The Wisdom of Not Understanding
Ben Radford Volume 22.3, Fall 2012 About two years ago during a conversation, a friend of mine mentioned a movie she thought I’d really like. In fact it was a documentary, and as a fan of docs, I was eager to hear more about it. “You’d find it interesting,” she said.
Understanding The AdWords Disco Dance
This is a guest post by Chris Thunder, the founder of Advertising is very much like a dance. Two people (a business and a prospect) moving rhythmically towards a conversion. Ask any woman experienced in paired dancing and she’ll tell you there’s nothing worse than a bad partner. To listen is the way to lead. How good of a dance partner are you with your customers?
AdFreak Inland homes today will be oceanfront tomorrow. BBH New York dramatizes a playful rivalry. Zulu Alpha Kilo's creative boot camp. Order now!
Internet Marketing Blog
14 fantastic things we found on the internet this week This round-up covers a whole two weeks’ worth of brilliant entertainments, distractions and hijinks that we found on the internet. Yes the round-up took the extended Easter weekend off. It gorged itself on roasted meats, truffle chocolates and port before swearing at its family and waddling off back home to watch the entire first series of Hannibal in bed.
How to Manufacture Desire: An Intro to the Desire Engine
Type the name of almost any successful consumer web company into your search bar and add the word “addict” after it. Go ahead, I’ll wait. Try “Facebook addict” or “Twitter addict” or even “Pinterest addict” and you’ll soon get a slew of results from hooked users and observers deriding the narcotic-like properties of these web sites. How is it that these companies, producing little more than bits of code displayed on a screen, can seemingly control users’ minds? Why are these sites so addictive and what does their power mean for the future of the web? We’re on the precipice of anew era of the web.
MarketingProfs Daily Fix
Featured Post by Jeannette de Beauvoir New positions are taking starring roles in the marketing world.
Purple Goldfish Project
#21. From John Phelps Jr. “We have a little example of lagniappe here at GG, LLC. To generally promote our online shopping business, both the non-profit fundraising application and the employee benefit program, we sponsor a discount prescription drug card.
An Introduction to Pay-Per-Click Search Marketing Part 1
Everyone is doing paid search. How do I know? In their quarterly earnings report this week, Google showed a 17% increase to income and beat revenue forecasts by 3% ($6.5B vs. $6.3B net rev). Paid search clicks alone grew by 18% (analysts estimated 16%) in Q1 compared with the same period a year ago! Paid search, 65% dominated by Google, continues to gain adopters and share of marketing dollars. Revenue comes from advertisers, Google is paid for each ad click, and growth to both numbers simply means more and more folks are running paid search campaigns.
Think Insights with Google: a new site for data lovers
It’s one of our guiding principles that data beats opinion. With that in mind, our marketing team has put a lot of effort into posing interesting questions—How do new mothers use the Internet? When do people really start their holiday shopping?
Building A Purposeful Brand
As part of our ongoing work on #ProjectReconnect with the WFA, we recently explored the premise that all brands today must be ‘purposeful’. They’ve been kind enough to let us share our findings here too. Purposeful Brands In today’s competitive world, a great product is no longer enough for a brand to succeed. A great product is still critical of course; no-one would willingly buy a bad product twice.