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Educational Technology

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Teacher Resources. Inside the Flipped Classroom. Internet Catalogue. Educational Technology Journals. Infographic: Education and Social Media - Social Media Delivered. Educational Technology Guy: Game On - Increasing Learning through Online Games. Educational Technology Guy: Game On - Increasing Learning through Online Games. ICT and Creativity in Education. Educational Technology Guy: The Road Ahead - resources on electricity generation from Discovery Education. Ten Critical Components That Guarantee Learning Will Stick. 60+ educational resources to teach yourself anything. The Social Media Alphabet - Social Media Today. Teaching Appz - a guide to great educational apps for teachers - The Whiteboard Blog.

Why Making Creative Schools Requires Radical Change. Top 10 Educational Technology Resources for the Classroom (Grades K-12) - YouTube Launches Site Specifically for Teachers. Blended learning; What is it and why try it? Ten Ideas for Exercises in the Virtual Classroom — Web Conference Guru. Web 2.0 Tools for Math Educators. Time to Change STEM to STEAM - THE DAILY RIFF - Be Smarter. About Education. A physical place for virtual education. Examples of educational wikis. Un-Stuffy Museum: The Louvre Goes High-Tech with Video Console Guides. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: PBL – the best teaching method in the 21st century instruction. The History of Typography - Animated Short. Technology Tidbits: Thoughts of a Cyber Hero: Top 10 Sites for Educational Resources. Educational Technology Guy: Teacher Evaluations - ideas and lessons from other professions.

EdTech - Insights: Connectivism explained by Freire? EQAO Test Results Suggest Child-Centred Learning Can Be Harmful: Education Activist. Why We Live Longer - Interactive Educational Game. Transformational Leadership. Itweetlive search tutorial. Typing Tutor: Fastest Typing Tutor Ever. Change in education focus has delayed transition to adulthood. Six Questions for Entrepreneurial Leadership and Innovation in Distance Education. Rethinking How We Teach The 'Net Generation' The Evolution of Classroom Technology - Edudemic. Virtual Classroom Experience to ignite Mass Live Learning. E-Portfolios Across the Educational Landscape: From K-12 to Doctoral Studies. The Purpose of Reflective Practice. How Students Develop Online Learning Skills (EDUCAUSE Quarterly) Leading the way to cyber-learning « Educational Technology. The 21st century pedagogy teachers should be aware of.

How Is Technology Boosting Our Traditional Educational Experience? What’s the use of having a teacher?…wayfinding + social sensemaking. Ten Best Practices for Teaching Online. Peer-to-Peer Learning Handbook. Educational Technology: Educational Technology Needs a Lesson Plan. Educational technology: The evolution of classroom technology. Juandoming: #Education Week #Teacher:... Online Education Humor: The Spice of Learning. The death of Web 2.0 is nigh. Publisher Tim O'Reilly at a recent conference.

The death of Web 2.0 is nigh

Photograph: Perhaps it was the spurious precision of the headline that caught my eye. "Web 2.0 will end on October 1 2012", it said. The idea of a meme – an infectious idea – having a definite termination point was peculiar enough; but a meme as nebulous as Web 2.0? Of course the phrase had become ubiquitous in PR-speak over the past few years. The prediction of Web 2.0's demise was made by Christopher Mims, a technology commentator who writes for the MIT journal Technology Review. As it happens, Web 2.0 does mean something, even though the definition gets a bit fuzzy round the edges. Having done so, they then had to come up with a definition for it. What kinds of innovations? Web 2.0, in other words, became the underpinning for much of our online environment. 13 reasons to use educational technology in lessons.

Web 3.0: The way forward? How Can Web 2.0 Curation Tools Be Used in the Classroom? Digital Tools Jeff Thomas “Curation” may be one of the big buzzwords of 2011.

How Can Web 2.0 Curation Tools Be Used in the Classroom?

As the amount of information accumulates thanks to the Web, it becomes increasingly important that we use tools to help us find information that’s relevant and useful. The role of the curator has always been to help pull together and oversee collections of materials. But just as Web 2.0 has expanded the traditional role of publisher to almost anyone, the role of curator now too is changing. There are a number of tools that enable this. Free Technology for Teachers: Create Webpages in Minutes With Pagefin. Free Technology for Teachers: 7 Tools for Collaboratively Creating Image Galleries. Educational Technology Promotes Visual Literacy. 108 Ways to Use Word Clouds in the Classroom…Word Clouds in Education Series: Part 2.

Cloud Computing is simple. 100 Pages, 100 Keys to Effective Social Media Strategy. The 21st Century. 21 Things That Will Be Obsolete by 2020. Educational Uses of Digital Storytelling. Five Ideas for Quality Control in K-12 Digital Learning. Collect, curate and share your ideas, inspirations, and projects! KooBits – Ebook software, digital publishing and marketing.

