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Fake News about Sea Level

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Spiegel Article By Stefan Rahmstorf Has “Nothing In The Least To Do With Science”…”Embarrassing” – Watts Up With That? Reposted from the NoTricksZone By P Gosselin on 23.

Spiegel Article By Stefan Rahmstorf Has “Nothing In The Least To Do With Science”…”Embarrassing” – Watts Up With That?

December 2020 By Die kalte Sonne(Translated/edited, subheadings by P. Gosselin) “Der Spiegel” has an in-house columnist on climate issues: Stefan Rahmstorf from PIK Potsdam. The rate of rise has doubled during this period, from 2.1 to 4.8 mm per year.” LA Times--Sea Level Rise. NYT and Sea Level. Guardian - Sea Level. BBC -- Sea Level Rise. Friday Funny – sea level rise is “set to flood UN headquarters as soon as 2100” – another self-immolation by Zoë Schlanger. While we can only hope this is true, and hopefully the flood will finally get the U.N. out of the U.S., the reality is much different.

Friday Funny – sea level rise is “set to flood UN headquarters as soon as 2100” – another self-immolation by Zoë Schlanger

From this article at QZ back in September, which I missed. Sea level rise will flood the neighborhood around the UN building with two degrees warmingLeaders are gathering at the United Nations headquarters in New York City this week, where a set of climate change meetings will take place alongside the United Nations General Assembly. While they discuss ways to prevent the worst effects of climate change, the neighborhoods around the UN face a very real threat: Sea level rise is set to flood the immediate area, possibly as soon as 2100.Right now, of every US city, New York City has the highest population living inside a floodplain. Fearmongering about rising oceans in big media. Hardly a week goes by without the New York Times or Washington Post publishing a scare story about climate change.

Fearmongering about rising oceans in big media

And nothing is hyped so much as rising oceans and warming seas. That’s because few people can get excited about a two or three degree increase in air temperatures but future flooding our great cites certainly draws attention. However, the major media almost never reports on the incredible exaggerations of the global warming lobby. “Rising oceans” are, most recently, only increasing at a rate of about 2 millimeters per year or one foot in a hundred years. Oh Noes!!! Sea Level Rise to Double… Again!

Guest post by David Middleton Sea levels could rise far more rapidly than expected in coming decades, according to new research that reveals Antarctica’s vast ice cap is less stable than previously thought.The UN’s climate science body had predicted up to a metre of sea level rise this century – but it did not anticipate any significant contribution from Antarctica, where increasing snowfall was expected to keep the ice sheet in balance.According a study, published in the journal Nature, collapsing Antarctic ice sheets are expected to double sea-level rise to two metres by 2100, if carbon emissions are not cut.Previously, only the passive melting of Antarctic ice by warmer air and seawater was considered but the new work added active processes, such as the disintegration of huge ice cliffs.

Oh Noes!!! Sea Level Rise to Double… Again!

“This [doubling] could spell disaster for many low-lying cities,” said Prof Robert DeConto, at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, who led the work. I don’t know if Mr. Mr. I don’t know if Mr. Sydney Airport To Drown In 6,000 Years. The New York Times says climate change threatens low lying airports.

Sydney Airport To Drown In 6,000 Years

The Sydney Airport is only ten feet (3m) above sea level. According to NOAA, sea level at Sydney will rise three meters in only 6,000 years. Sea Level Trends – NOAA Tides & Currents Stonehenge is about 5,000 years old. They better start moving the airport now. On the other hand, the tide gauge may be exaggerating the threat. “Atlantic City Gambles on Rising Seas” Or… Guest post by David Middleton Featured image borrowed from the HuffPuff.

“Atlantic City Gambles on Rising Seas”

Once upon a time National Geographic magazine was a respectable publication. By Michael Edison Hayden PUBLISHED MAY 4, 2016 ATLANTIC CITY, NEW JERSEY Claudia Waller’s anxious eyes flit across the living room of a home where her family has lived for more than 80 years as she ponders the moment when she’ll have to leave for good.When even a moderate rain falls in Atlantic City, the streets flood, reminding her of when her family lost their house’s foundation to Hurricane Sandy in 2012.Flood-damaged, abandoned properties are scattered throughout her neighborhood, roughly a mile from the city’s famous boardwalk, attracting homeless drifters, drug dealers, and sex workers.

Bengal Island succumbs to global warming nonsense – AP gets nutty over the loss of a sandbar. By Steven Goddard and Anthony Watts New Moore Island in the Sunderbans has been completely submerged.

Bengal Island succumbs to global warming nonsense – AP gets nutty over the loss of a sandbar

Photo - Das/AP From the New York Daily News via Associated Press reports : Global warming resolves 30-year land dispute between India, Bangladesh: Coveted island sinksBy NIRMALA GEORGE, Associated Press Writer Nirmala George, Associated Press Writer – Wed Mar 24, 9:29 am ETNEW DELHI – For nearly 30 years, India and Bangladesh have argued over control of a tiny rock island in the Bay of Bengal. The Irony, It Burns … Tuvalu. The Deplorable Climate Science Blog. Climate fraudsters in Alameda, California say that sea level rise is going to drown them.

The Deplorable Climate Science Blog

NOAA Jumps The Shark In Tampa Bay. Guest Post by Willis Eschenbach [see Update at the end] I thought I might write about how I research a subject.

NOAA Jumps The Shark In Tampa Bay

Over at Dr. Judith’s excellent website, she periodically puts out a list of interesting papers that she has come across.