HOTS PvT Builds. HOTS PvZ Builds. Build: Nexus Fast Forge PhoenixMap: Akilon WastesExact Build Order: 9 pylon15 nexus, 15 forge, 15 pylon @2:3017 cannon, 17 gateway19 2x assimilator25 cybernetics core @4:4530 pylon34 stalker36 warpgate research37 Stargate @6:00Produce sentries from gateways and make pylonsPhoenix when Stargate finishes @7:00 and chronoboost3 more gatewaysResearch +1 attackAttack with 4 phoenixes (because he wasn't scouted) @8:40 and then send to attack (see right for what to do),Produce void raysRobo facility @8:10 and make immortalsPush with immortals, voidrays and gateway units @11:20 [After this it depends on how your opponent decides to counter air units, if they choose hydra then you can follow what Kyo did in the replay] Go into collosi and void rays with 3 stargates producting and upgrade air units.Go into HT to get storms against the hydra.
HotS Protoss Units Damage Per Second. Stargate Units PhoenixDamage: 5Damage vs light: 10Number of Attacks: 2Attack Speed: 1.11DPS: 9Resources per DPS: 50DPS vs light: 18Resources per DPS: 25 Void Ray Damage uncharged: 6Damage uncharged vs armoured: 10Damage charged: 8Damage charged vs armoured: 16Number of Attacks: 1Attack Speed: 0.6.
The New Heart of the Swarm Maps. Knowing about maps can help you with positioning your army and even dictate your army composition, in Heart of the Swarm new maps will be used instead of the Wings of Liberty maps to accomodate the new units and ensure balance to the game.
The following are the new maps Blizzard has made for HotS: Akilon WastesHowling PeaksKorhal CityStar Station Update! - The old Wings of Liberty 1v1 maps are currently being incorporated with the Beta Test Maps! Important Points 2 Spawn Locations (top left and bottom right).Natural has a very wide ramp (difficult to protect with forcefields)Direct path to third is blocked by a rock and contains a collapsable rock (a rock that you damage to drop another rock blocking the entrance) at the far entrance.Contains many line of sight blockers and choke points in the centre of the map.4 Xel Naga Towers in the centre give great vision of the many wide spaces around them. Favoured Race: Protoss Strategies that benefit this map and those that don't Korhal City.
HOTS Strategy - GrimReaper's Nexus Contain. This series of Starcraft 2 HOTS strategy hubs will also explain how best to act in these situations as the one experiencing these builds, and then the further reaction of the one performing them.
The following are correct ways of countering but still require more micro and skill than your opponent. Blink Stalkers - Since your opponent is at your ramp, you should simply get an army of blink stalkers, keep a sentry on your own ramp to prevent any push up the ramp, and destroy your opponent's main base. His mothership core is at his expo at your natural, so purify won't be possible, and if he decides to recall his army back to his main, then you simply run with your stalkers and take out his natural, since you then have the faster army. After destroying your opponent's base return to your own main base, and attack from both entrances to the nexus in your natural. What you should do as the container to counter blink stalkers.
HOTS Tactics - Useful Timings for Terran Builds and Units. Established Terran Builds & Timings Below is a list of builds and important timings to do with those builds that you should know for execution and reacting.
[HOTS builds will be added as soon as the builds have been tried and tested. Right now although there are many builds in the Beta being commonly used that could be mentioned, they may not be viable by the time of HOTS' release in March, these builds will be omitted until the SC2 community have accepted them as permanently viable in the publicly released HOTS] For More Cheeses: 'Masters Guide to Cheese' Summary Per Race Expected AttacksBelow is a summary of which attacks to expect and when for the races that the attacks could possibly work. Protoss Zerg Terran Alternative Summary Below is the general times that you should expect different pushes e.g. bio push, hellions etc. HOTS Tactics - Useful Timings for Zerg Builds and Units.