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Colective. Colective. Colective. Colective. SVS Animation 3827 - Perpetual Ocean. Short URL to share this page: Mission: Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) Data Used: Hipparcos/Telescope/Tycho 2 Catalogue GTOPO30 Topography and Bathymetry ECCO2 High Resolution Ocean and Sea Ice Model 06/2006 - 12/2007 This item is part of this series: Flows Keywords: SVS >> Ocean DLESE >> Physical oceanography GCMD >> Earth Science >> Oceans >> Ocean Circulation GCMD >> Earth Science >> Oceans >> Ocean Circulation >> Ocean Currents NASA Science >> Earth GCMD keywords can be found on the Internet with the following citation: Olsen, L.M., G.

SVS Animation 3827 - Perpetual Ocean

The Awesome "Getting to Know Alexis Thompson" Infographic. Left vs Right: US Political Spectrum. Shared storage for OpenStack based on DRBD-Mozilla Firefox. Storage is a tricky part of the cloud environment. We want it to be fast, to be network-accessible and to be as reliable as possible. One way is to go to the shop and buy yourself a SAN solution from a prominent vendor for solid money.

Another way is to take commodity hardware and use open source magic to turn it into distributed network storage. Guess what we did? We have several primary goals ahead. For now, we have decided on the DRBD driver for our storage. DRBD has been supported by the Linux kernel since version 2.6.33. The DRBD configuration file is /etc/drbd.conf, but usually it contains only 'include' statements. Other sections of the common configuration are usually left blank and can be redefined in per-resource configuration files. Name of the resource. Configuration Walkthrough. Listen for free to new and emerging music at amazingtunes. Online Apps. Concepts. Artrise: Art Social Network + Artist Portfolio Website, Art Industry, Musician, Photographer Networking. Information aesthetics.

Gapminder: Unveiling the beauty of statistics for a fact based world view. The Joy of Stats. About the video Hans Rosling says there’s nothing boring about stats, and then goes on to prove it.

The Joy of Stats

A one-hour long documentary produced by Wingspan Productions and broadcast by BBC, 2010. A DVD is available to order from Wingspan Productions. Director & Producer; Dan Hillman, Executive Producer: Archie Baron. ©Wingspan Productions for BBC, 2010 The change from large to small families reflects dramatic changes in peoples lives. Hans Rosling asks: Has the UN gone mad? Hans Rosling explains a very common misunderstanding about the world: That saving the poor children leads to overpopulation. Campagne Laboratory-Mozilla Firefox. Edward Tufte. Edward Tufte is a statistician and artist, and Professor Emeritus of Political Science, Statistics, and Computer Science at Yale University.

Edward Tufte

He wrote, designed, and self-published 4 classic books on data visualization. The New York Times described ET as the "Leonardo da Vinci of data," and Business Week as the "Galileo of graphics. " He is now writing a book/film The Thinking Eye and constructing a 234-acre tree farm and sculpture park in northwest Connecticut, which will show his artworks and remain open space in perpetuity. He founded Graphics Press, ET Modern gallery/studio, and Hogpen Hill Farms LLC. Visual Display of Quantitative Information 200 pages Envisioning Information 128 pages Visual Explanations 160 pages Beautiful Evidence 214 pages. Envisioning Information.

The Visual Display of Quantitative Information. Visual Explanations: Quantities, Evidence. Clarinette02. StackOps Community - nubes privadas-Mozilla Firefox. Information Architects. Visualizing Music. Magnitude increased to 9.1. The Sonification Handbook. Data Visualization: Modern Approaches « Smashing Magazine. About The Author Vitaly Friedman loves beautiful content and doesn’t like to give in easily. When he is not writing or speaking at a conference, he’s most probably running … More about Vitaly Friedman … Data presentation can be beautiful, elegant and descriptive. There is a variety of conventional ways to visualize data - tables, histograms, pie charts and bar graphs are being used every day, in every project and on every possible occasion.

However, to convey a message to your readers effectively, sometimes you need more than just a simple pie chart of your results. Data presentation can be beautiful, elegant and descriptive. So what can we expect? Let’s take a look at the most interesting modern approaches to data visualization as well as related articles, resources and tools. 1. Trendmap 2007 presents the 200 most successful websites on the web, ordered by category, proximity, success, popularity and perspective in a mindmap. 2. 3. 4. Ideas, issues, concepts, subjects - v. Perceptual Edge. Show Me the Numbers. Information aesthetics. FlowingData. Data Visualization and Statistics. Data Visualization and Statistics. 37 Data-ish Blogs. You might not know it, but there are actually a ton of data and visualization blogs out there.

37 Data-ish Blogs

I'm a bit of a feed addict subscribing to just about anything with a chart or a mention of statistics on it (and naturally have to do some feed-cleaning every now and then). In a follow up to my short list last year, here are the data-ish blogs, some old and some new, that continue to post interesting stuff. Data and Statistics By the Numbers - Column from The New York Times visual Op-ed columnist, Charles Blow, who also used to be NYT's graphics director.Data Mining - Matthew Hurst, scientist at Microsoft's MSN, also the co-creator of BlogPulse.Statistical Modeling - We might disagree on certain things, but Andrew's blog is one of the few active pure statistics blogs.The Numbers Guy - Data-minded reporting from Carl Bialik of the Wall Street Journal.Basketball Geek - Like statistical analysis and basketball?

Statistical/Analytical Visualization Maps Design & Infographics Others Worth Noting.

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