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ZooBurst. Free jQuery & HTML5 Flip Book Maker For Online 3D Page Turning Book & Magazine Publishing. iBooks Author. Bookry. A retrospective on my first lean publishing experience. I only mentioned it briefly here, but this spring I wrote and released the book Everyday Rails with RSpec.

A retrospective on my first lean publishing experience

You can buy it right now, if you'd like, for only nine bucks through Leanpub. This post isn't about marketing the book, though; it's about the experience I had (or have had, I should say; it's ongoing) with putting together the book, getting it out the door, things I think went well, and things I'd do differently next time. The idea for the book sprouted from a few places. Coming into Rails from a very unstructured form of programming, it took me a little time to fully appreciate automated testing.

The resources I originally learned from didn't help. Scrivener workflow. I use Scrivener as part of my workflow.

scrivener workflow

Just started using Leanpub, and am liking it. I sync Scrivener out to Dropbox, plain text (not RTF). This also gives me a naming convention that automatically adds some meta data to the file names. A separate file is created in Dropbox for each document in Scrivener. So a project with three documents names One, Two and Three, will show up in Dropbox as 1 One -3-.txt, 2 Two -4-.txt, 3 Three -5-.txt -- what is really nice about this is that all I do is sort by file name and the documents are in the order I want. Scrivener workflow. How I made Scrivener and LeanPub work together. Home > Technology & Tools > How I made Scrivener and LeanPub work together One of the requirements for LeanPub is that you use Markdown to format your scripts.

How I made Scrivener and LeanPub work together

Well, to keep myself organized without having to worry about multiple folders and files, I use Scrivener and that stores stuff in RTF. There was a discussion about this on the LeanPub Google Group. I liked the suggested process to a point, but it meant learning yet another code for writing. I already have my head crammed full of PHP, JavaScript, and ASP.Net and risk confusing the syntax enough to cause a program to fail. How to Write an Ebook Fast (within 3 Days) – That Sells Fast (Get Sales within a Week) Recently, hosted its first ebook writing and publishing tournament.

How to Write an Ebook Fast (within 3 Days) – That Sells Fast (Get Sales within a Week)

I hosted this tournament because I’ve written almost 20 ebooks to date, and people were always asking me how I manage to publish so many. So, to prove how relatively easy it was to write an ebook fast, I thought, “Hmm, why not have a public forum where I show wanna-be ebook writers that it can be done.” Hence, the tournament was a challenge for participants to write an ebook in 3 days, put together a marketing plan and start logging sales within a week. One writer who participated finished her ebook – and sold 12 copies in 12 hours. You can see all of the results in the link above. So, now that we’ve established that it can be done, here’s the overall game plan we followed: Step 1: To Make Money Selling Ebooks, Conduct Research First. Reading and Writing in College. 1.1 Reading and Writing in College Learning Objectives Understand the expectations for reading and writing assignments in college courses.

Reading and Writing in College

Understand and apply general strategies to complete college-level reading assignments efficiently and effectively. Recognize specific types of writing assignments frequently included in college courses. Understand and apply general strategies for managing college-level writing assignments. As you begin this chapter, you may be wondering why you need an introduction. When you are eager to get started on the coursework in your major that will prepare you for your career, getting excited about an introductory college writing course can be difficult.

In college, academic expectations change from what you may have experienced in high school. The quality of the work you do also changes. Table 1.1 "High School versus College Assignments" summarizes some of the other major differences between high school and college assignments. Learn more about The Leanpub Manual. About The Leanpub Manual Welcome to The Leanpub Manual!

The Leanpub Manual

It exists as a website and as a free ebook. We’re going to try to make it comprehensive but keep it intuitive. If you’re looking for an answer to a question, just try searching the manual! You can also look for answers by scrolling through the (huge) Table of Contents. Some sections in the manual may be a bit redundant. If you can’t find the answer you’re looking for, try posting on our Leanpub Google Group at: We also have a several how-to guides and videos, which you can find on out Help page at: (Please note that at the moment our videos are a bit out of date; Leanpub is being built in response to user feedback and we are always trying to make it better.)

Thanks, and if you have any suggestions for the manual or spot any errors, please let us know at! The Leanpub Manual: The ebook! You can grab this manual in pdf, epub or mobi as well. – Be a publisher.