How to Optimize Your LinkedIn Profile for Social Selling. Unless someone is looking for a new job, it’s not all that important that their LinkedIn profile be 100% filled out.
If their summary isn’t the most engaging paragraph in the world, it’s no big deal. A picture with their dog? Sure. But LinkedIn is a whole different ball game for people in sales. Sales reps aren’t (necessarily) looking for a new job -- they’re trying to find leads and convert them to customers at their current job. Salespeople, optimize your LinkedIn profile for selling with the following eight tips.
How To Use LinkedIn To Promote Your Professional Services. LinkedIn is one of the best ways to promote your professional products and services because, quite simply, it was created just for that.
Well, it was created as a networking tool, but in the world of business networking, a little self-promotion and sales are never far behind. No matter the industry you're in, if your livelihood and business revolve around selling professional services, LinkedIn is the network of your dreams. And no, it isn't just a resume placeholder, nor is it a place only for recruiters. With a few little tweaks, and a customized LinkedIn strategy, you could be sitting pretty while the leads and sales come a' knocking. SWAM: When LinkedIn Locks Down Social Networking. If you post updates to LinkedIn groups, think twice before you click the "Share" button.
Say the wrong thing and you might get sent to the LinkedIn penalty box for an extended period of time. According to LinkedIn policy, if a group moderator feels for any reason that your post is irrelevant or is spam, he can temporarily blacklist you from posting to that group and to all your other LinkedIn groups as well. LinkedIn may still be the reigning champion of professional social networking, but it won’t be for long if it continues to alienate its most active participants. You don’t have to post to get SWAM-ed. Responding with an unpopular comment to a post can also put you in the doghouse. LinkedIn instituted the policy in 2012, and states it's intended to reduce the amount of spam posts. To keep the site clean, LinkedIn decided to automatically penalize posters from all the groups to which they belong, to compensate for the fact that most moderators are asleep at the wheel. LinkedIn revela en un nuevo estudio la importancia de las relaciones en el trabajo.
Warning: These Out-of-the-Box Linkedin Marketing Tips Are EXTREMELY Actionable and Effective. Because of these Linkedin marketing tips, tomorrow, or possibly within 24 hours, you’ll have people in Linkedin asking about what you do and how you can collaborate with them – that’s how effective these tips are!
This is the one Linkedin marketing resource that you need if you want to get results. Before I start sharing, I’d like to emphasize the core elements of the tips that I’ll be talking about: 1.) Helping others. Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: Build Better Products by Identifying and Validating Your Riskiest Assumptions 2.) These two elements are what makes my tips work. Now that we have that squared away, let’s get started. Thank the publisher for the article they wrote and tell them that you shared it. There are three very important reasons why you should message and tell them that you shared their post. 1.) 2.) 3.) This tip helps you solidify whatever kind of relationship you have with your connections. Take the time to regularly change your profile’s background. How to Maximize Your LinkedIn Publishing Exposure. Have you tried LinkedIn’s publishing feature?
Do you want more people to see your business articles? LinkedIn publishing gives you the opportunity to reach members of the biggest professional audience in the social sphere. In this article I’ll share five tips for optimizing your content for LinkedIn publishing. #1: Know How Channels Work. Linkedin: "How you Rank" ó lo visible que eres para tu red. Linkedin lanzó, el pasado 21 de Mayo, la funcionalidad “how you Rank” para que conozcas el lugar que ocupas, en un ranking de visibilidad, en relación a tu red de contactos directos o de primer nivel.
Ahora que ya ha pasado algún tiempo, y he podido analizar esta funcionalidad con más detalle, escribo este post para contarte como acceder a ella, de forma inmediata pero, sobre todo, la brutal información que podemos extraer, para mejorar la gestión de la propia presencia en esta red profesional. Y es que, si consideramos que el tráfico a un perfil, ese tráfico regular y constante es, sobre todo, una consecuencia de lo útil que eres para tus comunidades profesionales, podemos concluir que este ranking, es un buen indicador de eso, precisamente, de la mayor o menor utilidad que aportas a ese mercado potencial que debe representar tu propia red de contactos. Cómo acceder a “How you Rank” de forma inmediata Observa las dos imágenes que aparecen un poco más abajo.
Should You Use LinkedIn to Build a Network or an Audience? I’m not sure how to use LinkedIn anymore.
I’m on LinkedIn all the time as a social marketer, and over the last year or so I’ve noticed some big changes to two basic aspects of how I think about LinkedIn … and they've left me scratching my head about my own approach. The first is who to connect with. Guía para gestionar la presencia de marcas en Linkedin. Mejores extensiones y plugins para Linkedin de Chrome (actualizado) » Javier Gomez - Guerrilla Social Media Murcia. Welcome to Forbes. The Modest Art of Representing Yourself on LinkedIn. Are you an innovator?
A thought leader? An expert? An adviser? Are you offering something revolutionary? If so, one adjective you should remove from your profile is “unique.” On LinkedIn – arguably the world’s largest professional social network – the following numbers of individuals [directly or via vetted endorsers] refer to themselves as: “revolutionary” – 53,400“evangelists” – 59,700“thought leaders” – 102,000“visionaries” – 173,500“pioneers” – 202,000“advisers” – 429,500“innovative” – 1.7 million“experts” – a whopping 2.3 million But, wait, only about 3,000 use the word “jerk” in their profile and only 1,500 folks use the word “arrogant.” Computational snarky-ness aside, the key question is: When did it become OK and less-than-embarrassing to brag so egregiously about oneself? What has happened to simplicity, modesty and quiet confidence?
Related Resources from B2C» Free Webcast: How To Increase Your Digital Marketing ROI Using Predictive Analytics Humbly Successful Networkers. LinkedIn’s Newsle Acquisition, Or Why Building A True LinkedIn Strategy Is Vital Now. How To Use LinkedIn To Promote Your Professional Services. Cómo usar LinkedIn. Consejos para novatos « El blog de Mae Lozano. Cómo usar LinkedIn.
Consejos para novatos Posted on Actualizado enn. 7 trucos para diferenciar tu perfil Linkedin. Conseguir que tu Perfil Linkedin destaque de entre los miles de Perfiles Linkedin con los que compites no es tarea fácil.
A continuaciòn te presento algunos tips que puedes tener en cuenta a la hora de desarrollar tu Perfil: Experiencia.Enfoca el contenido de cada posición profesional a Logros y Resultados, en vez de a Funciones y Responsabilidades. Tienes que transmitir Valor, es decir, el resultado de tu gestión. Quiero saber todo lo que puedes hacer por mi empresa y, que mejor forma de hacerlo, que contándame lo que otras empresas han ganado gracias a ti.Trata de cuentificar dichos Logros.
Lo que no son cuentas, son cuentos. LinkedIn lanza sistema que ayuda a encontrar contactos profesionales. 10 consejos para utilizar LinkedIn como una herramienta de ventas. LinkedIn es una de las Redes Sociales más grandes y más utilizadas a nivel mundial, pero en términos de negocios es la red social por excelencia. Muchas veces las personas utilizan LinkedIn como una red social de búsqueda de trabajo, olvidándose de que puede ser una gran herramienta de trabajo para captar nuevos clientes e incrementar ventas. Te comparto 10 consejos de utilidad para aprovechar esta red social e incrementar así tus prospectos y posibles clientes: Prepara tu perfil para que sea fácilmente localizable. 1. Redacta un título profesional con palabras clave. Cómo mejorar tu engagement en LinkedIn. How To Use LinkedIn To Promote Your Professional Services - Convert With Content. Blog de @BF4Media: Linkedin y #marketing van de la mano.