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Restaurant-Style Mexican Rice. Kale Frittata - David Lebovitz. Every so often I get requests for “healthy” recipes, or I see things online posted as “healthy” – and I’m not quite sure what the heck people are talking about.

Kale Frittata - David Lebovitz

What is healthy? Jalapeño Cheddar Cornbread Muffins. CHARD + LEEK FRITTATA — Sprouted Kitchen. Entrée, Breakfast, Fall, Gluten Free, Spring, Winter Sara Forte · Chard & Leek Fritata .

CHARD + LEEK FRITTATA — Sprouted Kitchen

Sprouted Kitchen I am supposedly having a baby today, though I'm aware that date is flexible. It has been the strangest week of waiting for this huge thing to happen. There will be a bit of silence around here but we'll pop in with a few pictures of the wee one when he decides he's fully cooked. CHARD + LEEK FRITTATA // Serves 4 I used chard and leeks because it was what I had, but any green or onion could work here. 1 leek, halved and cleaned1 small bunch swiss chard, stem and ribs removed (or 5 cups chopped dark leafy green of choice)2 Tbsp. extra virgin olive oil8 eggs1/4 cup heavy cream or creme fraiche1/2 tsp. cayenne1/2 cup feta cheesesea salt + pepper Preheat the oven to 375'.

In a large bowl, whisk the eggs and cream well with the cayenne and generous pinch of salt and pepper. Warm another 1/2 Tbsp. of the oil and sauté the greens with a small pinch of salt until wilted, about 3 minutes. Coconut ginger fried rice – olga massov. We eat a lot of coconut rice around here.

coconut ginger fried rice – olga massov

Scratch that. We eat a lot of rice, period. It’s kind of a staple in our household – and while it may sound pedestrian, it tastes delightfully indulgent when instead of cooking it in water, you cook is in some coconut milk. I got hooked on coconut rice a few years ago when I made it one night, after finding a can of coconut milk in my pantry. It occurred to me that I could use coconut milk and water instead of just water to cook my rice–and I never looked back. Whipped Sweet Potatoes with Coconut Milk & Vanilla Bean. Basic Indian Recipe: Kerala Spiced Peas. I have a secret love affair with peas.

Basic Indian Recipe: Kerala Spiced Peas

Yes, I love them in their fresh-from-the-pod form, but during the winter months, I use their frozen cousins. I spice them in my favorite manner, similar to a dish I had in Cochin, Kerala, in Southern India, and eat them up with a large spoon, stopping only for a quick bite of naan or dollop of raita. This dish is a perfect accompaniment for something hearty like a braised meat or stewed lentils because of its decided spice and bright lemony flavors. It's dishes like this that I feel best about having up my sleeve, because a plate of these peas can turn even a bowl of pasta into a trip down the backwaters of Kerala.

I love being transported by food. Do you do this? Kerala Spiced Peas serves 6. Lamb Meatballs with Lemon Sauce. Behold, a bright and sunny main dish that’s perfect for any spring celebration!

Lamb Meatballs with Lemon Sauce

These tender and flavorful meatballs, napped in a tangy, lemony sauce, are not only delicious, they’re appropriate for a Passover Seder, Easter dinner, or even just tonight's main course. While Hanukkah and Thanksgiving only coincide once in a blue moon, Passover and Easter often overlap on the spring calendar. Surprisingly, not much has been done to bridge the culinary divide between the strictly chametz-free seder table and the Easter buffet, which usually stars a decidedly unkosher ham. Lamb is a go-to main course for Easter and Passover dinners alike, so why not combine traditions and make a dish that has roots in both early Roman and Sephardic cuisines? Both cuisines have dishes of meat or meatballs served in a lemony sauce thickened with egg yolks. I wanted to bring the best parts of both recipes together, making flavorful meatballs by combining ground lamb and beef. The Superfood Baked Potato Recipes from The Kitchn. Let's get one thing out of the way: I don't really believe in superfoods.

The Superfood Baked Potato Recipes from The Kitchn

Yes, there are handfuls of over-achieving berries, grains, and other foods that seem to be especially packed with nutrients and (possibly) life-improving goodness, but the superfood label seems a bit insulting to all the other wonderful fruits and vegetables that are also so very delicious and nourishing. However, I've been taken with baked potatoes lately, and a thought struck me: how would you make the "healthiest" baked potato of all time? Tongue firmly planted in cheek, I decided to present you with the Superfood Loaded Baked Potato. And you know what? It is actually totally delicious. Breakfast Recipe: Savory Muffins with Prosciutto & Chives. I grew up in a sprawling, voracious family that loved cereal so much we didn't wait until breakfast to indulge.