Distance Education

Chris Anderson: How web video powers global innovation. Taking 'the fear out of technology' The Super Book of Web Tools for Educators. Green Eggs & Facebook: 15 Social Media Tips from Dr. Seuss. The older I get the more I realize how smart my mother & Dr.

Green Eggs & Facebook: 15 Social Media Tips from Dr. Seuss

Suess are. Yes, Dr. Seuss may have some crazy rhymes and guys drawn in his books. However, if you look at the core of his thoughts and words, the man was brilliant. I think he can teach us some nice lessons in regard to social media. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Student Reporting in Moodle 2.0 video  13 Influential Women In Technology (PHOTOS) 8 tech tools for college students. By Mark W.

8 tech tools for college students

Smith, Detroit Free Press Updated 8/16/2011 3:59 PM The smartphone has become the centerpiece of many students' digital lives. Simin Wang, AFP/Getty Images Simin Wang, AFP/Getty Images Yes, it can be a distraction, but it also is an incredible tool that can transform classroom learning and late-night studying. Savvy professors and students are starting to explore what the smartphone can contribute to learning — and there is a whole host of apps to help that process along. To download any of these apps, search the iTunes App Store or Android Market. iOS apps are built for Apple's mobile platform and can run on the iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad. 15 Keyboard Shortcuts That Will Enhance Your PC Productivity at Web 3.0: The 'Social Wave' and How It Disrupts the Internet. As far as Travis Katz is concerned, it is impossible to name the single best hotel in Cabo San Lucas or the absolute tastiest cheesesteak in Philadelphia.

Web 3.0: The 'Social Wave' and How It Disrupts the Internet

It’s not that Katz, founder and CEO of travel recommendations site Gogobot, has doubts about the quality of these products. It’s that the answer “depends very much on who is asking the question.” And according to speakers at the recent Wharton Global Alumni Forum in San Franciso, that basic fact is at the root of the next wave of disruption to hit the Internet.

300 Exabytes: An Inventory of the World's Information - Global Challenges. 2020's Learning Landscape. 2020's Learning LandscapeA Retrospective of Dyslexia David H.

2020's Learning Landscape

Rose, Ed. D. and Ge Vue, Ed. M. The following article, written by David Rose and Ge Vue in 2010, imagines the future by “pre-creating” the Presidential Address at the IDA Annual Conference in 2020. Create Tutorials in One Click on Tildee ! Creative Education's Lesson Plan Search Engine. We’ve recently discovered they joy of Google Custom Search engines – you can quite easily create your own – but this time we’ve done the hard work for you and indexed some of the most popular sites for lesson plans so you can search to your heart’s content for lesson plans and resources a plenty.

Creative Education's Lesson Plan Search Engine

Here is the link to our Lesson Plan Search Engine – or you can return to it anytime by visiting the blog and clicking on the ‘Lesson Plan Search’ button at the top right of the page. I hope you like it. Please let me know if there are any specific sites you’d like to be added to the index. Hopefully it will save you some time and generate some ideas – do let me know what you think. Happy searching – and if you like it, please share it. Web 2.0. This is hardly a marvel of prophecy, but bear with me...

web 2.0

The signs are that this year will be one marked by something of a backlash against social media/ web 2.0/ any internet stuff. I don't mean from the traditional media, who've always been suspicious, but from people who know what they're talking about and have been advocates. In other words, increasingly 'us lot' will be declaring that this stuff is peripheral, uncool, over- rated, etc. I think this will often been focused on a particular technology, and Twitter will be the main candidate this year. I've already seen several people I know abandon it. The other thing to bear in mind is that as technology matures, so does the criticism that goes along with it. Googlios. Google Cultural Institute Project - where Histo...

Q&A: Bill Gates on Teaching, Ed Tech, and P... Complete Class Organizer - Student Assistant for Taking Notes, Recording Lectures, Storing Documents. Back to School, First Days of School - FREE Presentations in PowerPoint format, Free Interactives and Games. Apps in Education. 85+ Resources: Educator Guide for Integrating Social Media. I hope this post will be a handy reference guide, especially for those teachers new to social media technologies and how to integrate them into the classroom.

85+ Resources: Educator Guide for Integrating Social Media

This resource is by no means exhaustive, but it’s a good starting point for finding the information and people that will help you make the transition into a ’21st century learning environment’. I intend for this to be a wikipost (I will update resources as they are shared with me by others), so feel free to bookmark the page and check in periodically for new material. Enjoy. 50 Reasons to Invite Facebook Into Your Classroom. Organize your resources in an online binder - LiveBinders. The Anatomy Of An Infographic: 5 Steps To Create A Powerful Visual. Educational Technology and Mobile Learning: Top 36 Social Networks for Educators. Distance Learning Universities – Tips for the Global Citizen. Study assesses how megafoundations have changed role of higher ed philanthropy - Inside Higher Ed. Hamdan Bin Mohammed e-University attains International Council for Open and Distance Education membership.

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