Wrap. Lets suppose you want to send a critical message that must be received exactly as it was sent, or maybe you want to send a data file where it's highly unlikely that even a trained operator could tell that there was an error in receiving the data.
Or perhaps you need to broadcast a weather bulletin or situation report to multiple stations and allow each station to verify that the message was received exactly as it was sent. Flwrap is an application that is designed to take care of each of these situations. Flwrap allows you to transmit a text message, image, or binary file to either single or multiple stations and allow each receiving station to verify that the transmission was received without error. In the discussion which follows the application name is Flwrap, the file encapsulation process is called wrap, wrapping and the encapsulated file is said to be wrapped. A text file is encapsulated without changes to the text. Jpg, jpeg, png, gif, bmp, ico, zip, gz, tgz, and bz2. Flmsg-quick-guide. Flmsg - quick guide flmsg is a simple forms management editor for the amateur radio supported standard message formats.
The File and Template menus are: Menu's File: New - clear all fields and name the default file "new.f2s" (new.m2s for radiogram) Open - open an existing file flmsg data files have the extension Save - save the current file to the name in the "file:" display box Save As - save using a new filename that the user provides View- write the data to specified type of file Html delivery - viewed in default browser, contains only those elements sent to final recipient Html file copy - viewed in default browser, contains ALL fields including record keeping Text - viewed in default text editor - suitable for CW / Voice transmission. Flamp Help. Notice: This version of FLAMP is not compatible with version 1.x.x FLAMP is a program for AMP or Amateur Multicast Protocol.
An FLAMP session will transmit one or more files with one or more iterations of the transmission. Each file is broken into blocks, each of which has a check sum. The receiving station saves the blocks that pass check sum. Successive transmissions will fill in the missing blocks provided that the new blocks pass the check sum. Configure Panel When you open FLAMP you will see a screen with four tabs, Receive, Transmit, Events and Configure. Transmit Panel FLAMP divides a message file into blocks, each of which will be checked for errors when received. FLAMP will repeat the transmission from 1 to 10 times with an option of repeating the header data independently. File identification is derived from multiple sources of information. On the "Send to" line you may add any specific recipients for the file.
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About G4GUO and PCALE background Charles is to be commended for his wonderful generosity and technical achievement. Through PCALE, he effectively opened up ALE to the non-professional radio operator at very low cost. The availability of PCALE in various improving versions over many years has made it possible for more radio operators to use ALE than ever would have been possible. We urge you to visit the extensive website of Charles Brain. Background of early PCALE Development... "Warning, I will not accept responsibility for any damage to your equipment through use of this software. If you like the PCALE software and are interested in sending a donation, HFLINK encourages PCALE users to make donations to Charles Brain. Multipsk. W1HKJ Software. EasyPal. Strict Standards: Non-static method JLoader::import() should not be called statically in /var/www/www.vk3evl.com/public_html/libraries/joomla/import.php on line 29 Strict Standards: Non-static method JLoader::register() should not be called statically in /var/www/www.vk3evl.com/public_html/libraries/loader.php on line 71 Strict Standards: Non-static method JLoader::import() should not be called statically in /var/www/www.vk3evl.com/public_html/libraries/joomla/import.php on line 32.
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