Related: Techniques photographiques • Photo • Photography • Fotografia • CameraGuide to Image Sharpening Image sharpening is a powerful tool for emphasizing texture and drawing viewer focus. It's also required of any digital photo at some point — whether you're aware it's been applied or not. Digital camera sensors and lenses always blur an image to some degree, for example, and this requires correction. Freebie Alert: Get the “National Geographic Guide to Photography” with This Free PDF Download ©Marc Ewell/National Geographic National Geographic photographers are pretty much the cream of the crop when it comes to travel and adventure photography. And now you can get their advice for free with this pdf download of the “National Geographic Guide to Photography.” ©Lukasz Warzecha/National Geographic
Pick the right shutter speed for every photographic situation One of the most intriguing aspects of photography is that it's both an art and a science. Science tells us that, for most photos, there's a specific amount of light that will generate the "perfect" exposure--sort of like measuring chemicals in a laboratory. But it's not all test tubes and Bunsen burners in photography, because there are a million ways to get the right amount of light into your scene. An Introduction to Astrophotography with your X Series – The Fujifilm Blog Taking stunning photos of the night sky, capturing crystal clear skies and pin-sharp stars can be tricky for beginners. In this article, Steven Hanna tells you everything you need to know about how to take great Astrophotography photos. An Introduction to Astrophotography with your X Series By Steven Hanna I’ve always had a love and a fascination for space.
Resize for Web v4 – Landscape Photography Blog EDIT: Within 7 hours of posting this someone pointed out that the 900px action actually resizes to 1000px! This has now been fixed, but you may wish to download to action again, sorry! Many photographers professional and amateur alike currently use my web resizing action as a quick way to produce critically sharp images for their websites and social platforms. This is the latest update which adds additional sizes (including Facebook default sizes) and the ability to add a customisation to the end of every action. Most of you will probably just want to get using the action and ignore the largely unnecessary waffle below, so here it is!
HDR Tutorial – High Dynamic Range Photography Tutorial HDR Tutorial – How to Make Beautiful HDR Photos with Ease! Which HDR Software to use – Mac or Windows? The first thang you’re gonna need is some HDR Software. If you have a Mac, I strongly recommend Aurora HDR 2017 then follow the Free HDR Tutorial for Macs. Histogram: photography cheat sheets for achieving perfect exposure Before the histogram, photography enthusiasts had to go through a lot more effort to get good exposures. But while the histogram is one of the most useful tools on your camera, it’s also one of the least understood. Understanding the histogram in photography and how it tracks your exposure is one of the key steps in learning how to become a better photographer. In this quick guide – and with a few handy cheat sheets – we’ll show you exactly how to interpret your camera’s histogram. Judging whether you have taken a decent shot and a decent exposure is simple with a DSLR. As soon as you fire the shutter, a preview of your picture flashes up on the LCD.
40 Tips to Take Better Photos Many years ago when I was a starry-eyed undergrad I would ask every photographer I came across the same question: “How do I take better photos?” I was extremely lucky to have many talented and generous photographers take me under their wing to show me the ropes. Digital Photography An introduction to the scientific, artistic, and computing aspects of digital photography. Topics include lenses and optics, light and sensors, optical effects in nature, perspective and depth of field, sampling and noise, the camera as a computing platform, image processing and editing, and computational photography. We will also survey the history of photography, look at the work of famous photographers, and talk about composing strong photographs.
The EDU Photography Content Collection Video: Exposure and MeteringTools & Techniques for Photographing the Passage of Time Photography is magical. You can use your camera to capture a fleeting moment and the passage of time in a single photograph. Video: Business PracticesStrictly Business 3: Reality: The New Negotiation Is Sales Blake Discher offers guidance on how not to waste time on folks who base decisions on price. He explains how learn how to position yourself for success, overcome your fear of the sales process, and understand what it means to be a professional in sales. 55+ Great Photography Tutorials By following detailed photography tutorials you can learn new techniques and be inspired by experienced photographers. Photography is a great passion for many people and the possibilities for creating stunning shots are endless with the right equipment and skills. Some photographers are exceptional at capturing time and situations forever.