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How To Clean & De-Rust Metal

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DIY Cleaner For Stainless Steel Sinks. 4 DIY Stainless Steel Cleaners. When we renovated our kitchen this past summer, I was originally dead-set on purchasing “paneled” appliances (these appliances have panels covering the fronts so they look identical to the cabinets and very custom).

4 DIY Stainless Steel Cleaners

However, after I realized paneled appliances would cost us at least triple the price of stainless steel appliances, I decided stainless steel wouldn’t be the end of the world I was lucky enough to find a panel-ready top-of-the-line dishwasher from a local scratch and dent store — but after months of searching Craigslist, scratch and dent stores, and appliance warehouses/clearance centers, I wasn’t able to find a panel-ready French-door refrigerator. So instead, we purchased an awesome GE stainless steel French-door refrigerator from the same scratch and dent store we purchased all our other appliances from (read more on that here).

DIY Tips: Cleaning & Shining Stainless Steel Appliances. How To Clean Copper ... Naturally. Copper is found in many fine household items, such as jewelry and pots.

How To Clean Copper ... Naturally

Over time, though, the surrounding air causes the metal to tarnish, and who wants to display tarnished copper? Tarnishing is a natural process, so it makes sense to use natural items to eliminate the dark, grimy appearance. Commercial copper cleaners often contain harsh chemicals, but you can naturally clean copper with materials usually already found in your home. Vinegar and salt: Rub a mixture of 1 tablespoon of table salt and 1 cup of white vinegar onto the copper with a soft cloth and rinse. Or, immerse the tarnished copper into a pot of 3 cups of water and the salt-vinegar mixture, bring to a boil and boil until the grime and tarnish comes off. To keep your copper shiny longer, you can spray or polish a lacquer. Science experiment. Cleaning Copper & Brass Jewelry Wire. By Mary W.

Cleaning Copper & Brass Jewelry Wire

Bailey In these economic times, we as artists and jewelers are faced with the shock of the price increases in precious metals. Silver and gold prices have skyrocketed and we are finding ourselves faced with rethinking just what metals we are going to be using to create with. Both copper and brass jewelry wire are available to us in a variety of gauges and shapes. How To Clean Brass Naturally. How Do You Remove Rust From a Cast Iron Pot?

Restoring & Seasoning Rusty Cast Iron. There are a few tools that every cook should have in their kitchen - a great seat of knives, a heavy-duty stand mixer, a food processor, stainless steel nesting mixing bowls, a Dutch oven, and a cast iron skillet.

Restoring & Seasoning Rusty Cast Iron

Cast iron is one of those things that people either LOVE, or it scares the beejesus out of them because they don't understand it. The reasons against cast iron are that: 1. "it rusts" 2. 3. Once you cook with a well-seasoned cast iron skillet, all of the above reasons just fall away. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. You can keep adding oil and baking as many times as you want. Reconditioning & Seasoning Cast Iron Cookware. CAUTION: Wear rubber gloves and eye protection while doing this!!

Reconditioning & Seasoning Cast Iron Cookware

Begin by spraying the pan with oven cleaner and putting it in a plastic bag for a couple of days. The bag keeps the oven cleaner from drying out so it will continue to work. After a couple of days, remove it from the bag and scrub it in a solution of dish soap/water. I use a brass brush purchased at a super market, or my favorite, a brass brush I purchased at Rite Aid Pharmacy in their automotive counter. This brush is marketed for cleaning white wall tires.

DIY Silver Cleaner. How To Clean Silver With Green Ingredients. Typically, many people take out their nice silver for “special occasions.”

How To Clean Silver With Green Ingredients

However, despite the many events that qualify, the silver may still sit unused in the fancy cupboard you bought to house it, tarnished beyond recognition. You want to bring it out, but silver polishes often contain harsh chemicals: bad for the environment and for your family. So how can you get your silver shiny without harming the earth and its inhabitants? How To Remove Rust From Old Tools. You might start by viewing your current non-rusty tools as items to protect.

How To Remove Rust From Old Tools

If you've got everything in a roll-away (or two), put some of that anti-slip expanded mesh down, so if there is condensation, at least your tools won't be sitting in puddles. Yes, by all means, if you have them, put some silica gel packs in with your tools. Now, finally, coat your tools with something that'll protect them from moisture. WD40 is fine for this. Personally, I think LPS is a bit better, particularly for long term storage. As far as cleaning old, rusty tools, check out Kano Labs Kroil [] to get stuck parts loose. KL's other stuff (particularly Partese for rubber parts on cars) is nothing short of amazing. How to Paint - Rusty Iron Garden Furniture. How To Remove Paint From Hardware. 1 of 1 Hot water paint stripping Soak painted hardware in hot water to loosen many layers of paint and make cleaning much easier.

How To Remove Paint From Hardware