UK Government Web Archive – The National Archives. Leveson Inquiry (@LevesonInquiry) Leveson Inquiry. Background[edit] In 2007, News of the World royal editor Clive Goodman and private investigator Glenn Mulcaire were convicted of illegal interception of phone messages.
According to the News of the World, this was an isolated incident, but The Guardian claimed that evidence existed that this practice extended beyond Goodman and Mulcaire. In 2011, after a civil settlement with Sienna Miller, the Metropolitan Police Service set up a new investigation, Operation Weeting. In July 2011, it was revealed that News of the World reporters had hacked the voicemail of murder victim Milly Dowler.
Prime Minister David Cameron announced that a public inquiry under the Inquiries Act 2005 would be chaired by Lord Justice Leveson on 13 July 2011.[2][3] The 14 September 2011 press release[4] stated Part 1 of the Leveson Inquiry would be addressing: Leveson inquiry: the essential guide. 1.
The issue at a glance2. Why is it being talked about now? 3. Cynthia McKinney Explains Her Use and Then Forced Scrubbing of WikiLeaks in Her Dissertation. PhD student forced to remove all WikiLeaks references from her dissertation. A PhD student in the US has revealed that she had to remove all references to WikiLeaks in her dissertation due to fears that she would be prosecuted and imprisoned for including them.
Cynthia McKinney, who has since earned her PhD from Antioch University on the subject of leadership, warns that it could set a dangerous precedent. McKinney, a former US Representative and Green Party politician, had originally used many of the same WikiLeaks documents in her dissertation that US journalist Barrett Brown had allegedly shared on his site Project PM. Brown, who was sentenced this year to 63 months in federal prison in relation to the 2012 Stratfor email leak, faced up to 45 years in prison for linking to the WikiLeaks data. According to McKinney, the WikiLeaks references in her dissertation caused the librarian at Antioch University to "completely, totally freak".
Persvrijheid geen rechtvaardiging wangedrag journalisten. Ik steun burgemeester v.d.Werff. Leen Verbeek on Twitter: "persvrijheid geen rechtvaardiging wangedrag journalisten. Ik steun burgemeester v.d.Werff" Met press office provided journalists' mobile numbers so police could view call records and find sources. The Metropolitan Police made a series of errors in secret applications to view the phone records of Sun journalists and showed a complete failure to consider issues around the confidentiality of sources, a court heard.
The Investigatory Powers Tribunal yesterday also heard that the Met Police press office provided the mobile telephone numbers of Sun journalists who had called in to check stories and ask for comments to investigating officers. Their phone records and telephone location data were then secretly accessed by police in order to identify confidential sources. The court will decide whether the Met breached Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights which protects freedom of expression and the confidentiality of journalists' sources by viewing the phone records of Sun journalists and the paper's newsdesk telephone.
It heard that in applications to view phone records, the Met wrote the names and titles of three journalists involved wrong and made other mistakes. De nieuwe journalist - Iedereen journalist. De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep maakt gebruik van cookies.
We maken een onderscheid tussen functionele cookies en cookies voor het beheer van webstatistieken, advertenties en social media. De Nederlandse Publieke Omroep maakt gebruik van functionele en analytische cookies om inzicht te krijgen in de werking en effectiviteit van haar websites. De daarmee verzamelde gegevens worden door de NPO niet gebruikt om activiteiten van individuele gebruikers te volgen. De advertentie en social media cookies van derden verzamelen mogelijk gegevens ook buiten de websites van de NPO. Conflict of interest. The presence of a conflict of interest is independent of the occurrence of impropriety.
Therefore, a conflict of interest can be discovered and voluntarily defused before any corruption occurs. A widely used definition is: "A conflict of interest is a set of circumstances that creates a risk that professional judgement or actions regarding a primary interest will be unduly influenced by a secondary interest. "[1] Primary interest refers to the principal goals of the profession or activity, such as the protection of clients, the health of patients, the integrity of research, and the duties of public office. Secondary interest includes not only financial gain but also such motives as the desire for professional advancement and the wish to do favours for family and friends, but conflict of interest rules usually focus on financial relationships because they are relatively more objective, fungible, and quantifiable.
Related to the practice of law[edit] Organizational[edit] Why I have resigned from the Telegraph. Five years ago I was invited to become the chief political commentator of the Telegraph.
Journalist klust bij voor ABN Amro en noemt criticus bank een ‘snotneus’ Snotneus?
Zei hij nou snotneus? Brandpunt-presentator Fons de Poel neemt het op voor top ABN AMRO. Stijn Bronzwaer sur Twitter : "Persbericht: KRO-NCRV beraadt zich op positie Fons de Poel. Aanleiding: dit bericht in NRC van vandaag. ITU: Committed to connecting the world. How the ITU could put the Internet behind closed doors. How the ITU could put the internet behind closed doors. Naomi Wolf - "A scary, scary, truly Stalinist effort by. YouTubeDU, ITU, & Internet Zensur [german]
Public broadcasters = no hobby. Source protection -whisleblowers- Mediabedrijven, maak snel één Nederlands registratiesysteem voor online-gebruikers. ‘Alle mediabedrijven één gezamenlijke inlog’ / Villamedia. Censorship -state- Censorship - financial. Censorship - copyright. C.W. Anderson: How journalists’ self-concepts hindered their adaptation to a digital world. Editor’s note: CUNY professor and long-time Nieman Lab contributor C.W.
Anderson is out with a new book, Rebuilding the News: Metropolitan Journalism in the Digital Age. Senior US congressman Mike Rogers: Glenn Greenwald is 'a thief' A senior US legislator has accused the former Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald of illegally selling National Security Agency documents provided to him by the whistleblower Edward Snowden.
Representative Mike Rogers, chairman of the House intelligence committee, suggested Greenwald was a “thief” after he worked with news organizations who paid for stories based on the documents. “For personal gain, he’s now selling his access to information, that’s how they’re terming it … A thief selling stolen material is a thief,” Politico quoted Rogers as saying after a committee hearing on Tuesday.
Rogers said his source for the information was “other nations' press services”. Since leaving the Guardian in October, Greenwald has worked on a freelance basis with news organizations worldwide on stories based on Snowden’s surveillance documents.
Wurgcontract: Prosecuted for sharing a hyperlink - Barrett Brown. WOB. Marketing as threat - branded journalism. Paying for links. Religion. ‘NOS’er benaderd door MIVD’ Nieuws vrijdag 16 november 2012. Burgemeester wilde bultrugbeelden kiezen. Etty hekelt angstcultuur NRC. Maandag 5 november 2012. Mak: ‘NRC gevangen in slecht huwelijk’ Vrijdag 26 oktober 2012. Leveson: EU wants power to sack journalists. TRAILER: Black & White and Dead All Over. Koch Brothers Making Play for Tribune’s Newspapers. Niets mis met censuur PowNed « Verslaggever.
Ter verdediging van het Pownews. Chris Hedges - The State of Journalism. Instant Articles. What’s an Instant Article? An Instant Article is a HTML5 document optimized for fast mobile performance, rich storytelling capabilities, branded design and customized visual display. Through this guide, you'll learn how to create an Instant Article and use a standardized markup language (similar to XML) to make your stories come alive with custom styles and interactive functionality. Frozen Page. FreezePage: Frozen Page. Want to Know What Facebook Really Thinks of Journalists? Here's What Happened When It Hired Some.