Inspiring Innovative Learners with Genius Hour / 20% Time. Passion Projects (Responses) 6 Principles Of Genius Hour In The Classroom. Genius Hour In The Classroom: 6 Principles Of Genius Hour by Terry Heick Update: We did a t-shirt campaign of this graphic last year and it sold decently (if 13 t-shirts can be considered ‘decent.’).
It’s still available if you wanted a t-shirt with a kind of learning model on it. You know. If you’re into that sort of thing. Genius Hour Manifesto. Denise Krebs, Gallit Zvi, Hugh McDonald and Joy Kirr came together to discuss “Genius Hour”.
Each of these teachers has been running Genius Hour in his/her classroom and writing about their experiences online. This is the “Genius Hour Manifesto”: A guide to anyone who wants to know WHAT Genius Hour is, WHERE the idea came from, HOW to facilitate it in the classroom, WHY it is a next-practice in education, and HOW to get involved. Genius Hour: Passion-Based Learning. Step-by-Step Directions for Creating Passion Projects in Our Classroom. Genius Hour.
The Passion Driven Classroom Discussion and Study Guide- #PassionDriven Conversations. The Genius Hour: How 60 minutes a week can electrify your job. Lots of people believe that a single individual can’t make a difference in an organization.
Lots of people, it turns out, are wrong. Take the case of Jen Shefner. She’s an assistant vice president at Columbia Credit Union in Vancouver, WA, in charge of the credit union’s online and mobile services. Last month I met her at a conference, and she told me about a smart and simple innovation that she calls the “Genius Hour.” Jen grooved on Google’s 20% time and Atlassian’s Fedex Days – and wanted to bring that sort of noncommissioned work to her department. Each week, employees can take a Genius Hour — 60 minutes to work on new ideas or master new skills. Of course, an hour a week for every employee isn’t much time.
The boss pitches in. Implementation matters. It’s on the schedule. “Great ideas come from every level,” Jen says. Upgrade your KWL Chart to the 21st Century. One of the take aways from the Curriculum Mapping Institute this past week was that it brought an upgrade to THE trusted KWL (Know, What to Know and Learned) Chart to the forefront.
It seems a no brainer…one of those things… “I should have thought about it”… So what is this upgrade all about? An “H” snuck into the Acronym! What does this “H” stand for”? Why is this an upgrade for the 21st century? I started out by searching Google, which immediately wanted to correct my search term and showed me the traditional “KWL chart” results. The top search results turned out mostly downloadable files for templates, which was quiet interesting as there were several explanations in these tutorials what the “H” could stand for: HOW can we find the answers to these questions? In direct relation to our quest to bring Information literacy in the 21st century to our teachers and students, the “HOW will we find the information” sticks out right away for me.
What's going on in Mr. Solarz' Class? - 1. What's going on in Mr. Solarz' Class? - Parent (Current Newsletter) The Death of the 20% Project. I have been thinking that I should reconsider the 20% project.
I mean, if my greatest inspiration, Google, seems to be going away from 20 percent time, then I should too. We have traditions for a reason, right? One attends school to be told how to think and what is important to learn. All a student really needs to know is “Will this be on the test?” Getting in the way of this centuries-old practice borders on educational blasphemy. Books. Passion-Driven Classroom, The: A Framework for Teaching and Learning: Angela Maiers, Amy Sandvold: 9781596671591: Amazon.com: Books. What is Genius Hour? What is Genius Hour?
Genius hour is a movement that allows students to explore their own passions and encourages creativity in the classroom. It provides students a choice in what they learn during a set period of time during school. It’s not easy to determine where the idea was originally created, but there are at least two events that have impacted genius hour. Genius Hour Origins The search-engine giant, Google, allows it’s engineers to spend 20% of their time to work on any pet project that they want. Another origin of genius hour projects came from the book Drive by best-selling author, Daniel Pink. What is Genius Hour? - Integrating Technology & Genius Hour: My Journey as a Teacher & Learner. Genius Hour - Where Passions Come Alive.
Hacking student passions through Genius Hour. This article originally appeared in Educational Technology Solutions Issue 64 (APR/MAY 2015) (infographic) Genius Hour is a movement picking up traction globally – an opportunity where students given true autonomy explore their own passions and exercise creativity in the classroom.
It allows pure voice and choice in what students learn during a set period of time during school. Genius Hour is student-driven, passion-based inquiry at it’s best which can be enhanced by technology in the hands of modern learners. Put simply, it is a time where learners choose what to learn and how to learn. A traditional view-point of education is one where teachers map curriculum and standards, plan and control units and lessons based on those standards. With the ever increasing rise of information and communication devices in the hands of students, Genius Hour is allowing students to pursue their interests, seek information, and make genuine impacts in ways never possible otherwise.
Turn Genius Hour Into Genius Year. Genius Hour is exciting.
Instead of giving students assignments with predetermined topics and step-by-step instructions, teachers set aside a designated amount of time during the week for students to engage in self-directed projects that allow them to pursue their own questions, interests, and passions. But is it really about genius? What's ultimately most important about this movement? Revolution, Nurturing, and Empowerment Let's start with the word "genius," a label usually reserved for those with extraordinary intellectual abilities. Jack Andraka embodies this type of genius.
Geniushour - home. Lifetramp.