How Common is Your Sexual Fantasy?
"Masters of Sex" on ShowtimeWe had no idea.
We all have at least one, and most of us have many: Sexual fantasies. In fact, it's normal, and even healthy, to have sexual fantasies. What might not be normal is the type of sexual fantasy you're daydreaming over. A new study is helping shed light on which sexual fantasies are prevalent and which are unusual and rare. Until recently, scientists had limited data on what constituted a normal sexual fantasy versus an unusual one, and most surveys that had explored this sensitive territory had surveyed only university students.
Gratitude predicts greater sexual communal strength in romantic couples. New psychology research indicates that gratitude motivates people to meet the sexual needs of their romantic partners.
The study, published in Social Psychological and Personality Science, suggests those who feel appreciated by their partner and appreciative towards their partner tend to have a stronger sexual bond. “I became interested in this topic because I think it is applicable to many people. Over the course of a romantic relationship, people will likely experience times when they do not feel sexually satisfied, and this can be harmful to their overall relationship satisfaction,” said study author Ashlyn Brady of the University of North Carolina at Greensboro.
Porn Sex vs Real Sex: The Differences Explained With Food. What do women want? It depends on the time of the month. If she loves you and then she loves you not, don’t blame the petals of that daisy.
Blame evolution. UCLA researchers analyzed dozens of published and unpublished studies on how women’s preferences for mates change throughout the menstrual cycle. Their findings suggest that ovulating women have evolved to prefer mates who display sexy traits – such as a masculine body type and facial features, dominant behavior and certain scents – but not traits typically desired in long-term mates. So, desires for those masculine characteristics, which are thought to have been markers of high genetic quality in our male ancestors, don’t last all month – just the few days in a woman’s cycle when she is most likely to pass on genes that, eons ago, might have increased the odds of her offspring surviving and reproducing. The findings will appear online this month in Psychological Bulletin, which is published by the American Psychological Association.
Testes size correlates with men's paternal instinct. Men with smaller testes than others are more likely to be involved in hands-on care of their toddlers, a new study conducted by anthropologists at Emory University finds.
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) published the results of the study Sept. 9. Smaller testicular volumes also correlate with more nurturing-related brain activity in fathers as they are looking at photos of their own children, the study shows. "Our data suggest that the biology of human males reflects a trade-off between investments in mating versus parenting effort," says Emory anthropologist James Rilling, whose lab conducted the research. The goal of the research is to determine why some fathers invest more energy in parenting than others. "It's an important question," Rilling says, "because previous studies have shown that children with more involved fathers have better social, psychological and educational outcomes.
" A key question raised by the study findings is the direction of casualty.
What Female Porn Stars Get Paid. Jenna Jameson is one of few to earn a million dollar paycheck in the porn industry.
Getty Most people have heard the name Ari Emanuel — the WME super agent who inspired Jeremy Piven's Ari Gold character on HBO's hit show, "Entourage.
" The name Mark Spiegler, a top talent agent in a different billion dollar entertainment industry, may not ring as many bells. That's because Spiegler represents porn stars. While Emanuel, 51, represents talent such as Charlize Theron and Steven Spielberg; Spiegler, 54, represents top adult female stars with names like Skin Diamond, Chanel Preston and Asa Akira. Spiegler's boutique firm, Spiegler Girls, represents a small group of elite women and is regarded as one of the industry's top agencies in the Hollywood of porn: The San Fernando Valley. "We are the buffer — so the girl doesn't look bad. But while many aspects of the business are changing — from the just-passed L.A.
Cliteracy 101. New York artist Sophia Wallace wants you -- and everyone you know -- to be cliterate.
"It's appalling and shocking to think that scientifically, the clitoris was only discovered in 1998," Wallace told The Huffington Post from her Brooklyn studio last week. "But really, it may as well have never been discovered at all because there's still such ignorance when it comes to the female body.
" The clitoris, described as the only human body part that exists solely for pleasure, is not merely a little "button" hidden between a woman's legs, but rather a large, mostly internal organ many people don't know about, Wallace explains. According to a 2011 post by Museum of Sex blogger Ms. In 1998, Australian urologist Helen O’Connell published a paper in the Journal of Urology describing the sheer scope and size of the clitoris.
Wallace, citing anecdotal evidence, says ignorance still seems to be ever-pervasive in modern society.
Study Reveals Something Surprising About "Abnormal" Sexual Interests. “Weird” is the norm when it comes to sexual desires, according to a recent study from the University of Montreal.
In fact, almost half of us could have sexual fantasies which are considered “deviant” or “atypical” under current psychiatric criteria. The study, published in the Journal of Sex Research, probed 1,040 Canadians of both genders on their sexual behavior and interests. From this sample group, the researchers have said they imagine their findings could be applied to the whole of North America and Europe. Under the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders Fifth Edition (DSM-5) – often mockingly referred to as psychiatry's "bible" – sexual behaviours are divided into normophilic (deemed as “normal” or "typical" behaviour) and paraphilic (deemed as “anomalous” or "deviant"). 45.5 percent of the people asked said they were interested in at least one type of sexual behaviour that is considered paraphilic and 33 percent had said they had actually acted on these fantasies.