Louisiana's Code Noir (1724) Primary Documents: To regulate relations between slaves and colonists, the Louisiana Code noir, or slave code, based largely on that compiled in 1685 for the French Caribbean colonies, was introduced in 1724 and remained in force until the United States took possession of Louisiana in 1803.
The Code’s 54 articles regulated the status of slaves and free blacks, as well as relations between masters and slaves. The entire body of laws appears below. A.L.I. COURSES!!! NEW COURSES!! - Thyselfknown.com © Hebrew - English Bible by Books. Here are direct links to recordings in Hebrew, used with permission from Talking Bibles International ℗ 1992 (to request permission to use recordings write info@talkingbibles.org); they are not chanted with a melody, but are clearly pronounced in Sephardic-style Hebrew.
Some of these chapter files are large (up to almost 8MB!) , so those without fast internet connections really need patience in waiting for them. If you have a DSL, T1, or Cable high-speed Internet connection, you may prefer book-by-book files also available here. To download a file instead of playing it--in Windows, right-click on the link, choose Save Target As..., choose a suitable folder location, and click Save; in MAC systems, hold down Ctrl and click on the link, choose Download Linked File As..., choose a suitable folder location, and Save. Once saved, a file can be played over and over without downloading it again, and it can also be transferred to an mp3 player or burned to a CD to share with others.
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Muu had become decadent and power hungry, but the Washitaw were a peaceful, righteous and honorable family. A matriarchal society since the time of the Empress Ismaale'. The Great Amazon warrior of Muu, it is estimated that her reign began some one hundred thousand years ago.The ancient Washitaw were musicians, historians, herbalists and architects. Their reputations reached far and near.
Products. News. Aboriginal Hebrews. Black Hebrews? The very words cause many people to grin at what appears to be simply a play on words. No one reads about such people in european authored history books and there are only a few references to "Ethiopian Jews" in white Jewish sources. Yet Black Hebrews have existed since biblical times. The Physical Appearance of Ancient Israel. For years scholars, theologians, and archaeologists have debated the answer to the question, "How did the Israelites look physically?
" Although the Bible and other historical documents have left much proof of the physical appearance of the biblical Israelites, much of this information is still unknown to the masses. The popular belief today among Christians, scholars and theologians, is that the people known as "Ashkenazi Jews" are the direct descendants of the biblical Israelites. Images of the True Israelites. "VIEWS OF THE BIBLICAL WORLD" (VOL.3)International Publishing Co.
Ltd. Jerusalem - 1960 p.110 ... Dead Israelites p.167 ... Israelite Exiles "GENESIS - WORLD OF MYTHS AND PATRIARCHS" by Ada FeyerickNew York University Press - 1996 p.76-77 ... (4) races of Man p.190-191 ... "THE OXFORD HISTORY OF THE BIBLICAL WORLD"Edited by Michael D. Thyselfknown.com © - The journey begins here... African Origins Of Psychiatry. Westward. We ask :- 1) Did peoples, cultures, languages and ideas migrate predominantly westward around the world in prehistoric and historic times?
2) Is there a probable physical cause for such a westward movement? 3) Given that the cause could be a natural one, and that humans might have existed as civilized beings for much longer than the academics think, is our real social history richer and more complex than the text books say?
Egyptian Knowledge.