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25 Fascinating Charts Of Negotiation Styles Around The World. Language is only the most obvious part of the global communication gap.

25 Fascinating Charts Of Negotiation Styles Around The World

Different cultures also have distinct approaches to communication during meetings, as described by British linguist Richard D. Lewis, whose best-selling book, “When Cultures Collide,” charts these as well as leadership styles and cultural identities. Lewis, who speaks ten languages, acknowledges the danger of cultural comparisons in his book: “Determining national characteristics is treading a minefield of inaccurate assessment and surprising exception. There is, however, such a thing as a national norm.” Entrepreneur - a global vision of business information and professional services platform. 17 Asian Australians That Are Making Waves And Breaking Stereotypes. 11 Untranslatable Words You Didn't Know Existed - Word Porm. Language has always been a curiously complex phenomenon.

11 Untranslatable Words You Didn't Know Existed - Word Porm

While Eskimos have 100 different words for snow we still struggle to find the right vocabulary to express love in our own tongues. The list of words that can’t be deciphered from one vernacular to another are outstandingly beautiful. Here are 11 untranslatable word you didn’t know existed: 1. Cualacino The mark left on a table by a cold glass. Language of Origin: Italian. How to Do Business in China. Yum!

How to Do Business in China

Brands, the fast-food purveyor whose brands include KFC, Pizza Hut and Taco Bell, generates approximately half of its global revenue in China. Lots of other U.S. companies do good business in the world's most populous country, too. Could your small business learn -- and earn -- from their example? Yes, says China expert Stanley Chao, especially if your firm sells primarily to other businesses, is in good financial shape, and offers products superior to those already available in China. It also will help if your company supports an industry that China's government is trying to grow right now, such as aviation, nuclear power, biotechnology, automobiles or medical care. Free Translation and Professional Translation Services from SDL.

Cracking the 'Great Firewall' of China's Web censorship. If an Internet user in China searches for the word "persecution," he or she is likely to come up with a link to a blank screen that says "page cannot be displayed.

Cracking the 'Great Firewall' of China's Web censorship

" China's Top 3 Social Network Sites. The leading social networking site in China,, started out as a blatant Facebook clone - but it now has tens of millions of users.

China's Top 3 Social Network Sites

Despite obvious similarities to Facebook, there is one significant difference from the U.S. in how Renren and other Chinese SNS are used. The bread and butter of these sites is social games using virtual items. Indeed, Farmville originated in China! In this first post of a series, we outline the most popular social network sites in China. In follow-up posts, we'll look at Twitter clones, online video, and censorship. Kaiser Kuo is a Chinese-American who lives in Beijing. There are 3 social networking sites that are clearly in the lead in China, according to Kaiser Kuo. is the leading social network. The challenges of starting a business in China – Part 1 (Location, Location, Location) - Hitcents Blog. When I first set out to explore the idea of opening an office in China I had zero experience with any foreign processes outside of The United States.

The challenges of starting a business in China – Part 1 (Location, Location, Location) - Hitcents Blog

I have opened several companies in the U.S. and the process is always simple, cheap, and straight forward since I am a U.S. citizen. I was single handedly given the task to explore the cost, processes, and challenges of starting a new business in China. This led me into a four-month exploration process of intense knowledge collection that opened my mind to a whole new world of business I hadn't previously known existed. Yuan as global currency? Many firms don't see benefits. The internationalization of the renminbi Simon Constantinides, Regional Head of Global Trade and Receivables Finance, Asia-Pacific at HSBC, discusses the bank's latest report on the yuan's role in settling cross-border business.

Yuan as global currency? Many firms don't see benefits

The use of yuan within the country by foreign firms, however, is gaining popularity. The survey shows half of international companies in Hong Kong and almost a third in China are now using the Chinese currency to conduct cross-border business. This could be the result of financial perks being offered for using the currency: the survey found that 53 percent of Chinese businesses surveyed would offer their counter-parties discounts of up to 5 percent for transactions settled in renminbi.

Differences between Chinese and American culture. Chinese Phrases for Business Emails. The Year of the Horse - A Good Year for Entrepreneurs. The Chinese Astrological year changes on January 31, 2014 and we move into the year of the Horse.

The Year of the Horse - A Good Year for Entrepreneurs

Chinese astrologers indicate the Year of the Wooden Horse is a good year bringing luck and good things. The year of the wooden horse is also thought to bring fast victories and great adventures, with high energy and good productivity. This is not the year for procrastination – instead it is important to make quick decisions. Saving Face - Understanding the Concept of Face in Asia.

From Japanese business etiquette to market transactions in the smallest villages in rural China, the concept of "saving face" guides daily life in Asia.

Saving Face - Understanding the Concept of Face in Asia

Causing someone to "lose face" -- even if done on accident -- is an infraction rarely forgiven. Being aware of how saving face affects daily life in Asia will enhance your trip and give you a tiny insight into Asian culture during your visit. The 12 Commandments of Asian Business Etiquette. I often find client’s eyes glazing over when I talk about business etiquette, and their eyes close completely when I go on to business etiquette in Asia.

The 12 Commandments of Asian Business Etiquette

It sounds so boring, doesn’t it? ‘Etiquette’ suggests the position of knives and forks on the table, protocols for meeting royalty, exchanging toasts at a wedding, that kind of thing.