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Moteur John Bedini

Facebook Twitter - Moteur Générateur de Bedini - ACCUEIL. Hear Ye! Hear Ye! John Bedini Unveils His Latest Free-Energy Motor. John Bedini debuts his new 14ft. high modified Bedini Cole Monopole motor at the 2010 Renaissance Charge Conference in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho November 14th in tribute to Tom Bearden and his upcoming 80th birthday.

Hear Ye! Hear Ye! John Bedini Unveils His Latest Free-Energy Motor

Col. Tom Bearden is a pioneer in free-energy research. Bedini is developing working equipment that taps into radiant energy from the vacuum. For any of you who don’t quite appreciate what that means: it means brjnging down energy from a higher dimension. I’m not sure if I could say from the “Formless” itself, but frrom a higher than Third-Density realm. This is not Bedini’s first free-energy motor, but his latest. Here is an article that Bedini mounted to another site which explains how anyone can build a simple free-energy motor.

Special thanks to all the groups who kept the faith. Tom Bearden 1984 Simple Free Energy Motor On this slide, we show a theoretical scheme which several researchers have discovered and used to build simple free energy motors. Moteur Générateur de Bedini - Biographie de John Bedini. Bedini SG - How to Wind a Coil. Energy From The Vacuum – John Bedini – Tom Bearden. John Bedini Helps Progress Toward New Energy Future - The Venus Project Foundation, an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), national organization. - By Jeane Manning (Nov. 2011) The international network of “free energy” researchers is entering an exciting era, with rapid expansion of knowledge about new and rediscovered science.

John Bedini Helps Progress Toward New Energy Future - The Venus Project Foundation, an arts, sciences and educational, non-profit 501(c)(3), national organization

For instance, legendary inventor John Bedini recently attended an energy conference for the first time in a quarter-century, and he and colleague Peter Lindemann taught attendees some key principles of making fuelless energy systems. Meanwhile mainstream experts in electrical engineering theory may face embarrassing moments in the future unless they have the humility to learn about what is possible in an open, rather than closed, thermodynamic system. The emerging field of research called “Tesla’s Impulse technology” and its variation labeled “Bedini technology” are bypassing textbooks that ignore open systems.

If you ask Bedini, “What’s an open system?” He decided to help others by providing circuit drawings and specifications, so he wrote a small book. California is an oil-industry state. Secrets of cold electricity. John Bedini's Cigar Box-sized Tesla Switch - How To Build It. At the symposium, Bedini demonstrated an inexpensive, cigar-box sized Tesla-type converter witch he had recently built.

John Bedini's Cigar Box-sized Tesla Switch - How To Build It

Throughout the demonstration, which lasted a full 24 hours during the symposium, a constant load was being drawn out of the system to do work, Nevertheless, the converter kept the nickel-cadmium batteries fully charged! The concept, witch had been originated by Nikola Tesla, was given to John Bedini by Ronald Brandt, who was a personal friend of Nikola Tesla. Brandt is reputed to have a similar converter which he has used for years without loosing the battery charge. Bedini presented the schematic diagram showing how to build the solid-state device, and then released copies of the schematic diagram.

This Diagram Was used by John Bedini to test the Tesla Switch. - Moteur Générateur de Bedini - ACCUEIL. John Bedini loads one of his monopole motors. John Bedini loads one of his monopole motors Excerpted from the upcoming ENERGY FROM THE VACUUM Documentary Series.

John Bedini loads one of his monopole motors

Bedini Motors. Précurseurs : John Bedini. Les Précurseurs - page 6/8 John Bedini Le cycle des aimants John Bedini a commencé ses recherches sur les générateurs électromagnétiques en 1970.

Précurseurs : John Bedini

Il est alors ingénieur en électronique et travaille dans le domaine de l'audio. Dans le courant des années 90, il invente l'Optimiseur de Spectre Audio, un système permettant d'améliorer la reproduction stéréophonique. Il est le digne héritier des technologies de Nikola Tesla dont il va reprendre le concept d'énergie radiante pour expliquer la production surunitaire de ses générateurs. Ses recherches l'ont amené à travailler avec Floyd Sweet et Thomas Bearden.