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JS ANIMATIONS (toutes bibliothèques confondues)

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Master 30 front-end skills - FrontEnd30. A Comparison of Animation Technologies. Rollout: Powerful Feature Flag Management The question I am asked most frequently: what animation tool do you recommend?

A Comparison of Animation Technologies

Having worked with a slew of them, I can tell you there is no right answer. It's a complicated question and complicated answer. This post serves to clarify what to use, and when, to get you working with the right tool for the job. How to Animate on the Web With GreenSock. Rollout: Powerful Feature Flag Management There are truly thousands of ways to animate on the web.

How to Animate on the Web With GreenSock

We’ve covered a comparison of different animation technologies here before. Today, we’re going to dive into a step-by-step guide of one of my favorite ways to get it done: using GreenSock. (They don’t pay me or anything, I just really enjoy using them.) Why do I prefer GreenSock to other methods? You can use them on DOM elements as well as within WebGL/Canvas/Three.js contexts.The easing is very sophisticated. People sometimes ask me why I'd use this particular library over all of the other choices. What follows is a breakdown of how to create movement on the web, distilled down to the smallest units I could make them. The UI Animation Newsletter - Curated by Val Head. Use CSS transitions to link Media Queries and JavaScript — Paul Hayes. A common problem in responsive design is the linking of CSS3’s media queries and JavaScript.

Use CSS transitions to link Media Queries and JavaScript — Paul Hayes

For instance on a larger screen we can restyle, but it might be useful to use JavaScript and pull in different content at the same time, eg higher quality images. With CSS transitions, specifically their transitionEnd events, we can marry up our media queries and JavaScript perfectly, without resorting to window resize events.

We need a way of testing media query rules in JavaScript, and a way of generating events when a new rule matches. There’s a specification for exactly this: there’s matchMedia to see if a query matches, and MediaQueryList with MediaQueryListeners to detect and respond to changes. matchMedia has support in Chrome, Firefox 6+ and Safari 5.1+ and there’s even a polyfill (by Scott Jehl, Paul Irish, Nicholas Zakas) for other browsers. RequestAnimationFrame for smart animating - Paul Irish. If you’ve never written code to animate inside the browser, you can stop reading :)

requestAnimationFrame for smart animating - Paul Irish

Animating with javascript: from setInterval to requestAnimationFrame. Animating DOM elements[1] or the content of a canvas is a classical use case for setInterval.

Animating with javascript: from setInterval to requestAnimationFrame

But the interval is not as reliable as it seems, and a more suitable API is now available… Animating with setInterval To animate an element moving 400 pixels on the right with javascript, the basic thing to do is to move it 10 pixels at a time on a regular interval. JSFiddle demo. Zdog · Round, flat, designer-friendly pseudo-3D engine for canvas and SVG. Patatap. JavaScript animation libraries for delightful interfaces. (2) JavaScript Animation Tutorial - Animating a UI with the Popmotion Library. 11 Javascript Animation Libraries For 2018 – Bits and Pieces. Webdesign.tutsplus. Frame by Frame Animation Tutorial with CSS and JavaScript — SitePoint. Getting Started With Animate.css. 10 best web animations by Chris Gannon. Chris Gannon is an award-winning interactive designer, programmer and web animator who has created interactive animated SVG projects for some of the biggest tech players, including the BBC, Google, Microsoft and Amazon.

10 best web animations by Chris Gannon

Gannon will speak at Generate London on 21 September, where he will dissect some of this work, share his processes and explore the tools he uses to build them. As a little teaser, here he talks us through some of his best animations. 01. Desk Fan SVG has its limitations, and sometimes it's just not possible to do what I need. Cinema 4D has a renderer called Sketch and Toon that outputs flat colours, and as you might imagine it's my favourite output style. 02.

I made this in the first few months of learning SVG animation. I wanted to make sure it wasn't just eye candy and that it was also useful, so I created an animation object/wrapper with an API that exposed start, pause, reset and percent/progress methods. 03. 04. It's actually fairly straightforward to do. 05. 06. 07.

Packery. Petit tour d'horizon de l'animation sur le web (et ailleurs) Les animations prennent une grande place dans les interfaces utilisateur.

Petit tour d'horizon de l'animation sur le web (et ailleurs)

Loin de n'apporter qu'un côté esthétique, elles augmentent la performance perçue, améliorent notre expérience en nous aidant à nous repérer et en guidant notre attention. Sur les applications natives, ces animations sont souvent plus naturelles que sur le web, et pour cause, beaucoup de leurs animations sont des springs. Qu'est-ce qu'une animation spring ? 20 bibliothèques et plugins JavaScript gratuits à ne pas rater - Blog Dans cet article, vous ne trouverez pas d’outils massifs et complexes, seulement des bibliothèques et plugins JavaScript gratuits aux fonctions très précises, faciles à utiliser.

20 bibliothèques et plugins JavaScript gratuits à ne pas rater - Blog

Au programme : création de sliders, de menus, d’animations, de graphiques … mais aussi d’effets atypiques comme des favicons qui changent quand l’utilisateur quitte votre site (iMissYou), ou encore l’apparition de notes en marge d’un texte au survol de la souris (Marginotes). 1. Snippets CSS et Javascript : 14 animations étonnantes à découvrir. C’est étonnant les résultats que l’on peut obtenir avec quelques lignes de CSS et de Javascript !

Snippets CSS et Javascript : 14 animations étonnantes à découvrir