Breakfast Recipe: Savory Muffins with Prosciutto & Chives

When my mom came home from the store with a load of "healthy" cereals and one special box of Golden Grahams, we all knew to pour a bowl immediately; it wouldn't last until breakfast. My dad munched Cap'n Crunch as a late-night snack, and we anticipated our grandmother's visits partly because that was the only time we'd get Honey Nut Cheerios. Two of my little brothers were bragging just the other evening about that time they took all the marshmallows out of the Lucky Charms, ate them, and put the cereal back in the box (generating an unhappy surprise for a sleepover friend later that week).

Make-Ahead Recipe: Crustless Mini-Quiches. Breakfast may be the most important meal of the day, but who has time to cook a hot one before heading out the door?

Make-Ahead Recipe: Crustless Mini-Quiches

Make a batch of these mini-quiches; they freeze great and reheat in minutes as hot breakfast bites. The lack of crust makes them a snap. A pinch of grated cheese in the bottom of each mini muffin cup forms a shell, and the eggs and filling set inside. Easy Breakfast Recipe: Kale and Goat Cheese Frittata Cups. In our house, frittatas, the Italian egg dish that's often made in a skillet, are usually reserved for a Sunday clean-out-the-fridge night.

Easy Breakfast Recipe: Kale and Goat Cheese Frittata Cups

They're simple to throw together, satisfying, and you can use almost any vegetable or cheese you have on hand. But lately, they've been making their way onto the breakfast table. Actually, to be truthful: I've been doing a portable version for busy weekday mornings. Frittatas are nice because they're simple and these frittata cups are so simple, they can realistically make their way into the weekday line-up. ROASTED FENNEL AND WHITE BEAN DIP. At work, I have a straight-shot view from my sample corner to the front of the store.


The other day, an older man, let's say early 70's, bee lined straight to my back corner with his red grocery basket in hand. He hobbled a little but had a smile on his face. He, of course, took a free sample before giving me his pitch, which from what I could gather was possibly the reason he came into the store in the first place. On the back of a bank deposit slip he had handwritten, all caps, the name of his wife and her self-published cookbook she recently listed on Amazon. Breakfast Recipe: Savory Muffins with Prosciutto & Chives Recipes from The Kitchn. Restaurant-Style Mexican Rice. If you've ever attempted your favorite Mexican restaurant's rice at home and failed, raise your hand.

Well, you can put it down now, because this one is my all-time family favorite and I think it will become yours, too. To be honest, I like it so much better than the rice usually served when I dine out. Restaurant-Style Mexican Rice: Watch the Video Error loading player: No playable sources found Error: Error loading playlist: No playable sources found. How To Bake a Potato: Three Easy Methods. As long as there are a few potatoes in the pantry, I know that I have at least one option for dinner. Whether topped with a simple pat of butter or a scoop of hearty chili, baked potatoes are a favorite no-brainer meal when I just want something easy and warm. Here are three different ways to make them. No matter which method you choose to use, be sure to wash the potato and prick it all over with a fork. Forgetting that crucial pricking step will result in a spud grenade in your oven — pricking the skin lets the steam inside the cooking potato escape without this risk of bursting.

Error loading player: No playable sources found. Winter Recipe: Classic Vegetarian Nut Loaf. Ah, nut loaf. Not the sexiest-sounding main dish, but that hardly matters once you've taken a bite. Rich, chewy, umami-loaded and very satisfying, nut loaf has won the hearts and palates of many people — even non-vegetarians. Sweet Potato Hash with Sausage & Eggs — Breakfast Recipes from The Kitchn. I have told you that brunch is my favorite meal of the day, and winter is perhaps the high point for brunch. But while I am looking forward to these sleepy morning meals, I have to admit that many brunch recipes are too sweet for me. If this sweet monkey bread with a gooey glaze showed up it certainly wouldn't go to waste, but I would need something else too, something to nourish and satisfy.

