Occupy Wall St - The Revolution Is Love. Police takes generators, Recorded on my Android phone. wearetheother99 on USTREAM. Citizen Journalist. Time to throw the bums out. Time’s up: The Zuccotti Park vagabonds have had their say – and trashed lower Manhattan – for long enough.
They need to go. Be it voluntarily – by packing their tents and heading off in an orderly fashion. Or by having th NYPD step in – and evict them. But go they must: Their lease on Zuccotti Park has expired. And it’s their own fault. What began as a credible protest against bank bailouts, crony capitalism and the like has, in large measure, been hijacked by crazies and criminals. Beyond that, too many protesters demonstrate by their actions a level of contempt for residents, businesses and workers in the area that long ago crossed the line. No one should have to put up with the incessant noise, filth and downright dangerous conditions the protesters have foisted upon lower Manhattan. The drumming and tambourines. The yelling and screaming. The public urination and defecation. The drugs. The lewdness. The criminals and their crimes. It’s all got to end. Reading Between the Lines:’New York Post’ Supports Message of Occupy Wall Street.
'New York Post': Secret 99%-ers?
Occupy Atlanta Encamps In Neighborhood To Save Police Officer's Home From Foreclosure. By Zaid Jilani on November 8, 2011 at 11:30 am "Occupy Atlanta Encamps In Neighborhood To Save Police Officer’s Home From Foreclosure" Occupy Atlanta has repeatedly run into hurdles, as it has been evicted from Woodruff Park in Atlanta multiple times by the city’s unsympathetic mayor, Kasim Reed.
Yet the group was invigorated yesterday as it moved to a new location to take action for economic justice. Last week, Tawanna Rorey’s husband, a police officer based in Gwinnett County, e-mailed Occupy Atlanta to explain that his home was going to be foreclosed on and his family was in danger of being evicted on Monday. So within a few hours Occupy Atlanta developed an action plan to move to Snellville, Georgia on Monday to stop the foreclosure. Occupy Atlanta Takes Over Home in Foreclosure. Occupy Wall Street, an offshoot of which has roosted in almost every major U.S. city, generally sets up camp near the center of large metropolitan areas.
Now it has occupied the front lawn of a small home in suburban Atlanta. OWS protesters’ demands encompass a number of issues, including income inequality and corporate accountability, ever-increasing student debt, and the lack of jobs. But now, in what appears to be a first, Occupy Atlanta has camped out at a home in an attempt to prevent a foreclosure on the property and to raise awareness about the country’s gloomy housing sector. (MORE: Banks Back Off Unpopular Debit Card Fees) According to the protesters, Tawanna Rorey of Snellville, Ga., is at risk of being evicted from her home after she had trouble paying her mortgage and tried to get a loan modification.
Occupy Atlanta Encamps To Save Cop's Home. Occupy Atlanta: Police Arrest 5 Following Protest [LATEST UPDATES] ATLANTA — Atlanta protesters aren't going quietly, despite warnings from police and the mayor.
In the latest act of defiance, five people were arrested early Monday at or near a downtown park that has been an off-and-on site of Wall Street protests similar to the ones being held in other U.S. cities. Occupy Wall St. Prepares for Crackdown. "If Bloomberg really cared about sanitation here he wouldn't have blocked portapotties and dumpsters.
" On Thursday afternoon Occupy Wall Street called an emergency General Assembly down at Liberty Plaza to deal with the announcement that Friday will see a cleanup of the park by the City, starting at 7 am. Representatives of Brookfield, the company that owns the park, said in the clean-up notice that everything left behind will be thrown away. On Thursday it was also revealed that Brookfield had sent a letter to police commissioner Ray Kelly asking the NYPD help clear out the protestors. A group of New York civil liberties lawyers warned the CEO of Brookfield that forcing protestors from the park violates their first amendment rights, stating, "Under the guise of cleaning the Park you are threatening fundamental constitutional rights. There is no basis in the law for your request for police intervention, nor have you cited any. Governing the Occupy Movement through Crime. In many cities, including most prominently Oakland and New York, tent encampments on public spaces by the Occupy Wall Street movement have been cleared in early morning raids by police (read about the Oakland situation here).
