*Kathy Schrock Digital Storytelling (scan) *Ten Digital Storytelling Tools for Students of All Ages. *We Are Made for Story — Kristin Ziemke. *This isn't Chiraq – Bradwell 5th graders defend their city (when kids tell their stories) *8 Steps To Great Digital Storytelling – Transform Learning ~ written by Samantha Morra. First appeared on Edudemic.
(Updated 3/14/2014) Stories bring us together, encourage us to understand and empathize, and help us to communicate. Long before paper and books were common and affordable, information passed from generation to generation through this oral tradition of storytelling. Consider Digital Storytelling as the 21st Century version of the age-old art of storytelling with a twist: digital tools now make it possible for anyone to create a story and share it with the world. WHY Digital Storytelling? Digital stories push students to become creators of content, rather than just consumers. Movies, created over a century ago, represent the beginning of digital storytelling. 8 Steps to Great Digital Stories Great digital stories: Are personalBegin with the story/scriptAre conciseUse readily-available source materialsInclude universal story elementsInvolve collaboration at a variety of levels 1. All stories begin with an idea, and digital stories are no different.
Resources 2. 3. *Jason Ohler Education and Technology: Beyond Words and Essays. Part II.
Emergence of new media literacies Every day media create every day literacy and fluency needs Students need to be able to write new media, and teachers need to be able to assess it. Until recently, every day media forms were text-based. No longer. *3 Rules of Transmedia Storytelling: Jeff Gomez. Jeff Gomez, president and CEO of Starlight Runner Entertainment, a transmedia storytelling firm, has impressive transmedia storytelling credits, having worked on projects such as “Avatar,” “Pirates of the Caribbean,” and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.”
Gomez, who served on the jury for the Bombay Sapphire Award for Transmedia at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival, will be conducting a one-day master class on “Creating Blockbuster Transmedia Story Worlds & Brands” at the new Made in NY Media Center by IFP on December 11. Indiewire recently talked to him about the rules of transmedia storytelling and why even low-budget independent filmmakers need to incorporate transmedia into their story worlds.
Transmedia is such a buzz word these days, but very few people seem to really understand what it means. What is your cocktail party definition of transmedia? Jeff Gomez: Transmedia really in and of itself doesn’t mean all that much. Gomez: But look at what the kids are doing. *Pixar's 22 Rules to Phenomenal Storytelling. Jeff Bezos Banned PowerPoint in Meetings. His Replacement Is Brilliant. Share Activities (Web Literacy - Mozilla Learning) Reimagining a writer's process through digital storytelling. Multiliteracies Meet Methods: The Case for Digital Writing in English Education (Skim!) Amplify Your ELLs' Voices With Digital Storytelling. Publishing for Authentic Audiences: Creating with a Purpose. ISTE Special on Digital Storytelling. I hope everyone is plugged into ISTE week.
Whether you're heading to San Antonio or not, you can still engage by reading about ISTE Standards, following #ISTE17 on twitter and seeing what other educators are saying about the conference. In this newsletter, we take a look at ISTE Standards for Students and Teachers and how Digital Storytelling really covers the bases. If you haven't used Digital Storytelling yet for formative assessment, take some time this summer looking at how powerful a learning tool it can be.
To make your job easier, try our Digital Storytelling Rubric. If you're thinking about upgrading to 30hands Storyteller Pro, tell your administrators or tech team to take advantage of the discounted price through the end of June. For those of you on Chromebooks, laptops or desktops, check out 30hands Storyteller Web. For all of you in the Northern Hemisphere, we hope you have a great summer! Thank you for your support! Success Stories – Conducttr. Types of Transmedia. The various types of transmedia storytelling can be thought of in terms of the following: the narrative spaces covered (location, characters, time)the number and relative timing of the platforms (sequential, parallel, simultaneous, non-linear)the extent and type of audience involvement (passive, active, interactive, collaborative) .
The first two dimensions can be represented by the diagram below. The next illustration shows the “Franchise Transmedia” project. It’s a series of single-platform deliverables – a book, a movie, a game. In many ways the platforms are independent except that they often cover different narrative spaces: prequel, sequel, flashback which may dictate a release order or schedule. Next >> Digital Storytelling and the Common Core by Kevin Hodgson on Prezi. Troy Hicks's Blog. NCTE - Resources. National Writing Project. Kelly Gallagher's Blog. Penny Kittle - Teacher, Author, Advocate - Home. Jim Burke.