I need something savory to start the day off right. Roasted Tomato and Goat Cheese Quiche. When I decided to host a casual yet elegant weekend brunch for my book club, I knew immediately that the main dish would be a quiche. For me, quiche is the ultimate special brunch treat, combining flaky, buttery crust with a rich yet light egg custard studded with flavorful mix-ins — in this case, sweet roasted cherry tomatoes, fragrant basil and tangy bits of goat cheese. And while it seems like a lot of work, most of the prep can be done ahead of time, leaving you with plenty of time to get dressed and relax on the morning of the party. If pie dough or custards scare you, fear not. Ginger-Allspice Latkes and Cranberry Applesauce. Though my mother put the lion’s share of food on the dinner table growing up, my father stepped into the kitchen on a few choice occasions.

Sweet Potatoes with Star Anise, Ginger, and Lime. Sweet Potato Souffl&eacute With a Twist. How To Make Baked Sweet Potatoes. Delicious roasted sweet potatoes to be eaten now or stashed in the fridge for endless possibilities later. Whipped Sweet Potatoes with Coconut Milk & Vanilla Bean. Holiday Recipe: Golden Mashed Potatoes. Mashed potatoes are one of my favorite comfort foods, and it's not hard to make them taste amazing. How To Make the Best Mashed Potatoes Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn. Is there nothing more comforting and delicious than mashed potatoes? How To Make the Best Mashed Potatoes Cooking Lessons from The Kitchn. Southern-Style Cornbread Dressing. Thanksgiving Recipe: Sage & Onion Bread Dressing (Stuffing)

Recipe for Any Meal: Mushrooms on Toast. New Potatoes with Herbs and Anchovy Butter. Rosemary Roasted Potatoes. Roasted Rutabaga with Brown Butter. Roasted Rutabaga with Brown Butter. Potato, Squash & Goat Cheese Gratin. Thanksgiving Recipe: Whipped Cauliflower with Crème Fraîche. Braised Fennel & Shallots. Kale and Potato Gratin. Baked Butternut Squash and Kale Bake with Crispy Parmesan Topping. David Tanis's Thanksgivukkah Menu: And His Recipe for Crispy Potato Galettes.

Holiday Recipe: Golden Mashed Potatoes. Holiday Recipe: Golden Mashed Potatoes. Cheesy Mashed Potato Puffs. Smashed Potatoes with Crème Fraîche. Quick Recipe: Potato and Cauliflower Curry. Side Dish Recipe for Pork Chops: Goat Cheese and Chive Grits. Side Dish Recipe for Roast Chicken: Pan-Seared Butternut Squash with Balsamic & Parmigiano Shards. A Few Words on How to Cook Artichokes Recipe.

Golden-Crusted Brussels Sprouts Recipe. Mashed Potatoes & Clouds Recipe. Braised Artichokes with Orange – QUITOKEETO. Lentils folded into Yogurt, Spinach, and Basil Recipe. Make Ahead Vegan Samosa Shepherd's Pie Recipe. How To Make Stuffed Roast Squash. Side Dish Recipe for Roast Chicken: Pan-Seared Butternut Squash with Balsamic & Parmigiano Shards. Scalloped Potatoes with Onions and Cheddar Cheese Recipes from The Kitchn. Cauliflower Steaks with Ginger, Turmeric, and Cumin. Whipped Sweet Potatoes with Coconut Milk & Vanilla Bean. Braised Coconut Spinach & Chickpeas with Lemon.

Financiers forever. Chive Pancakes Recipe. Pumpkin and Feta Muffins Recipe. Baked Artichoke Dip Recipe. Caramelized Tofu Recipe. Quick Side Dish Recipe: Roasted Brussels Sprouts. Quick Side Dish Recipe: Roasted Brussels Sprouts. Quick Side Dish Recipe: Roasted Brussels Sprouts. Quick Side Dish Recipe: Roasted Brussels Sprouts. Quick Side Dish Recipe: Roasted Brussels Sprouts. Curried Cauliflower Couscous with Chickpeas and Chard. Fresh Spinach, Feta and Artichoke Dip. Creamy Spinach Bake — Side Dish Recipes from The Kitchn. Sour Cream Balsamic Sweet Potatoes. Guarnición.Quinoa Tabbouleh. Guarnición. Pesto Espinaca + Arroz. Guarnición. Puré de calabaza. Guarnición. Papa gratinada con queso de cabra. Guarnición. Papa. Guarnición. Calabaza Rellena.

Guarnición. Gratinado de papa y cebolla. Guarnición. Coliflor. Guarnición. Papa. Guarnición. Calabaza. Guarnición. Papa.