You searched for arduino In the third part of this new series, Darren Yates shows you how to connect LEDs to your Arduino projects. In the second part of this new series, Darren Yates shows you a quick way to add environmental sensing to your projects. In this new series, Darren Yates takes you through basic Arduino concepts, starting with communicating with an ultrasonic sensor. Darren Yates answers a reader request and designs a big-screen timekeeper using an Arduino microcontroller. Long-time readers will know I’m not one to promote trendy marketing phrases and certainly ‘Internet of Things’ or ‘IoT’ is right up there with the best (worst) of them. But the concept behind the phrase is worth understanding as it drives the next generation of connected devices.
How to build an arduino energy monitor Including voltage measurement via AC-AC voltage adapter and current measurement via a CT sensor. This guide details how to build a simple electricity energy monitor on that can be used to measure how much electrical energy you use in your home. It measures voltage with an AC to AC power adapter and current with a clip on CT sensor, making the setup quite safe as no high voltage work is needed. The energy monitor can calculate real power, apparent power, power factor, rms voltage, rms current. All the calculations are done in the digital domain on an Arduino. Can you move over? The 74HC595 8 bit shift register OK, so say you have this crazy cool idea where you need to control a ton of LEDs (I know, I know… LEDs). You looked at the multiplexer article, and that was great, but this idea is so cool, you need individual control of each LED, and turning them on one at a time just won’t do. Well again, we are here to help, and now it’s time to introduce you to the Shift Register. Not just any shift register, the super cheap, incredibly awesome 74HC595 8-bit Shift Register! What does a Shift Register do?
You searched for arduino - Page 3 of 4 Stompy the walking robot. Isn’t he cute? Our first Arduino robot called Rolly in our February issue proved to be a popular project. Powered by an Arduino Uno board it was easy to put together and cost very little. In this project we upped the ante again with our first walking robot appropriately called Stompy
Top 10 DIY Arduino Projects and HOW-TO Tutorials! Arduino has been widely popular among hackers and DIY-addicts out there for modding/hacking things. For those of you just entering the Arduino world, here’s a bunch of great Arduino tutorials/projects that can help you jump-start your next project. 1) Did you know that you can program/flash your Arduino wirelessly? For those of you who are going to be making devices where the Arduino is hidden from easy access, read up on how you can program your Arduino wirelessly using Xigbee modules over at Lady Ada’s site.
rh_count Relative Humidity Measurement using the Humirel HS1101 Sensor Arduino, BasicX BX24 and PICAXE-18X copyright, Peter H. Anderson, Baltimore, MD, Nov, '07 ASK AN EDUCATOR! – “Whats the difference between Arduino, Raspberry Pi, BeagleBoard, etc?” June 18, 2012 AT 8:21 am Bruno asks: I’m a self-taught DIY’er, and have been learning electronics for some time now. As i’ve started building my 1st 3d printer, i have to use an Arduino Mega 2560. I’d rather learn how to use an Arduino properly, instead of just dumping code into it and let it run.So my question is, what is the difference between a microcontroller (Arduino and Arduino-like platforms) and something like a BeagleBoard/Bone or a RaspberryPi (I realise these a full-blown computers)?
Arduino Projects To make all of these Instructables, download this collection of How To’s as an ebook. Download » The Arduino micrcontroller has a nearly limitless array of innovative applications for everything from robotics and lighting to games and gardening! It's a fun way to automate everything, enabling you to control simple devices or manage complex Halloween displays. The Instructables editors have chosen some of our best do-it-yourself Arduino technology projects to educate and inspire you to make great things with easily-available tools. Arduino I have finally taken the plunge and released Servo Tools For Maya to the world! Servo Tools For Maya is a Python Plugin that sends rotational values over USB the the Arduino Micro Controller. These values are then converted in to Pulse Width Modulation which is used to control multiple Hobby RC Servo Motors. Applications for the plugin are only limited to your imagination. Some popular examples could be to drive complex animatronic puppetry or kinetic sculpture art installations. Current Features Include:- Control up to 4 Servos simultaneously.
The proper way to put an Arduino in a Raspberry Pi For all their hoopla, the GPIO pins on the Raspberry Pi aren’t terribly useful on their own. Sure, you can output digital data, but our world is analog and there just isn’t any ADCs or DACs on these magical Raspi pins. The AlaMode, a project designed by [Kevin], [Anool], and [Justin] over at the Wyolum OSHW collaborative aims to fix this. They developed a stackable Arduino-compatable board for the Raspberry Pi. Right off the bat, the AlaMode plugs directly into the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi. From there, communication with the ATMega of the Arduino is enabled, allowing you to send and receive data just as you would with an Arduino.
Aquaponics – Online Temperature and Humidity This project is a part of the Arduino Data Acquisition and Control System described in the upcoming book Automating Aquaponics with Arduino. You can see a live version of this tutorial here: While this project is designed with aquaponics in mind, it does not require an aquaponic system, making it useful for other projects such as home automation.