Hasznos linkek - Digipédia - IKT az iskolában. Sok inspirációt kaphatunk a Tanárblog olvasása során.
Gyakran frissülő oldal, érdemes periodikusan felkeresni, ha követni szeretnénk az IKT fejleményeit tanári szemszögből. Alsó tagozatosoknak elsősorban, sok játékos feladattal ennek megfelelően, fejlesztéshez jól jöhet az Egyszervolt oldalán található tartalom. Sulinetes Tudásbázis vagy esetleg, akinek jobban tetszik, elérhető a régebbi verziójú Tudásbázis. DaF-Blog Német nyelvet oktatóknak kihagyhatatlan és kiapadhatatlan kút található itt. Languages Online 10 nyelven tematikusan csoportosított interaktív feladatok nyomtatható feladatlapokkal itt van. Discovery Education Free Puzzlemaker Ingyenesen elkészíthetjük a legkedveltebb szórejtvényeket (szókereső, keresztrejtvény, titkosításfejtés etc.).
Hörtexte Deutsch - Hörtexte aus dem österreichischen Alltag Hallott szöveg értés osztrák nyelvterületről tematikusan sok feladattal található itt. Forvo Közösségi hangos szótár, szavak hangos gyűjteménye rengeteg nyelven. Duden. Classroom Activities. Here are some of the classroom activities I’ve tried out and posted about over the months/years.
I have attempted to categorise them, so that you can look more easily for categories that are of interest to you. I will keep adding to it as I publish more posts. (More activities can also be found by looking on my Materials page .) Lizzie’s Classroom Activities! Image taken from wikicommons.org – via google search licensed for commercial use with modification image taken from pixabay.com via google image search licensed for commercial reuse with modification Review of the week : A student-generated quiz game for reviewing previously learnt language and content.
(Pushing back the limits of the classroom walls…) (When the teacher is in the classroom as a learner…) 101 Web 2.0 Teaching Tools. Online tools and resources have made it easier for teachers to instruct students, and for students to collaborate with those teachers and with other students and parents.
These “Web 2.0” teaching tools aren’t magical, but they may seem to defy definition at times since they save time, help you to stay organized, and often take up little space on a computer. Some of these applications are Web-based, which means that they can be accessed from any computer. The following list is filled with tools that will make a teacher’s, or those enrolled in the best online education programs, life easier. The categories are listed in alphabetical order and the links to each tool are also listed alphabetically within those categories. Aggregators The following list includes free tools that you can use to stay on top of current events, including headlines and blogs. Aggie: Aggie is an open source news aggregator that’s also a desktop application. Bookmark Managers.
3D Gallery Template from ClassTools.net. How to Create a 3D Gallery of Images and Videos. Russel Tarr at Classtools.net has come up with another neat tool for students.
The Classtools 3D Gallery Generator enables students to create a virtual 3D gallery of images and videos. Each gallery can have up to ten images and or videos. Below each image or video students can insert captions to provide explanations of the significance of the visuals in their galleries. In the video embedded below I provide a demonstration of how to use the Classtools.net 3D Gallery Generator. Applications for Education As is demonstrated by the sample, the 3D Gallery Generator can be a good way for students to organize a small presentation about topics they have researched.
The Classtools 3D Gallery Generator could also provide a good way for students to create a fiction story. eQuizShow - Free Online Quiz Show Templates. EasyPrompter. WordItOut - Generate word clouds (and make custom gifts) Flower Text. WEB2.0-Zauberschule. Wie ütellstory/ www.utellstory.com und meograph / www.meograph.com hat Johanna Chardaloupa aus Griechenland uns präsentiert und die wunderbaren Beispiele ihrer SchülerInnen vorgeführt.
Sie hat uns beigebracht, wie man ein Projekt, eine Hausarbeit, usw. attraktiver gestalten und präsentieren kann. Video, Fotos, Graphik, Ton, Text kann man bei diesen Anwendungen kombinieren. Echt beeindruckende WEB2.0-Anwendungen! Und wir haben” unsere tüchtigen SchülerInnen” aus Griechenland, Südafrika, Estland, Schweden, Russland, Frankreich, Bosnien-Herzegowina, Kroatien, Deutschland, Finnland und aus den USA gehabt.
Gemeinsam haben wir uns noch diskutiert, wie und zu welchen Themen wir diese tollen e-Werkzeuge in unserem Deutschunterricht einsetzen könnten. Wie immer haben wir unsere wertvollen Erfahrungen ausgetauscht! Vielen herzlichen Dank allen, die sich beteilgt haben! Vielen herzlichen Dank an Alet, für die nette Moderation! DerDieDas Spiel - Deutsche Artikel online lernen - Übungen. Vintage and Retro Photo Effects. ZXing Decoder Online. Certificate Magic - Free certificate generator. Cakesy.com: It's a piece of cake to bake a pretty cake!
Undefined on Somewhere.