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Climategate(s) and other Scandals

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Climategate 1

Climategate--Tenth Anniversary. Climategate 2. Fakegate. 129 Climate Scandals. 94 climate-gates total28 new gates 145 links to reports with details The new gates on the list are designated with “NEW!”

129 Climate Scandals

To make them easy to spot. Thanks to a number of readers who have given me tips. © Copyright notice I’ve noticed some websites have cut and pasted entire lists of gates at their sites in the past. Although I’m happy the lists are spreading and becoming more widely known, I kindly ask websites not to do this. Hockey stick chart - the mother of gates. And as long as the science refuses to clean up its corruption and fraud, many more scandals are sure to join the list in the future. 35 new gates have been added since August.

To offer an anecdote, Stefan Rahmstorf wrote a post a while back boasting (prematurely) how Amazon-gate had been debunked. Needless to say, my comment was deleted. New gates are designated with “NEW! 1. 3. If you find other new gates, please let me know. Science's Untold Scandal: The Lockstep March of Professional Societies to Promote the Climate Change Scare. When we started our careers, it was considered an honor to be a member of professional societies that helped practitioners keep up with the latest developments in their fields through relevant meetings and publications.

Science's Untold Scandal: The Lockstep March of Professional Societies to Promote the Climate Change Scare

Senior author Dr. Jay Lehr had the privilege of leading one of these societies long ago. But things are different now. ClimateGate continues – the Mann Hockeystick University of Arizona emails are now public. After years of trying to suppress their release, and finally being ordered to be released by a judge, they are now public, and we have them here.

ClimateGate continues – the Mann Hockeystick University of Arizona emails are now public

This will remain as a “top post” for a day, new stories will be below this one. There’s quite a treasure trove, but also some duplications from previous releases. First a look at the release letter from University of Arizona: The files released cover emails from Michael Mann to Malcolm Hughes, Eugene Wahl, Caspar Amman, Ray Bradley, and Jonathan Overpeck. Plus there were additional requests for anything out of UEA (Phil Jones at CRU). Coral Reefs Can Take The Heat, Unlike Experts Crying Wolf. Scientists from James Cook University have just published a paper on the bleaching and death of corals on the Great Barrier Reef and were surprised that the death rate was less than they expected, because of the adaptability of corals to changing temperatures.

Coral Reefs Can Take The Heat, Unlike Experts Crying Wolf

It appears as though they exaggerated their original claims and are quietly backtracking. To misquote Oscar Wilde, to exaggerate once is a misfortune, to do it twice looks careless, but to do it repeatedly looks like unforgivable systemic unreliability by some of our major science organisations. MITRE Releases Report Examining NOAA Internal Policies and the Karl Study.

Today, the MITRE Corporation released its report investigating internal National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) scientific policies and procedures regarding the publication of a study titled Possible Artifacts of Data Biases in the Recent Global Surface Warming Hiatus.

MITRE Releases Report Examining NOAA Internal Policies and the Karl Study

Former NOAA Scientist Confirms Colleagues Manipulated Climate Records. WASHINGTON – U.S.

Former NOAA Scientist Confirms Colleagues Manipulated Climate Records

House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space, and Technology members today responded to reports about the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) 2015 climate change study (“the Karl study”). According to Dr. John Bates, the recently retired principal scientist at NOAA’s National Climatic Data Center, the Karl study was used “to discredit the notion of a global warming hiatus and rush to time the publication of the paper to influence national and international deliberations on climate policy.” Chairman Lamar Smith (R-Texas): “I thank Dr. Even more on the David Rose bombshell article: How NOAA Software Spins the AGW Game. Guest essay by Rud Istvan The disclosures by Dr.

Even more on the David Rose bombshell article: How NOAA Software Spins the AGW Game

Bates concerning Karl’s ‘Pausebuster’ NOAA NCEI paper have created quite the climate kerfuffle, with Rep. Smith even renewing his NOAA email subpoena demands. Response to critiques: Climate scientists versus climate data. Heat’s On At NOAA As “High Level Whistle Blower” Exposes Data Fraud, “Scientific Integrity Breaches”! UPDATE: “Being retired sure is liberating.” – John Bates.

Heat’s On At NOAA As “High Level Whistle Blower” Exposes Data Fraud, “Scientific Integrity Breaches”!

Read: ===================================According to a just published article by the Online Mail of the UK here, a “high-level whistleblower” has disclosed that America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) “breached its own rules on scientific integrity” and “duped” world leaders with manipulated global warming data. Instability of GHCN adjustment algorithm. Yesterday there was an article in the Mail by David Rose, regarding manipulation and adjustment of temperature data.

Instability of GHCN adjustment algorithm

This issue comes up fairly regularly, but what’s new is that the source of the information this time is a “whistleblower”, John Bates, a highly regarded climate scientist who actually worked at NOAA until retiring last year. Bates has a substantial and technical article at Climate etc. The purpose of this post is to confirm one detail of Bates’s complaint.

The Mail article says that “The land temperature dataset used by the study was afflicted by devastating bugs in its software that rendered its findings ‘unstable’.” and later on in the article, “Moreover, the GHCN software was afflicted by serious bugs. They caused it to become so ‘unstable’ that every time the raw temperature readings were run through the computer, it gave different results.” Bates is quite correct about this. The dark blue line shows the raw, unadjusted temperature record for Alice Springs. Climate scientists versus climate data. By John Bates A look behind the curtain at NOAA’s climate data center.

Climate scientists versus climate data

I read with great irony recently that scientists are “frantically copying U.S. Climate data, fearing it might vanish under Trump” (e.g., Washington Post 13 December 2016). The Mark Boslough Affair. Guest Essay by Kip Hansen The Mark Boslough Affair or Who is Misrepresenting Whom? Who is Mark Boslough anyway? He is a “physicist.