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Oil paintings - Arthur Berzinsh. Work Oil paintings | raster graphics | conceptual | commercial | Motion | Sound About BIO | Actual | Press | TV | Links | Contacts Oil paintings National post-romanticism Rainis Laimdota Spidola (fragment) Blind Alley Blind Alley (fragment) biopunk: parasites of the retreat Biopunk II: Relative Breakfast inspiration floods Blue Velvet New Millenium Purvitis?

Oil paintings - Arthur Berzinsh

Help the berries to find the exit Portraits I. Metaphysical incident (fragment) Amputation (frament) Ashes of our Heaven System Angel and Schikaneder's mood Autumn. Tangerine Dream Dress II! Remember that time oh-so-very long ago when I dyed that one white dress to a tangerine hue with these?

Tangerine Dream Dress II!

Hey Guys! Remember us? It was only a few days ago, but I’ll go ahead and refresh your memory. Here ya go! If you thought that dress took a dye bath all alone, you’re wrong! From up North - High quality design inspiration. Beautiful.bizarre magazine. Casa Azul. Graphic 45. No Critics Just Artists. I need a guide: travis bedel. Anatomical collages by travis bedel (via colossal) .

I need a guide: travis bedel

20 Ideas geniales para convertir tu casa en un PARQUE de diversiones para NIÑOS. Entretener a los peques de la casa no tiene porque ser tarea difícil y costosa, tan sólo basta tener un poco de ingenio para que ellos pasen horas maravillosas que recordarán de por vida, hoy te daremos 20, son maravillosas, sencillas y super económicas, no dejes que tus hijos se la pasen frente al televisor o frente a la compu, desarrolla su cerebro, esto les dará herramientas para enfrentarse al mundo. 1.Consigue playeras blancas que ya no utilicen y permítele que cree sus propios diseños en ellas, con crayolas o acuarelas. 2.

20 Ideas geniales para convertir tu casa en un PARQUE de diversiones para NIÑOS

Rellena globos con harina, la textura les va a encantar. 3. Un vaso con agua y jabón amarrado a una toalla, creará una serpiente de burbujas. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. New Designs. New Designs Apr 21 Delicate Swallow Apr 17 Bird Sleeve Apr 16 Howling Wolf Apr 15 Fox Nouveau Apr 14 Flower Bunny.

New Designs

Apollonia Saintclair. A l’occasion de la sortie du livre SKATE ART, les Editions Cercle d’Art et Cedric Melado commissaire-priseur chez FauveParis organisent une vente aux enchères caritative le jeudi 30 novembre à 20h.

Apollonia Saintclair

L’intégralité des produits de cette vente sera remise à, une ONG basée à Berlin qui finance et installe des skate parks dans les zones de conflit ou abandonnées de tous et distribue des skates aux enfants pour leur permettre de jouer, de se détendre, de faire du sport et de mener un semblant de vie normale. C’était un plaisir et un honneur de réaliser l’une des 25 planches originales, en compagnie de Erro, Peter Klasen, Olivier Masmonteil, Kongo, L’Atlas, Benjamin Spark, Christophe Tollemer, Milledollars, Alcmea architectes, Mambo, Maria Giemza, Toxic, Jérôme Bryon, Kraken, Yann Paolozzi, Guillermo S, Daëna Phan Van Song, Pramith, Colorz, ou encore Kouka.

LA MAISON DE VENTE: FauveParis, 49 rue Saint-Sabin, PARIS Mise à prix 200 €. Plus d’infos: Posts tagged 'Illustration' “There was a period in my life where I only drew with a pencil and being able to erase paralyzed me.

Posts tagged 'Illustration'

I could draw a hand and it would take me three days, you know, and it would be a 1/4” by 1/4”; just a tiny little thing. And then one day I just started drawing with pen and all of a sudden I could just draw endlessly. In fact, there was no undo and it kind of changed all of that. And then the computer oddly, the undo is what gives me the freedom to just explore any idea that comes to my mind and essentially I just follow any impulse or any idea because I can explore fairly freely.” Andy Gilmore‘s work is squarely up my alley and it’s wonderful to hear, in his own words, what inspires him to create. . [ Ghostly International presents Andy Gilmore ] posted by respondcreate on Aug. 25, 2013 in Videos | tags: andy gilmore, art, birds, colorful, geometric, ghostly international, illustration, trippy “A message, for me, is something secondary. Enjoy! [ Aryz ]