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Color Theory 101. Art History Timelines: Caravaggio, Judith Beheading Holofernes - 1598. Oil paintings on pennies [8 pictures]
Artist Jacqueline Lou Skaggs has created a series of paintings on old pennies… After looking at these blown-up images, it’s easy to forget how small we’re talking about. This last photo should put things back in perspective… (via Kottke)
20 Superb Adobe Illustrator Tutorials. Japanese graphic design from the 1920s-30s. In the 1920s and 1930s, Japan embraced new forms of graphic design as waves of social change swept across the nation. This collection of 50 posters, magazine covers and advertisements offer a glimpse at some of the prevailing tendencies in a society transformed by the growth of modern industry and technology, the popularity of Western art and culture, and the emergence of leftist political thought.
"Buy Domestic!
" poster, 1930 [+] Cover of "Nippon" magazine issue #1, Oct 1934 [+] "Fuji Weekly" cover, Oct 1930 [+] Poster for Japan's first national census, 1920 [+] // "Health for body and country" poster, c. 1930 [+] Grand Nagoya Festival poster by Kenkichi Sugimoto, 1933 [+] Kyoto Grand Exposition to Commemorate the Showa Imperial Coronation, 1928 [+] Poster design by Shujiro Shimomura, 1928 [+] "NAPF" (Nippona Artista Proleta Federacio) magazine cover, Feb 1931 [+] "NAPF" (Nippona Artista Proleta Federacio) magazine covers: Sep 1931 // Oct 1931 "May 1" movie poster by Hiromu Hara, 1928-1929 [+]
Surrealistic paintings by Tetsuya Ishida. 07 Jun 2010 The surrealistic paintings of Tetsuya Ishida (1973-2005) explore the dark side of modern life. [Link]
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Screwy Portraits. Andrew Myers uses common screws - up to 10,000 of them at a time, to creates these wonderful three-dimensional portraits.
Awesome chainsaw wooden art | Wicked Report. Wow!!! How Awesome is THIS! Amazing chainsaw art by Randy Boni… Comments Other Posts. Daniel Graffenberger. Daniel Graffenberger is a concept artist and illustrator currently located in Berlin, Germany.
His online portfolio includes concepts and illustrations of futuristic military airships, tanks, armor mechs and weapons. Link: SKETCHES on the Behance Network. 100 Principles for Designing Logos and Building Brands | Brand Identity Essentials. Pencil Vs Camera by Ben Heine. Ben Heine (born June 12, 1983 in Abidjan, Ivory coast) is a Belgian multidisciplinary visual artist. He is best known for his original series “Pencil Vs Camera”, “Digital Circlism” and “Flesh and Acrylic”. “Pencil Vs Camera” mixes drawing and photography, imagination and reality. It’s a new visual concept invented and initiated by Ben Heine in 2010. It’s full of magic, illusion, poetry and surrealism.
Chek him at Enjoy The Gallery very good hands thanks Leave a Reply. C2Iup.jpg (JPEG Image, 1280x946 pixels) - Scaled (65%)
Lee Misenheimer. Achieving a Vintage Look Through Color Tones in Photoshop CS. By Guest Contributor Anna Gay Photographers are often striving for a “vintage” look in their photos, and even though there are endless ways of achieving a vintage look, there are a couple of characteristics to keep in mind. First of all, the color tones in a vintage photo often lean towards either a blue or a red hue, or a cross-processed look. Vintage photos also have an element of noise or grain that can be achieved through textures, and also a certain amount of vignetting around the edges of the photo. In this tutorial, we will look at adjusting color tones and adding vignettes. This photo is the result of adjusting the color curves, adding two vignettes, and a color fill, which we will walk through step-by-step.
First, open your photo in Photoshop and make sure your foreground color is set to white in your side tool bar. Then, select Layers, New Fill Layer, Gradient. You will see the above dialogue box. Now, let’s adjust the color curves. Select Layer, New Fill Layer, Solid Color.
My World, My Way – New Ads Campaign from Allen Solly. Discover the Most Creative & Sophisticated Advertising Campaigns around the World Creative Ad Awards About / Directory / Articles / Category / Hot / Contact My World, My Way – New Ads Campaign from Allen Solly After the “I Hate Ugly” series, Ogilvy & Mather has released another ads campaign for Allen Solly. The ads masterly blend photograph with illustration to express the new theme “My world, My way”. Go to the Top Copyright © 2007 - 2014 Creative Ad Awards All Rights Reserved.
