Guest Post: 10 Things I Learned At Startup Weekend Singapore. Startup Weekend Paris March 2012.
Organisateurs. Startup Weekend Paris. Startup Weekend FR (swbaguette) sur Twitter. Startup Weekend Paris. Why Can’t Startups Find Designers? Maybe it was Apple’s emphasis on design, and its direct impact on the iPhone and iPad’s success.
Maybe it was the success of design-heavy startups like Airbnb and Hipmunk. Or maybe, as startups mature technologically, people are realizing that design can become a valuable differentiator. In any case, during the past couple years it seems like the tech world has gradually come to realize the importance of design. As a sign of this trend, there’s even a fund that exclusively backs startups founded by designers.
Nick Stevens (@Clogish) sur Twitter. Facilitator Spotlight: Nick Stevens. Tech Edition Wrap-up! By now we’ve all had a few days to decompress and make up for the lack of sleep that we all got for a few days – for those who didn’t get to attend the event, you missed out on a great weekend!
Friday night featured 24 pitches – that’s 33% of attendess pitching. We had everything from Airbnb clones to time travelling iPhone Apps, but by the end of Friday, we voted to keep the top 12 pitches, and only 10 teams were formed. However, it seemed some ideas were too strong to be voted out of the weekend, as by Saturday afternoon we were back up to thirteen teams again!