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Success Stories – Conducttr

Success Stories – Conducttr

Related:  Week 7: Digital Storytelling (*=Key reading)Grand Format / Narration non linéaireABJ Y GAMIFICACIÓN

*3 Rules of Transmedia Storytelling: Jeff Gomez Jeff Gomez, president and CEO of Starlight Runner Entertainment, a transmedia storytelling firm, has impressive transmedia storytelling credits, having worked on projects such as “Avatar,” “Pirates of the Caribbean,” and “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.” Gomez, who served on the jury for the Bombay Sapphire Award for Transmedia at this year’s Tribeca Film Festival, will be conducting a one-day master class on “Creating Blockbuster Transmedia Story Worlds & Brands” at the new Made in NY Media Center by IFP on December 11. Indiewire recently talked to him about the rules of transmedia storytelling and why even low-budget independent filmmakers need to incorporate transmedia into their story worlds. Transmedia is such a buzz word these days, but very few people seem to really understand what it means.

Examples for All Your Online Form & Survey Needs Forms The forms you've been looking for Online forms are an integral, if often unflattering, part of any modern business. By matching your style, both verbally and visually, typeforms transform the way you collect data, so you can put your stamp on what you ask. Surveys Turn questions into conversations Plot Development: Strengthen Your Plot through Character Creation How to write a plot that entices readers has never been easier with our free download full of tips. Many stories are born from a simple concept that gets outlined into a series of beats, or plot ideas. But to create a truly engaging story, writers need to focus on character development and how it relates to plot development. In our free download, Structure Grid of Character and Plot Development, we share a nine-page grid to help you structure your script in a way that will help you create awell-rounded and compelling screenplay every time. Learn How to Plot a Screenplay or Novel with Our FREE Structure Grid of Character and Plot Development Download How to Plot a Story:

Aryzon - 3D Augmented Reality for Every Smartphone by Aryzon Risks and challenges The Aryzon AR headset consists of two important elements: the physical headset and the digital app. Both have their own unique set of challenges to overcome when attempting to accomplish our vision of making AR truly accessible for everyone. The Headset (Production) The design of the Aryzon headset incorporates basic materials that can easily be domestically produced. Our central location in The Netherlands allows for a holistic overview of production which also takes place in The Netherlands.

Types of Transmedia The various types of transmedia storytelling can be thought of in terms of the following: the narrative spaces covered (location, characters, time)the number and relative timing of the platforms (sequential, parallel, simultaneous, non-linear)the extent and type of audience involvement (passive, active, interactive, collaborative) . The first two dimensions can be represented by the diagram below.

Games and news bricks: storytelling ideas from Hackastory Credit: Screenshot from Turning online stories into games and personalising the experience were two of the themes explored at the Hackastory hackathon in Amsterdam last week. The hackathon brought together six teams of journalists, developers, designers and filmmakers, who explored ideas and tools for storytelling in the digital age. “Online storytelling does not have a tradition yet,” wrote the organisers on the website, comparing it to filmmaking, which has had 100 years to develop a structure and a process. Journalist and documentary filmmaker Albertine Piels, one of the organisers of the hackathon, said the hackathon was intended as an opportunity not only to experiment with tools but also to connect with others in the industry.

12 Iconic Directors Share Their Thoughts on Filmmaking & Style As filmmakers, we do quite a bit of research and study. We read a vast number of tutorials, and articles texts; we watch classic films and go to countless first showings. We do so much to fill our brains with all of the information we think will prepare us for making films and seeing our craft from a new perspective. However, sometimes all we need is a simple quote.

NOLO: VR Motion Tracking for Mobile and SteamVR Play by Lisa Zhao The world’s first front-facing room scale motion tracking system that is both compatible with mobile and Steam VR game play. Put on your mobile headset and interact with the environment naturally, turning the usual passive VR experience into an active one. You can play a full motion tracked VR games such as Tilt Brush, Job Simulator, Space Pirate Trainer and more right on your mobile VR headset without spending a fortune. The future of mobile VR is in your hands. Simply connect the headset marker directly to the smartphone via a USB cable, place down the base station, and start your gameplay! The portability of NOLO allows you to play anywhere. *8 Steps To Great Digital Storytelling – Transform Learning ~ written by Samantha Morra First appeared on Edudemic. (Updated 3/14/2014) Stories bring us together, encourage us to understand and empathize, and help us to communicate. Long before paper and books were common and affordable, information passed from generation to generation through this oral tradition of storytelling. Consider Digital Storytelling as the 21st Century version of the age-old art of storytelling with a twist: digital tools now make it possible for anyone to create a story and share it with the world.