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50 Totally Free Lessons in Graphic Design Theory. 1,200+ courses and ebooks Design, code, video editing, business, and much more. Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesignGraphic, Logo and Print DesignSketch, Adobe XD & FigmaWordPressJavascript, PHP & PythonAdobe After Effects & Premiere ProMuch More Millions of creative assets Design templates, stock videos, photos & audio, and much more. Graphic TemplatesStock PhotosMusic TracksVideo TemplatesWeb TemplatesDesign AssetsWordpress Themes & PluginsMuch More 1,200+ courses and ebooks Design, code, video editing, business, and much more.
Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesignGraphic, Logo and Print DesignSketch, Adobe XD & FigmaWordPressJavascript, PHP & PythonAdobe After Effects & Premiere ProMuch More Millions of creative assets Design templates, stock videos, photos & audio, and much more. Graphic TemplatesStock PhotosMusic TracksVideo TemplatesWeb TemplatesDesign AssetsWordpress Themes & PluginsMuch More. The Strange Worlds of M C Escher. M C Escher at Work I try in my prints to testify that we live in a beautiful and orderly world, not in a chaos without norms, even though that is how it sometimes appears. M C Escher Maurits Cornelius Escher was born in June 1898, the youngest son of a prosperous Dutch government engineer.
After a year in technical college, he attended the School of Architecture and Decorative Arts in Haarlem. After visits to Spain and Italy, he was impressed by the dramatic landscapes, particularly mountainous and desert regions with olive trees and cacti. Eight Heads, woodcut stamped print, 1922 The print, Eight Heads, was made when Escher was still at art school, and is an example of a side-grained woodcut, where the white areas are cut away, leaving the raised areas to impress the ink. It was not until 1929 that I made my first lithograph, and then in 1931 I tried my hand for the first time at wood-engraving, that is to say engraving with burins on an end-grain block. Castrovalva, lithograph 1930. Drawn By Different Artists. The Powerpuff Girls (Captain Caveman)
How To Draw A Wave | Club Of The Waves.
This art tutorial, kindly donated by surfing comic strip illustrator and surf artist Bob Penuelas covers how to draw a wave the Wilbur Kookmeyer way! If you're like me, then you've probably spent a lot of time in high school class daydreaming and doodling a thousand perfect cartoon waves in your notebook. It's safe to say that ninety percent of us surfers have a habit of scribbling perfect waves whenever a pencil is in our hands. Hopefully the following pointers will help you change your throw-away wave doodles into actual compelling artwork that you want to keep forever. Remember, there are millions of ways to draw a wave and hopefully with these simple pointers you'll find a million more. So, have fun. Drawing a basic wave The following illustrations and captions by Bob Penuelas take you through the basic steps of drawing a wave… Step 1 Sketch in the basic shape of the curl, spray, foam and base of the wave.
Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Add the rest of the flow lines. Step 5 Step 6 Tips… Paddler's view. 25 Helpful Tutorials for Lighting Effects in Photoshop. Photoshop allows designers with unlimited possibilities when it comes to creative effects, including lighting effects. There are plenty of different ways to create lighting effects in Photoshop, and there are equally as many different possible uses for them.
If you’re interested in learning more about how to create awesome lighting effects in your own work, here are 25 tutorials that can help. Looking for hosting? WPEngine offers secure managed WordPress hosting. You’ll get expert WordPress support, automatic backups, and caching for fast page loads.
25 Mind Blowing Text Effects Photoshop Tutorials. 20 PSD Tuts That Will Turn You Into A Photoshop Guru. Many people can use Photoshop, but only a select few can call themselves gurus. Learn all the methods in the 20 tutorials below and you’ll be well on your way to joining this elite. Rather than focus on tuts for beginners, intermediates or advanced users, we’ve simply chosen ones which produce jaw-dropping effects. All of them are easy to follow, although most do require at least some prior knowledge and experience. 1.
Colorful Plexi Text Effect Follow this tutorial to create dazzling, multi-layered, semi-transparent lettering, with a Perspex-like quality. 2. 3D Pixel Stretch Effect File this tutorial under “simple but effective”. 3. Turn a simple cityscape into a torrentially flooded wasteland. 4. Become the master of light and glow on Photoshop with this brief, easy-to-follow guide. 5. Use masking tools, layers, gradients and lines to turn your favorite piece of 3D text into something more colorful and commercial. 6. 7. This tutorial is so versatile. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
MWM Graphics | Matt W. Moore. Playing with Displace Filter in Photoshop. 15 awesome illustrators you should know. Ten Must-See Art Documentaries | Art School Guide. Mrs.K's classes.
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