12 Essential Techniques, with Fuji X cameras - FUJI X PASSION

It is good to share your knowledge within a group of photographers. “Let the envy go away and act like a true member of a growing family of photographers”, I say. Each one has its own vision and original concepts and it is very profitable to share some of the techniques you have, based on your own experiences, which most of them were acquired on a trial and error approach. We often make our own mistakes, even if we were taught about them in the first place. It is good to make mistakes in photography – this is the most powerful way to learn, for good, the correct ways. As a travel photographer, dealing with situations and places that might never occur again, you have to be prepared to record the relevant moments of your journey. The Complete Guide to Fujifilm's X-T20 (B&W Edition) - Tony Phillips - Google Books.

Free Lightroom Presets, Luminar Presets, Photoshop Actions & More! Cambridge in Colour - Photography Tutorials & Learning Community. Fuji Rumors - Fuji digital camera news. Learn Photography With Simple, Step-By-Step Tutorials - Photzy. Настройки фотоаппаратов FUJIFILM. Версия 2018 года.

Shutterbug - Photo Tips, How-Tos, News & Reviews. My account » ExpertPhotography. An Introduction to Astrophotography with your X Series – The Fujifilm Blog. Taking stunning photos of the night sky, capturing crystal clear skies and pin-sharp stars can be tricky for beginners.

An Introduction to Astrophotography with your X Series – The Fujifilm Blog

Photography Life. -The On-line Library of Digital Photography. 40 Tips to Take Better Photos. Many years ago when I was a starry-eyed undergrad I would ask every photographer I came across the same question: “How do I take better photos?”

40 Tips to Take Better Photos

I was extremely lucky to have many talented and generous photographers take me under their wing to show me the ropes. Without their valuable advice there is no way I would have become the photographer I am today. Ironically, the number one question I now get asked as an Open producer is “How do I take better photos?” So along with some tips that I’ve picked up over the years, I’ve recruited some outstanding snappers across Australia to share their own secret techniques about how they take their photos to the next level. 1. Dave Morrow Photography – Landscape, Night Sky & Wilderness Photography. Beginner Photography Tips.

How Using a Manual Focus Lens Can Make You a Better Photographer. Back in the days of all manual, focusing your lens was a skill that every photographer had master.

How Using a Manual Focus Lens Can Make You a Better Photographer

Focusing used to be that thing that made your camera an extension of your hand, therefore a direct extension of your photographer’s eye. That whole agenda came to an end in the early 1990s with the arrival of autofocus systems that were able to actually focus faster than us humans. That is another key frame along the medium’s timeline. Where new technology started a chain reaction that changed the face of photography forever.

Until the appearance of mirrorless cameras that is. The Best Fuji X-T20 / X-T30 Accessories Compared. Shooting Weddings with Fuji ~ Tips and Best Settings. Wedding Photography - Fujifilm X-Photography. - Путеводитель в мире фотографии. Îáçîð îáúåêòèâà FUJINON XF35mm F1.4R - ÔÎÒÎØÊÎËÀ ÅËÅÍÛ Ñ×ÀÑÒËÈÂÎÉ. Íà÷íó ñ òîãî, ÷òî ýòîò îáúåêòèâ åñòü ó ìåíÿ â ïàðêå ëè÷íûõ îáúåêòèâîâ è ÿ åãî î÷åíü ëþáëþ. Ýòîò îáúåêòèâ äëÿ ìåíÿ "ðîäíîé", òî åñòü øòàòíûé.  êàæäîì îáçîðå ÿ ïèøó, ÷òî ëþáàÿ èíôîðìàöèÿ, êîòîðîé äåëèòñÿ ÷åëîâåê ñóáúåêòèâíà â òîé èëè èíîé ñòåïåíè, êàê áû áåñïðèñòðàñòíî íå ïûòàëñÿ ýòîò ñàìûé ÷åëîâåê ïîäîéòè ê ïåðåäà÷å ëþáîé èíôîðìàöèè. À êîãäà äåëî êàñàåòñÿ îáúåêòèâîâ, ïîäàòü èíôîðìàöèþ áåñïðèñòðàñòíî ïðàêòè÷åñêè íåâîçìîæíî.

Ýòîò îáçîð íå áóäåò ïðåòåíäîâàòü íà çâàíèå áåñïðèñòðàñòíîãî, êàê è âñå ïðåäûäóùèå, òàê è âñå ïîñëåäóþùèå. Òàêîâà ðåàëüíîñòü. Ýòî ëåãêèé, 187 ãðàìì, îáúåêòèâ ñ ôèêñèðîâàííûì ôîêóñíûì ðàññòîÿíèåì = 35 ìì. Фотосообщество FUJICLUB. Журнал о фотографии и фототехнике №1 в России. Как настроить экспозицию на фотоаппарате. Примеры настройки фотоаппарата в ручном режиме.

А вы знаете, что для получения правильной экспозиции в любом режиме фотосъёмки, будь то полностью автоматический, полуавтоматический или полностью ручной режим фотографу (или фотоаппарату) нужно установить всего лишь три параметра - выдержку, диафрагму и чувствительность матрицы. Из всех функций и "наворотов" вашего фотоаппарата только эти три параметра влияют на экспозицию. Все вместе эти параметры часто называют "ТРЕМЯ КИТА ЭКСПОЗИЦИИ" Начнём изучение этих трёх параметров и их зависимости друг от друга по порядку. Почему фотография светлее или темнее чем нужно? Shutter Muse - Photography eBooks, Tutorials and Online Courses. The Phoblographer - The Psychology of Creative Photography. (17) FUJI TIP: □ADAPTING NIKKOR LENSES TO YOUR FUJIFILM. Новости фототехники - Stock Photos, Royalty Free Images, Vectors, Footage. Microstock Plus. Sell stock photos, videos, vectors online. Sell photos, footage clips, illustrations & vectors.

Fujifilm X-T30 review: a little wonder of a camera. ForFor Fujifilm, shrinking the phenomenal X-T3 down into a smaller package was always going to be a winning proposition. For several years running, the company has followed up on its flagship X-series mirrorless camera with a more portable (and more affordable) option that still offers many of the best features and capabilities of the flagship. This step-down series is actually Fujifilm’s most popular camera line; the X-T20, introduced in 2017, became the company’s best-selling camera ever.

And now its successor is here. With the $899 X-T30, Fujifilm is trickling down some of the most impressive aspects of the X-T3 into a camera that costs a whopping $600 less. Fujifilm X-T30: флагман в компактном корпусе заказывали? — Российское фото. Best Camera News - Get the Latest Camera and Lens News with Reviews and Comparisons. DTOWN - מצלמות. MegaPixel – אתר התוכן הגדול בישראל לצילום – אתר התוכן הגדול בישראל לצילום. Photography Photo & Video Tutorials by Envato Tuts+ Photography, Cameras and Taking Better Pictures.