This time, at least, police violence seems to have been minimal. Hazmat Suits to Break Up Occupations? How Mayors Feign Concern for Health to Trash a Growing Movement. December 4, 2011 | Like this article?
You can't evict an idea whose time has come. A massive police force is presently evicting Liberty Square, home of Occupy Wall Street for the past two months and birthplace of the 99% movement that has spread across the country. The raid started just after 1:00am. Supporters and allies are mobilizing throughout the city, presently converging at Foley Square. You Cannot Evict An Idea. National Day of Action to Stop and Reverse Foreclosures. Reuters: [video]'Occupy' occupies seized homes.
Video transcript Empty homes were the target of this latest protest by the Occupy Wall Street Movement.
In this case their attention was focussed on four homes abandoned or foreclosed in an area of New York they say is among the worst hit by the financial crisis. SOUNDBITE: Senia Barragan, protest organiser, saying (English): "The foreclosure and underwater rates in this particular community is three times higher and any other region of Brooklyn and five times higher than New York state and so really we're bringing the Occupy movement to ground Zero. " Alfredo Carrasquillo and his family were among the protesters. They've taken up residence in one of the district's vacant properties. OccupyOurHomes. @OccupyOurHomes. YesLabMedia: Homeless Family Occupies Foreclosed Home in Brooklyn (Inside Story) Vet Facing Foreclosure: 'I’ve Served My Time In Vietnam And I’m Not Afraid To Fight Again' By Zaid Jilani on December 6, 2011 at 10:30 am "Vet Facing Foreclosure: ‘I’ve Served My Time In Vietnam And I’m Not Afraid To Fight Again’" Today, 99 Percenters all over the country will be taking part in a day of action being dubbed “Occupy Our Homes.”
The goal of these actions is to stop home foreclosures and stand up for people who want to work with banks to stay in their houses with their families. One of the homes the 99 Percent will be trying to save is in Minneapolis, Minnesota. There, veteran Bobby Hull is facing eviction from the home he has lived in since he was a child. Now, he’s facing a possible eviction from the home that’s been in his family’s possession since 1968. Filmmakers Peter Leeman and Kyle Kehrwald made a short film about Hull’s plight. Is this what the future of Occupy looks like? - Occupy Wall Street. Occupy Wall Street on Your Street. Occupy Wall Street activists march during a tour of foreclosed homes in the East New York neighborhood of the Brooklyn borough of New York, Tuesday, December 6, 2011.
(AP Photo/Mary Altaffer) As Occupy encampments across the country come under attack and are raided or threatened by local authorities, everyone is asking what’s going to happen now that protesters have been forcibly expelled from public space. Bank Of America Takes Occupy Foreclosure Actions Seriously, Warns Employees 'We Need To Be Prepared'
By Pat Garofalo on December 6, 2011 at 7:05 pm "Bank Of America Takes Occupy Foreclosure Actions Seriously, Warns Employees ‘We Need To Be Prepared’" Today, the Occupy Wall Street movement is taking part in a series of actions they’ve called “Occupy Our Homes,” aimed at preventing foreclosures and protecting those still struggling to keep their homes amidst the lingering effects of the Great Recession. Yes Lab. Funny actions are funny. People like them. Occupy Our Homes. Occupy Melbourne Tent Monsters. Tent Monsters. Occupy Melbourne protester violently stripped bare by Melbourne City Council. @tentmonster. Police State News paper.li/tentmonster. Occupy Melbourne Tent Monsters. Mnsbc: The Foreclosure Tsunami [video]
Mnsbc: Occupy our homes - [Video] ROOFTOP FILMS: 99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film Tickets in New York, NY, United States. This is a free screening with RSVP. Note: RSVP does not guarantee entry. Entry is first come first served. Early arrival is recommended. In the event of rain, the show will be rescheduled. If weather is uncertain, please check www.rooftopfilms.com for updates the day of the event.
99% The Occupy Wall Street Collabortative Film. 99%: The Occupy Wall Street Collaborative Film.