How To Encourage People To Use And Promote Your Event Hashtag. Whether you're throwing a large seminar, a Webinar, or perhaps an intimate gathering, you should be thinking about your event hashtag.
Here are some rules for choosing an event hashtag, just to get you going. 1. Make It Constant Whether you're planning on hosting this event every month, every year, or as a one-time-only event, you'll want to brand your event with your hashtag. The easiest way to do this is by creating a hashtag that will stick through the years. 2. You want this to be unique to your event, so think of hashtags that haven't been used yet. How to Become a Twitter Influencer: Science and Practice. A Musician's Guide to Twitter. Even if people aren’t paying for music, they still like to talk about it.
Music is one of the most popular topics of conversation on Twitter, which is why every musician and band should be tapping into it if they haven’t already. In fact, 50 percent of people on the social service follows at least one artist. The most common, and obvious, use for Twitter is for bands to keep their fans updated on what’s going on. Switchfoot, for example, uses it to let fans know if there’ll be an acoustic set after the show offsite. 15 Twitter Hacks That Will Turn You Into a Twitter Ninja.
Admit it.
Sometimes, your Twitter life is messy. You follow hundreds of people — maybe thousands. Staring at your timeline is about as intelligible as reading a stock ticker. ¿ Cómo encontrar influencers en Twitter? - Diego Díez Arnaiz. How to Make Twitter In-Stream Images Stand Out. Are you sharing pictures in your Twitter updates?
Do you want to know how to make your pictures stand out on Twitter? Twitter’s in-stream preview images highlight your shared visual content, so make the most of them. In this article I’ll show you four ways to get your Twitter followers to pay attention to your pictures. #1: Prep Photos for Automatic Resizing Twitter’s in-stream preview lets users share and view photos right in their feeds, without having to click a link. What’s not handy, though, is that Twitter automatically chooses a section of your image to display in the in-stream preview, forcing anyone who wants to see the whole thing to actually click on the tweet. For example, if I want to tweet this image of me working with my team, I could just upload the image to Twitter, send the update and call it a day. 6 Ways to Get Your Tweets Noticed. Do people pay attention to your tweets?
Are you customizing your tweets for maximum attention? About 500 million tweets are sent every day. That’s roughly 5,800 tweets posted each second. Competing with that is a challenge. In this article you’ll discover six ways to improve your tweets and get noticed. #1: Personalize Retweets Many people like to tweet out blog posts they’ve read. Unfortunately, most people rely on the pre-populated text and move on. Tell people if you agree or disagree with an article and why. 7 Silly Hashtag Mistakes No One Should Make. Hashtags were initially introduced to Twitter to make it easier for users to keep track of certain types of content on Twitter and find the people and topics most relevant to their interests.
Today, hashtags have become a cultural phenomenon -- they're on almost every social network and used in everyday conversations. While hashtags are fairly widespread, lots of marketers still aren't using them properly. Simply including a hashtag in a tweet does not ensure that it will be successful -- it's a bit more strategic than that. Cómo conseguir más retuits en Twitter. ¿Quién no quiere conseguir más retuits en Twitter?
Hoy te damos las claves para conseguir un mayor alcance con tus tuits Los usuarios de twitter son reacios a recibir los mensajes que lanzan las marcas, manteniendo la distancia y con tendencia a verlos como spam. Pero otra cosa muy distinta es el hecho de que estos mensajes lleguen a través de un retuit realizado por algún seguidor nuestro al cual tenemos especial respeto, cariño o relevancia social.
Ahí es donde radica la fuerza de los Retuits. Y es que aumentando los retuits no sólo conseguirás más tráfico hacia tu web sino que además, conseguirás un mayor alcance y por lo tanto un aumento de tus seguidores. Por eso hoy, te damos las claves para conseguir más retuits en twitter. Elige el mejor momento para tuitear Conocer en profundidad a tu audiencia te ayudará a decidir cual es el mejor momento y hora del día para lanzar tus tuits. Hazlo varías veces al día Cuida la calidad del contenido Incluye imágenes siempre que puedas.
Sorprendentes datos para conseguir que los tweets se compartan más. Sorprendentes datos y cifras sobre los aspectos a tener en cuenta sobre el uso de Twitter (que probablemente no conozcas) para conseguir que los tweets se compartan más.
The Seven Secret Habits of Twitter Power Users. Twitter is awesome for so many reasons.
It’s the Great Connector. It’s the Great Amplifier. Twitter Rules for Businesses in 2014. If the Justine Sacco case showed us anything, it’s that people are still not fully aware of the potential ramifications of their comments on Twitter.
Those using branded accounts or with a company title in their profile can act as de-facto spokespeople for your business, and writing ‘views are my own’ in their description might not negate collateral damage to your brand. 8 Ways To Stand Out On Twitter - Convert With Content. It's the new year, and this year there is absolutely no doubt that your social networks are going to be more important than ever. I really mean that too. Using social media effectively not only brands you as an expert in your industry, builds your authority, and brings your website increased traffic, but it also helps you get found on search engines. Social sharing is a critical part of how your website gets ranked in Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines. Don't believe me? How I Increased Twitter Followers By 30% in 6 Months - ConvertWithContent.
6 months ago I had 1,238 followers less than I have now.