QR Codes
> Mobile Learning Implementation Resources
Learn with QR Codes. Learning to Go: Lesson Ideas for Teaching with Mobile Devices, Cell Phones, and BYOT. Every day, people around the world communicate, connect, and learn digitally on the go.
Our students spend hours with their devices and digital tools. Imagine if some of that time was spent learning your content.
Qrcodes - Shelly Terrell on Diigo. TitanPad: 10 Activities You Can Do With QR Codes. Using Quick Response Codes in the Classroom. SCANdalous Learning with Quick Response Codes. Periodic Table of QR codes.
Broadcast Yourself. Learning the Skeleton with QR codes. Today in my junior Physical Education class we started our work on learning the human skeleton, which includes being able to identify the major bones.
Now this time last year I introduced the students to ‘Harold’ the model skeleton, so this year I did the same thing, however one thing was very different…. Harold had undertaken a little update and his bones had been affixed with QR codes that when scanned would reveal the name of the underlying bone. Once the activity had been explained the students set about scanning and revealing, scanning and revealing, scanning and revealing until they could identify the 20 key bones in the human skeleton via scientific name. The next step was to play ‘Skeletal Bingo’ which the kids ran for each other. Basically the kids write down in a 4X4 grid 16 different bone names. Anyway I decided to film a quick video that you can view below, that could help explain how the whole process worked.
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A number of years ago I blogged about some of my early uses of QR Codes within the Physical Education classroom, one of which included the blog post entitled ‘Learning the Skeleton with QR Codes“.
Since this post, QR Codes have gone on to become useful additions to a wide variety of situations within our school environment. They really are quite powerful. Now, If your new to QR Codes then I highly recommend that you check out the superb video by Commoncraft, who simply have a knack for explaining technology in the simplest of ways. Back in 2009, the landscape was very different and scanning a QR Code was a cumbersome and time consuming process, resulting in limited net returns.
Flash forward to today’s mobile rich landscape and this activity is made all the more accessible and realistic.
Design QR Code generator - Free. Short URL/QR Generator. QR Code Treasure Hunt Generator from classtools.net. QR Code Bookmarklet. Transform your history classroom.
ActiveHistory provides entertaining, educational award-winning interactive simulations, decision-making games, self-marking quizzes, high-quality worksheets and detailed lesson plans for teachers and students. Useful Links Testimonials from subscribers Drag this button onto the bookmarks bar on your browser: When you click the button it will create a QR code of the page you're visiting.
Create barcodes QR DataMatrix. You can encode either a link to a website, a message to a friend, or your contact details.
Then turn the information into a mobile barcode, one that can be printed on stationery, advertising or packaging, a t-shirt, or even built into a website or a Facebook page - and read by an i-nigma enabled mobile device. Creating a mobile barcode is easy. Select what kind of barcode you want to create (QR Code or Data Matrix), then type in the web address (URL) or text you want to encode, and watch the mobile barcode being created, instantly.
When you're finished, give it a title, and then scan, print or save it. The following requirements must be followed to ensure your mobile barcode will work effectively: Barcode size - Minimum 2cm x 2cm. White space surrounding the barcode - for best results, we suggest at least 4mm. of white space around the barcode. Scanning distance - A 2cm x 2cm barcode can be scanned from 10cm away.
An easy-to-use barcode scanner for iPhone and Android. QR codes on Pinterest. QR Codes in the Classroom. Learning in Hand #25: QR Codes. Transcript This is the Learning in Hand podcast.
I'm Tony Vincent and this is the show where I share tips, how-tos, and ideas for using today's digital tools for teaching and learning. Episode 25: QR Codes, recorded March 2012, happens now! Here's a bar code that get scanned at the grocery store. A bar code like this contains numbers, up to about 20 digits. Supermarkets, businesses, and libraries have used bar codes for years because it saves time and is more efficient than typing in the digits.
26. Audio QR Codes. Making Paper Talk!
Audio QR Codes. Making Paper Talk! Agenda:
QR Code Bookmarklet. Create an Audio QR Code. Follow the Steps Below These are the directions for creating a QR code that will allow the user to play audio upon scanning the code.
This function would serve you well if you wanted to deliver instructions for learning centers (science investigations, for example), presentations, and in so many other ways. Enjoy! Step One - Create the Audio (MP3) I would complete this step with either Record MP3 or Vocaroo.
Online voice recorder. 25 Fun Ways to use QR Codes for Teaching and Learning. I’ve culled a bunch of ideas from different teachers who have shared their approaches to using this simple but powerful construct in the classroom.
Once your students are equipped with a device that can read QR codes and they know how to scan them, you’re ready to use ideas like these in your classroom! If you’re not already familiar with it, scroll down to the bottom of the article to learn how to easily create QR codes, and find QR Code readers.
40 Interesting Ways to Use QR Codes in the Cla(1)
QR Code Activities.