Indian Residential Schools – Key Milestones The Government of Canada began to play a role in the development and administration of Indian Residential Schools in 1874. It operated nearly every school as a joint venture with various religious organizations including Anglican, Presbyterian, United and Roman Catholic churches. Indian Residential Schools recognized by Canada, and all parties to the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement (legal counsel for former students, legal counsel for the Churches, the Assembly of First Nations, other Aboriginal organizations), are those where children were placed in a residence for the purposes of education by, or under, the authority of the Government of Canada; and, where the Government of Canada was jointly responsible for the operation of the residence and care of the children resident therein. Some 150,000 Aboriginal children were removed and separated from their families and communities to attend residential schools. Learn More
Canadian Indian residential school system There has long been significant historiographical and popular controversy about the conditions experienced by students in the residential schools. While day schools for First Nations, Metis and Inuit children always far outnumbered residential schools, a new consensus emerged in the early 21st century that the latter schools did significant harm to Aboriginal children who attended them by removing them from their families, depriving them of their ancestral languages, sterilization, and exposing many of them to physical and sexual abuse at the hands of staff and other students, and enfranchising them forcibly. History[edit] The foundations of the system were the pre-confederation Gradual Civilization Act (1857) and the Gradual Enfranchisement Act (1869). These assumed the inherent superiority of British ways, and the need for Indians to become English-speakers, Christians, and farmers. At the time, many Aboriginal leaders wanted these acts overturned.[9]
A shared residential school experience - News Tyler Clarke Daily Herald "I'm not going to tell my story because I've heard my story a lot today," former residential school student Marlene Bear said, Thursday. Bear was one of many former students and family members of former students to speak up during three days of sharing panels at the Prince Albert Indian Métis Friendship Centre this week. They gathered as part of the Canada-wide effort to uncover the truth of the residential school system, through the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. Bear's comment around a collective story rang true throughout the three days, with the same basic frame of a story told time and time again - a framework with distinctly unique experiences within.
Residential School Sex Abuse Native leaders hope Truth and Reconciliation hearings will break the cycle of violence. The residential school in Port Alberni, one of the most notorious, operated for more than half a century from 1920 to 1973. Jerry Adams hears "Just get over it," a lot. He hears it from some young aboriginal kids who say they're sick of talking about their grandparents' residential school experiences. He hears it from some non-native people, dismissive of the federal Truth and Reconciliation Commission (TRC), which is coming to the PNE Coliseum in Vancouver Sept. 18 to 21 to record the stories of residential school survivors and their descendants. Just get over the past.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) Residential Schools Residential schools for Aboriginal people in Canada date back to the 1870s. Over 130 residential schools were located across the country, and the last school closed in 1996. These government-funded, church-run schools were set up to eliminate parental involvement in the intellectual, cultural, and spiritual development of Aboriginal children. During this era, more than 150,000 First Nations, Métis, and Inuit children were placed in these schools often against their parents' wishes. Many were forbidden to speak their language and practice their own culture. The Residential School System Children's dining room, Indian Residential School, Edmonton, Alberta. Between 1925-1936. United Church Archives, Toronto, From Mission to Partnership Collection. Residential Schools Two primary objectives of the residential school system were to remove and isolate children from the influence of their homes, families, traditions and cultures, and to assimilate them into the dominant culture. These objectives were based on the assumption Aboriginal cultures and spiritual beliefs were inferior and unequal.
Immigration Net migration rates for 2011: positive (blue), negative (orange), stable (green), and no data (gray) Immigration is the movement of people into another country or region to which they are not native in order to settle there,[1]especially permanently[2] Immigration is a result of a number of factors, including economic and/or political reasons, family re-unification, natural disasters or the wish to change one's surroundings voluntarily. Statistics[edit] Residential school survivors eligible for compensation - Education The payments made to residential school survivors were expected to start flowing in October. Survivors are allotted a $10,000 base plus $3,000 for every year at school and more money for those sexually or physically abused. Lyle Whitefish, a vice-chief of the Federation of Saskatchewan Indian Nations, said in September that there could be impacts when the money started to flow in. Thousands of residential school survivors applied for Common Experience Payments this September. In Saskatchewan 18,000 survivors registered for the payments, making this the province with the largest number of residential school survivors. In Prince Albert, Service Canada representatives took applications at the Senator Allan Bird Memorial Centre from Sept. 19 to 22.
The Friendship Blog Friendships are among the most complex but meaningful relationships in our lives. These unique bonds often run deeper than family ties, and sometimes last longer than our relationships with spouses or lovers. Yet there are few agreed-upon ground rules or roadmaps… Because of the cultural and social taboos associated with failed friendships, it’s not unusual to feel embarrassed and/or uncomfortable when a friendship ends or goes awry. For a variety of reasons, it may be difficult to talk about what happened, both to other people around you or with the person who once was your friend.
Indian Residential Schools Important The Web site deals with topics that may cause trauma invoked by memories of past abuse. The Government of Canada recognizes the need for safety measures to minimize the risk associated with triggering. A National Indian Residential School Crisis Line has been set up to provide support for former Residential School students. You can access emotional and crisis referral services.
Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) It is difficult to place an exact figure on the number of residential schools to which Aboriginal people have been sent in Canada. While religious orders had been operating such schools before Confederation in 1867, it was not the 1880s that the federal government fully embraced the residential school model for Aboriginal education. While the government began to close the schools in the 1970s, the last school remained in operation until 1996. For purposes of providing compensation to former students the Indian Residential School Settlement Agreement has identified 139 residential schools. (Despite the fact that the agreement is titled the Indian Residential Schools Settlement Agreement, the lives of First Nations, Métis, and Inuit people were all touched by these schools.)
