Computer Related & Programming
Neat picture: Computer running in a fish tank. School of Engineering - Stanford Engineering Everywhere. Web development tips: Ten (or a few more) files every Web site needs. Introduction There are a few standard files that every Web site should really have, but that most neglect.
Most of these are matters of convention, not of technical requirement, but you are doing your site wrong not to provide them. Let users who make a wild guess about what they want to find usually succeed when they guess URLs. This tip discusses each of these standard files briefly. Exactly how a given resource is provided depends on the Web server and Web application layers you use. 404.html. How To Set Up SSH Encrypted MySQL Replication. Free Software. Mozilla Developer Network. JavaScript is a programming language that allows you to implement complex things on web pages.
Every time a web page does more than just sit there and display static information for you to look at — displaying timely content updates, or interactive maps, or animated 2D/3D graphics, or scrolling video jukeboxes, and so on — you can bet that JavaScript is probably involved. Learning pathway JavaScript is arguably more difficult to learn than related technologies such as HTML and CSS.
Portable - What are the essential tools you always have handy when attempting to fix someone's PC problem. How to make the world's Best PowerPoint Presentation using Microsoft...
Free Programming Books. Here is an uncategorized list of online programming books available for free download.
The books cover all major programming languages: Ada, Assembly, Basic, C, C#, C++, CGI, JavaScript, Perl, Delphi, Pascal, Haskell, Java, Lisp, PHP, Prolog, Python, Ruby, as well as some other languages, game programming, and software engineering. The books are in various formats for online reading or downloading. This list will be updated daily. Scroll downn, or use the shortcuts below.
Health : Breakthrough: sensors that can convert thoughts into speech. A mind reading machine has edged closer to reality after scientists found a way of converting thoughts into words.
Everyone in the United States who uses the Internet should read this message from Eric Schmidt (CEO of Google) and take action. By Marshall Brain | April 27, 2010 This message from Eric Schmidt (CEO of Google) is very short and simple: A Note to Google Users on Net Neutrality Think about this: why are there only 200 or 300 TV channels available on your TV, and they cost $100 month, while there are millions of websites available on the Internet for free?
That is net neutrality at work. “The phone and cable monopolies” control your TV access and limit what you are allowed to watch.
High-Quality Open Source Body Tracking Sans Kinect. Error Goblin. Edelweiss by Pius Giger aka Lessdegrees. Watch an Apple Engineer Recreate a 2,000-Year-Old Computer Using Legos. Remember that old commercial about "Zack, the Lego maniac"?
Well, Zack ain't got nothing on Andrew Carol. When Carol's not working on improving the finer points of OS X as a software engineer at Apple, he's hard at work building analog computers -- like the Babbage difference engine -- entirely out of Legos. Recently, Carol has completed his biggest challenge yet: a working Lego replica of the famous Antikythera Mechanism, created by ancient Greeks in 100 B.C. as a way of predicting astronomical events like eclipses.
70 Things Every Computer Geek Should Know.
Future proof » Tim’s laptop service manuals. Have you come to this webpage looking for Toshiba laptop service manuals?
Please read this. Introduction In the same vein as in my driver guide, I’ve started finding laptop service manuals and hosting them on my site.
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Win 7 DoS by RA Packets. Added 9-15-2011: Win 8 Developer Preview is also vulnerable Added 5-30-2011: RA Guard Evasion Added 5-29-2011: FreeBSD is also vulnerable!
Executive Summary. TCP/IP For Dummies Cheat Sheet. Cheat Sheet As a network administrator, you know that TCP/IP is the glue that holds the Internet and the Web together.
As well as being familiar with security terms and general definitions, you need to pay attention to RFCs (Requests for Comment) published by the Internet Engineering Task Force. You can comment on, learn from, and submit RFCs yourself. TCP/IP Definitions Knowing your way around TCP/IP is key if you want to manage a network successfully.
Synergy+ Share a single mouse and keyboard between multiple computers. Geekologie. How to fix any computer. CSE 190 M, Summer 2010. Essential Mac OS X applications. 30 Fantastic Geeky Tricks to Get The Most From Your Mac.
If you’re one of those Mac users that loves to dig in and play with hidden features and settings, this post is for you.
Below you’ll find 30 tips and tricks to help both seasoned and beginner Mac users to get the most out of their OS X experience. We’ll cover everything from obscure Terminal commands to keyboard shortcuts that every Mac user should know and use. Let’s get started! Dock Tricks Recent Items Stack. The OSSwin project: Open Source for Windows!
The Language Guide. How to hide files in JPEG pictures. If you’re looking to hide files on your PC hard drive, you may have read about ways to encrypt folders or change the attributes on a file so that they cannot be accessed by prying eyes.
However, a lot of times hiding files or folders in that way requires that you install some sort of software on your computer, which could then be spotted by someone else. I’ve actually written quite a few articles on how you can hide files and folders in Windows XP and Vista before, but here I’m going to show you a new way to hide files that is very counter-intuitive and therefore pretty safe! Using a simple trick in Windows, you can actually hide a file inside of the JPG picture file!
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About RocketDock. Five Best Desktop Customization Tools. 4 Help: Calibrating a MacBook or MacBook Pro battery. 7 Tools to keep your Mac Healthy.
For the four years I’ve been using a Mac, I haven’t used a maintenance tool. All I’ve ever done was verify disk permissions, and maybe use Drive Genius to perform some optimisation. But even that was just something ‘extra’ and not necessary according to me. The real question is, can maintenance tools really help in getting your system speedy, healthy, and less prone to crashes?