> Sergiovieiracardoso
The Cadaver Connection. Tales of heroin being smuggled in coffins of GIs have endured for four decades.
"I should know. I was one of the criminal investigators who helped end the so-called Asian Connection". Twelve flag-draped coffins bearing the remains of U.S. servicemen killed in Vietnam are reverently offloaded from an Air Force C-130 cargo plane and stored in a warehouse in a remote corner of Newark International Airport to be picked up by local morticians the next day. Police have a tip that heroin was hidden on the plane, and surveillance is set up outside the airport's perimeter fence.
Around midnight a "Bayonne Custodial Services" van pulls up to the warehouse. The war in Vietnam spawned innumerable tales and enduring legacies, on the battlefield and off. Three parts of the story are wrong. I should know. In early 1970, after serving a year in Vietnam as an Army Intelligence Officer, I joined the federal narcotics agency that in 1973 became the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
Is Heroin being Smuggled in Dead Soldiers Body Bags from Afghanistan & Iraq ?
Afghan Opium Yields Highest Ever During the Vietnam War, the amount of heroin, which was exported to the United States, became so immense that the operations could not remain clandestine.
Consequently, in the 1960s, it became prudent for CIA operatives to stash heroin in caskets of dead Americans as well as in body bags, areas, which would be least, searched. When the bodies of American GIs were flown to military bases on the West coast, the heroin could be easily removed. In addition, boxes and crates, which were sent back to the states, carried heroin and coded labels alerted CIA operatives as to where to look.
Heroin Smuggled in Body Bags of GIs British Director Ridley Scott who is responsible for such films as Gladiator ,Thelma & Louise , and many others has new movie set for release on November 2 , 2008 called American Gangster starring Denzel Washington and Russell Crowe.
The CIA's Vietnam Histories. Washington, D.C., August 26, 2009 - The Central Intelligence Agency participated in every aspect of the wars in Indochina, political and military, according to newly declassified CIA histories.
The six volumes of formerly secret histories (the Agency's belated response to a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request by National Security Archive senior fellow John Prados) document CIA activities in South and North Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia in unprecedented detail. The histories contain a great deal of new material and shed light on aspects of the CIA's work that were not well known or were poorly understood.
How The CIA Created America's Heroin And Cocaine Epidemics - USAHM Conspiracy. By “No one knows what is really going on.
If they ever did, it would make Watergate look like Alice in Wonderland.” — LESTER COLEMAN, ex U.S. Defence Intelligence Agency “It is ironic, to say the least, that America’s heroin plague is of its own making.” — FRED W. McCOY. The Cadaver Connection. Juan Norwin Meneses Cantarero. Gary Webb, Jon Stewart, and the Stories That Are Too True to Tell
I cut out on my Saturday chores this weekend to spend a couple of hours watching Kill the Messenger, the big-screen re-telling of the sad story of the California journalist Gary Webb.
It was Webb (pictured at top) who poked a giant hornet's nest in 1996 when he reported that the CIA turned a blind eye to government-backed right-wing rebels in Nicaragua who raised millions of dollars by shipping cocaine to U.S. cities at the dawn of the crack epidemic. That article -- dinged up but never disproved in the 18 years since it appeared in the San Jose Mercury-News -- was a huge indictment of American policies in the Reagan era. But the much bigger story here, and the one that still echoes in the age of Obama, is how "the establishment" conspired to crush Webb like so much roadkill, and how journalists from the nation's elite news organizations practically tripped over each over in a race to do the bidding of the U.S. intelligence community to trash Webb's reporting.
How can that happen?
Did the C.I.A flood the ghettos with crack? - Page 4. Cia heroin smuggling vietnam. Cia heroin smuggling vietnam.