Abuse at Canadian residential schools for Native students Sponsored link. Overview: The arrival of Europeans to North and South America marked a major change in Native society. Millions died due to sickness, programs of slavery, and extermination. 1 Europeans and their missionaries generally looked upon Native Spirituality as worthless superstition inspired by the Christian devil, Satan.
The former students of these schools were left scarred, both physically and emotionally, some to the highest degree. Now trying to live their lives as normal people, they find their selves struggling financially and psychologically. They now ask for a compensation for what the government has done to them. by brunetcarrier Oct 31
This website explains what are residential schools and how many students went to these schools, how were the children treated. They were forced to adopt Christianity and speak English or French. Students were discouraged from speaking their first language or practising native traditions. by locasfalardeaulorenc Oct 25
This article talks about the history of residential schools in Canada and the abuse aboriginal children endured. We chose this article because it shows how lonely they really felt. Aborignal chiildren were taken from their parents when they were very young. Brothers and sisters at the same residential schools didn’t see each other or spend time together because they were segregated. They were taught religion and how to read and write, but they didn’t belong in the white people’s community. They also didn’t feel like they belonged in their own communities. It was very difficult for them. They felt lost. by stevenroche Oct 25
This link clearly explain the history of the residential schools, and what living in one was like. It tells about the how the aboriginal culture suffered of the loss of culture these schools brought them. It is very pertinent and covers the whole subject. by marchildon.bergeron Oct 25
We find this article very interesting because it answers the most frequently asked questions people have about residential schools. It tells us what this type of school is, how many students attended them, and how the government called for victim compensation. If you are someone who does not know much about these schools, but wants to have a basic knowledge about them, this CBC article is right for you. by hazbounwasher Oct 24
When residential schools are mentioned, many question come into mind, such as how many there were, what went wrong, who got compensated or even what a residential school is at all. CBC radio answer’s all of these questions and more in this article. by bertoia.bobotis.dufresne. Oct 24
This link is quite filling since it summarises the whole situation with residential school to the apology. We disagree with the compensation for the victims because we think money isn't enough to repair the scars and abuses they have dealt with. Money can't buy happiness. Though the fact that the church also apologized for their passed acted was very kind of them even though it doesn't do much, but it did help a bit. This is a good referral site about residential school and trustworthy, it also makes other citizen aware of this topic which we find amazing. by chenglaitung Oct 24
In this pearl, under the subtitle " What went wrong", it tells us about what these student were thought in residential school. For one they were thought canadien language; so they were only aloud to speak english or french nothing else. But not only were they thought a complete different culture, but though that theres was bad and made them achaimed of who they were and what they came from. by simlaramee Oct 23
This webpage is quite interresting because what residential schools were and what happend inside those walls. CBC is a very visited website and so the people are aware of the brutal abuses and the scars they left behind. The subect is taken seriously and the images help us understand even more! They're verry touching and make us want to change the past. by evavale Oct 23
This webpage is talks about what the parents thought their children were receiving as education. Each parent was tricked into beleiving that the school only wanted to give the children the best education possible. It also says that the only cre the teachers had were the wellbeings of the children and their education levels which is clearly not true. by brownfamili Oct 21
This webpage is very pertinent to the subject that we are studying because it explains what residential schools were, and most Canadians were not aware of what was really going on in those establishments. The information shines a light on the abuse that went on in these schools, even though the government’s intentions were not harmful. It also explains the effect that the schools had on students, who will carry the trauma for the rest of their lives. by scarpaleggiamaiorino Oct 21
This website helps us understand how much the aboriginal cuture suffered, because people were losing their culture and families were being affected because the people that attended those schools didn't know how to treat a child, because they have never learnt how to properly raise a child. Plus they didn't know anything about their native culture because everytime they did something that had to do with their culture they would get punished, they've been tought that their culture and their customs were bad. by kosseimandruskiewitsch Oct 21
We find this article particularly relevant for its various information: it's not only fixated on a single subject. But most of all, it certainly answered a question we've been asking ourselves: were the Residential school survivors satisfied with the amount of money they received to compensate for their treatment? Well, we now know that students could still file a lawsuit against certain people and schools if they were sexually abused or gravely physically abused. And what we found that was truly nice was how important figures in the schools apologized. After all, the intention has to be there and not only the money. by chossudovskybadiambile Oct 20
(paragraph "what went wrong?" We think this website is interesting because it talks about, when they came back from the residential schools they felt excluded in their own town, they had no parenting skills and hated themselves for various reasons. Once they hit the real world they didnt know how to act. by mohsen.chartier Oct 19
I think this article is very relevant because it explains about residential schools. It covers alot of subjects, raging from the compensation and the apoligy from the governement. It also shows when these schools started and when they ended. by marsolaismartel Oct 18
I think this article is very relevant because it explains about residential schools, the physical and sexual abuses on the children, and the fact that these establishments have stripped away their traditional culture and therefore their identity. However, it also shows that the canadian government realized their shameful mistake and searches for forgiveness. by schweerssong Oct 18
This is an article containing many important facts about residential schools. It has how and why they were started, what happened inside the residential schools, what happened afterwards and what the government is doing now. by wilsongourvil Oct 17
This website explains how the government had good intentions but they went too far in their "aggresive assimilation" program. But the program was taken too seriously, the children were abused and the future of their aboriginal society paid for it. by brochuhall Oct 17
This website is very informative because it gives a lot of information on the aftermath of the residential schools and on what the government did to compensate for the abuse residential school students went through. It also gives many details about how many people went to these schools and when the schools were established. by wangdulong Oct 15
We found this site relevant because by reading the article, we clearly understood what the residential schools were in the 19th century. These schools were founded to oblige the native people to adopt the Canadian culture. We think it is very unfortunate that they took the concept of school and turned it into a torture experience. by grigorislarose Oct 8