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June 2o13

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Is a Sleeping Climate Giant Stirring in the Arctic? Permafrost zones occupy nearly a quarter of the exposed land area of the Northern Hemisphere.

Is a Sleeping Climate Giant Stirring in the Arctic?

NASA's Carbon in Arctic Reservoirs Vulnerability Experiment is probing deep into the frozen lands above the Arctic Circle in Alaska to measure emissions of the greenhouse gases carbon dioxide and methane from thawing permafrost - signals that may hold a key to Earth's climate future. Image credit: Hugo Ahlenius, UNEP/GRID-Arendal› Full image and caption › Larger view.

Indians question how far flash-flooding disaster was manmade. As India picks up the pieces from the worst-ever flash floods in the Himalayas, the nation is beginning to wonder to what extent human intervention – specifically religious tourism and hydroelectric projects – contributed to the disaster.

Indians question how far flash-flooding disaster was manmade

About 1,000 people have been confirmed dead in Uttarakhand state from last week's flooding, and state authorities say the actual toll could be three to five times higher. The Himalayas are a relatively young mountain range with a fragile geology prone to landslides. Lourdes et Barèges : le survol des dégâts. Surpêche : les poissons pourraient disparaître d'ici 2035 - Ressources halieutiques. Imanol Ugartemendia a commencé sa vie de pêcheur sur les grands chalutiers pélagiques, trainant des filets de plusieurs dizaines de kilomètres qui enserrent dans leurs nasses des milliers de tonnes de poissons.

Surpêche : les poissons pourraient disparaître d'ici 2035 - Ressources halieutiques

Il n’en garde pas un très bon souvenir. « On maltraitait le poisson, que l’on rejetait mort par centaines de kilos [1]. Soit parce que les quotas étaient atteints. Soit parce que ce n’était pas la bonne espèce. On faisait vraiment du sale boulot. En plus, on partait pendant quinze jours, et je n’aimais pas l’ambiance à bord. » Il a donc pris le large, et s’est mis à la « petite pêche ». Pakistan can expect worse heatwaves to come, meteorologists warn. Near-record temperatures in Pakistan have claimed hundreds of lives and devastated crops in the third major heatwave in four years.

Pakistan can expect worse heatwaves to come, meteorologists warn

But as temperatures on Friday dipped to under 38C (100F), signalling the end of nearly four weeks of blistering heat, leading meteorologists warned that the country could expect longer, more intense and more frequent events in future. Qamar-uz-Zaman Chaudhry, a vice-president of the World Meteorological Organisation (WMO) and former director of Pakistan's Met Office, said the recent extreme summer temperatures that are commonly followed by massive floods could largely be attributed to climatic warming. What's Behind the New Warning on Global Carbon Emissions? Mysterious brown foam and fish deaths at Lake Mead... - The Watchers. Mysterious brown foam was found floating on the Lake Mead's surface on June 9/10, 2013.

Mysterious brown foam and fish deaths at Lake Mead... - The Watchers

Park officials urged people to avoid the Overton Arm, after several dozen carp were found dead. Nevada Department of Wildlife is investigating the fish deaths. “Until we know for sure what is creating the foam and what is causing the fish to die, we advise people to stay out of the water in the Overton Arm just to stay on the safe side!” Christie Vanover, National Park Service spokesperson. Unknown foamy substance was determined to be coming from the mouth of the Virgin River and spanned approximately eight miles down to Echo Bay. Overton Arm of Lake Mead from the air (Credit: David E. The National Park Service has been monitoring water quality at its Echo Bay water treatment facilities. NEWS. Current [atmospheric] CO2 values are more than 100 ppm higher than at any time in the last one million years (and maybe higher than any time in the last 25 million years).


This new record represents an increase of 85 ppm in the 55 years since David Keeling began making measurements at Mauna Loa. Even more disturbing than the magnitude of this change is the fact that the rate of CO2 accumulation in the atmosphere has been steadily increasing over the last few decades, meaning that future increases will happen faster. Il n’y a plus de rhinocéros au Mozambique. Mozambique / / Afrique Personne ne sait exactement quand les rhinocéros ont commencé à peupler les forêts et les plaines du Mozambique, mais tout le monde peut dire avec certitude à quelle date leur règne dans le pays s’est achevé.

Il n’y a plus de rhinocéros au Mozambique

Les 15 derniers animaux qui existaient encore au Mozambique ont été retrouvés morts sans leurs cornes, victimes d’un massacre perpétré par des braconniers. © MathKnight et Zachi Evenor Les animaux ont été retrouvés dans le Parc Transfrontalier du Grand Limpopo, une réserve de vie sauvage le long de la frontière sud du Mozambique, là où il y a une dizaine d’années encore on comptait des centaines de représentants de l’espèce. Les autorités soupçonnent que les gardes forestiers, chargés de protéger les animaux en voie d’extinction, ont aidé les chasseurs lors de leur attaque. Pour aggraver la situation, les rhinocéros du voisin sud-africain semblent se diriger vers le même destin.

Up to 12 million Bees Found Dead in Florida and No one Knows Why. Authorities have already ruled out disease, including the infamous “Colony Collapse Disorder” (CCD), as the cause of a recent honeybee holocaust that took place in Brevard County, Florida.

Up to 12 million Bees Found Dead in Florida and No one Knows Why

The UK’s Daily Mail reports that up to 12 million bees from roughly 800 apiaries in the area all dropped dead at roughly the same time around September 26 — and local beekeepers say pesticides are likely to blame. CCD is the term often used to describe the inexplicable mass die-off of honeybees around the world, which typically involves honeybees leaving their hives and, for whatever reason, never finding their way back home. Mass die-offs associated with CCD often occur at seemingly random locations around the world, and typically involve a gradual process of disappearance and eventual colony collapse — and the dead bees are typically nowhere to be found. Jean Jouzel : "La sagesse voudrait que nous nous tournions vers des énergies non émettrices de gaz à effet de serre."